Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 922, Zhen Zhibu, God!

Among the expectations of everyone, the sword is unparalleled, there is a third time.

Hey ~~~ The central void of the center of the campus has appeared in the air.

This palace is quite huge, and the vastness of the air is passed, and the sight of everyone attracts it.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, "this is the third copy of my prepared, its name, called Shen Bingge!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the people will look at the eyes of the palace, but they have a doubt.

"Shen Bing Court?"

"Just a palace, what is the use?"

"Everyone pays not, this palace, is he taken from Qiankun?"

The sound of the campus sounded a dramatic voice, but these drafts have been questioned.

On the top of the top, those topped strong people glanced at the palace, and the brows were slightly frowned.

"This palace can come out from the Qiankun ring, it should be the treasure of the palace that can be carried with you, although it is quite rare, but nothing is extremely precious to treasure." A strong man said directly.

"The third copy of this sword has been taken out is such a palace that can be carried with you?"

"This palace, reluctant to match the emperor of the peak level, may value more worth, but it is not enough to be a third-time, but it is not enough."

"Haha, when this kid can come up with what kind of hiring, the feelings come up with this?" That Xia Yu is even smiling on the spot.

On the campus, Xia Mang saw the appearance of the Shen Bing Court, first was awkward, but it was laughing, "The sword is unparalleled, this is the third time you take it out? Is this a palace?"

"Haha ~~ The value of this palace is better than the Bodhi Dand, you take it as the last ejection? Are you doing a cold emperor?"

Xia Mang is full of ridiculous words to the sword unparalleled ear, the sword is unparalleled, but his mouth is abruptly evacuating a special radiator.

"Master is escaped to my carefully prepared!"

"Today, I will let you open the eye!" The sword was unblocked in the bib of the scene.

On the top of the top, the sword is unparalleled brothers and brothers, the eyes have become a bit hot, "To start ..."

The sword is unbolded, staring at the huge palace in front of him, and immediately move.


With the sword, there is no double, drink, !

The temple of the Shen Bing (the center of the goddess suddenly opened, after opening, the things in the gods immediately appeared in the sight of everyone.

On the campus, it was originally ridiculed in the summer, and the face was surprised.

On the top of the table, the summer is suddenly awkward.

Not only them, there are people on the campus, everyone on the stage, when they see the scenes of the Shen Bing, after they open the scene in the Hall of the Bing, one by one.

I saw the gods, there is another exhibition treasure rack, dense numbness, and the unsatisfactory god soldier, neat and sequentially stack there.

These gods have a lot of species.

Swordsman, knife god soldiers, ax, guns, etc., because of them.

And the most important thing is that these gods have no powerful breath,

Some are the sky, some are overcast, and some are sacred ...

Any one, it has also reached the level of the emperor!

This goddess is actually a giant treasure house that is completely accumulated by countless emperors!

It is completely composed of emperors, and the quantity is not!

Everyone looks straight.

At this time, the sword standing in front of the Shenbi Pavilion is unparalleled, and she will slow down the mouth and slowly open.

His voice is cold, but it is like drumming, one word in one word is in the heart.

"The Shen Bing" is endless ... Emperor! "

"Among them, the sword is the mandrel, two thousand six hundred thirty-one handles!"

"Knife emperor, one thousand five hundred ninety-four sorts!"

"Gun Emperor, 1,422 Handle!"

"Ax Emperor, a thousand and eighty hands!"

"Stick Emperor ..."


"All kinds of emperors, all added, a total of 13,799th hand!"

"Plus this, the Shen Bingge of the Peak of the Peak of the Peak, just 1048 hundred hundred and the emperor!"

"This is, my sword is unparalleled to marry the princess, and the third time of carefully prepared !!!!"

When it comes to the end, the sword is unparalleled, it is almost roaring.

His hands are also holding tight, and it has been influenced by unprecedented.

Thirty thousand eighty hundred holes, and, it is also an emperor!

So the quantity of the emperors of the ancient times, he believes that his mortal ceremony is enough to rush everything at this conference!

"Xia is?"

"Is the magic cloud?"

"I want to see, that the so-called magic cloud of the Valley can, can I get to my 1388 hundred and eighth of emperors!"

The sword is unparalleled in the heart.


The entire campus is completely quiet.

If the only sound still exists, it is the sound of many strong people plopping the heart to accelerate the beating.

There are countless strong people inside and outside the campus, and a very popular hook looks at the many of the people in the Bing Bing, a light from the beginning, and then the horror, and eventually, it will become a hot and crazy.

There are more than a large one in the table, and there are more than a half, you are not from your own stand.

Even the Xia Yi's Xia Wei, also stands.

Everyone is still echoing in the ears, the sword is unparalleled, just say ...

10,000 hundred eight hundred hands!

This is not a thousand and eight hundred bolets, but the eternal people, but the feet of 133,800 Handle!

Even if it is pair of roads, it will be quite important, and it is extremely precious!

Moreover, they see very clearly that the emperor of the gods is not all the kind of emperor who is the ordinary level, and many of which have reached the high level, even the peak level.

10,000 hundred eight hundred hands!

It is enough to convuls all people, so people feel the head of the head, everyone feels incredible horror!

This is also an unprecedented, unbelieving!

Everyone was scared by the number of emperors owned by this goddess.

It's stupid.

However, this is normal. After all, when I took this time from the bloody days, even when I followed the eight-star king ancient gods, I saw a wide range of bones, and I also scared a big jump. Let alone these people present.

"Hey, stupid, one is stupid?"

The king of the king was in the sword where there was a low-risk, and saw a figure around him like a sculpture.

He is very clear, the sword is unparalleled, it is enough to Zhenze!


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