Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 920 is clever, I am also three

"After the World War, the magic village became a very mysterious remains, and no one came into the remains of the remains." Xia Mang's words were circulated on the campus.

On the stage, I immediately had a top power solemnly and said: "The Ruo Valley remains, in the many remains of the ancient circles, it is enough to take the top ten, I heard that I want to enter the demon rig, I have to gather the magic cloud valley. What is the struggle of the four elders? "

"Yes." Sham Mang is magnificent, "The last job I am prepared is the giving of the four elders of the magic cloud valley. With the four consecutive characters, you can enter the ruins of the magic cloud valley to get the remains. Many treasures under! "

"It really is!"

Xia Mang came out, and there were many top pilots on the stage above the stage, and they did not help but exclaimed.

The third copy of the summer is prepared, the value is too big!

That is a full remains, but it is still the remains of the Magic Valley of the Old Dynasty.

Magic Valley, although it is not more than Xiajia, but it is not too much, so is the remains of a great force, why is it precious?

That is a huge treasure.

Xia Ezang actually put this huge treasure, as a gift to the cold emperor?

"Good Hand!" Dan Zun secretly praised, "I also heard of the la ru in the magic cloud valley. At the beginning, there were only a few people in the world, and there were only a few people in the magic cloud. God soldiers, treasures are also left in the remains, and the value is unusual. "

"Haha, big hand, really big hand, it is Xiajia." The dead wood old man smiled and secretly shook his head.

The fifteen genius Junjie, who took out, was the nine-color nine-color fruit of his disciples. If Xia Mang only took out two mortals before, his disciples still hoped to be a ratio with Xia ma. However, now this is the third copy of the gift, it is a big treasure, don't say a nine-color nine cloud fruit, even ten nine-color nine clouds are tied together, may not be better than .

The old man has a self-known understanding, and the competition in this ceremony is definitely more than Mang.

On the stage, a laighted.

"Xia Wei, you have a royal family, this time, this time is really a bloody, the lavivation of the Valley Valley, if you are getting it, the overall strength has to improve a 20%, but they are willing to take it out?" The owner of Dong Yanshi took a few unsatisfactory and his head.

"But a magic cloud rig, I still don't put it in my heart, as long as I can marriage with the royal family, paying the price, it is worth it." Xia Yu is in a very uncomfortable look, but the heart is actually dark Distressed.

It is insistently that Xiakou took the four consequences of the lavese of the magic village, but spent a long time to find, to collect, spending nearly a million-year-old energy, so hard to make four strokes, Now, when I am being hired, I can't help Xiaku.

However, this magic whent Valley remains, it is not worth mentioning compared to the benefits of royal marriage.

"Cold Emperor, I don't know if you are carefully prepared by my Xiajiao, I have been satisfied?" Xia Wei looked over.

"Yes, it seems that Xia is a little sincere." The cold emperor's indifferent face, very rare, showed a touch of smile.

Xia Kei prepared to hire, it is indeed very good, especially the third, the magic of the Valley Valley, such as Dabu Treasures, even for the Eastern Tang Royal Tang Royal Remote, there is also a great role.

"Haha, look like, the competition on this ceremony, the result is obvious." Xia Wei smiled.

"Xia Yu is old, now the result, there is no too early?" I have come. "

Xia Yu immediately looked at the past. When he saw the words, he was bloody day, and the sorrow of Xia Yizhen was a war, and the cold road: "How, what is the blood of these people, who prepares The mortal ceremony, can be better than I am, or say, your brother can get more precious, more rare treasures than my summer? "

"Blood Blade Respect, you determine that you are not whimsy?"

Xia Yu is a ridicule, and the tops around those tops have listened, and they also have a secret, but they can not say more.

"Hey, wait for it, it is more precious. Who is more precious, don't use me more, I will have a self-public themeasure." Blood Lingtian said.

Xia Yu's brow, and then also looked directly in the down.

At the center of the campus, the Sham Mang took the three hiring of his prepared. After the introduction, he also retired next to it, but his eyes took a few playful swords.

What he didn't think of even, even if he took out the surrounding of the campus, including the threaded power of the top, the sword was unparalleled, but it did not change the change until the end.

When Xia Mang retired next to the side, the sword was slowly stepped forward.

The people on the campus couldn't help but voted from the sword, and many people exposed a very interesting expression.

Task, before the beginning of the conference, the sword is unparalleled with the scene of the shrimmer, they can be seen in the eyes.

Now Xia Mang shows his three mortal rituals, and it is amazing, and the sword is unparalleled with the top of the summer, and what kind of hiring is prepared?

"Although it is impossible to get to Xia Mang, but at least it is not inferior to other people's right, otherwise you can lose your hair." Someone smiled in the edge of the campus.

After a few steps in the center of the campus, the sword has stopped, and then the cold emperor above the top and the top of the top, the top of the table is slightly smashed, "the cold emperor, the late people, my people, I am this time Come to participate in the courtesy of the appearance of the conference, and it is also three. "

As soon as this, the people around the campus are all shock.

Coincident, is it three?

The sword is unparalleled, and I have prepared three jobs?

I have to know that just that Xiamang is preparing for three jobs.

If the sword is unparalleled with Xia Mang, there is no entanglement, the two are prepared for three jobs, which is indeed coincident.

But because the two have the relative relationship of the needle, then the sword is unparalleled to say this, it is obvious, this is to be with Xia Mang!

"Hey, is it three jobs?"

Xia Mang's eyes were cold, but the thunder is smirk, "Very good, I have to see, you have a township from ordinary Zongmen from the domain, what kind of hiring can come with me to Yan Dan, blood emperor , Magic Yun Valley Remains Comparative! "


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