Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 923, the rolling on the camp!

On the campus, it is still a dead.

That huge gods, quietly suspended there, the mighty god warfare passed.

All people are still recalling 103,800 horror numbers.

However, most of the top strong people on the stage have also experienced the big wind waves, although there are short dumbfounders, they can come back to God.

When I came, I immediately broke the pot immediately.

"How can it be?"

"Scorpio! Ten thousand eighty hundred hundred boiled emperor?"

"If you see it, I am absolutely unable to believe that someone can collect such a horror number of emperors as a gift, which is simple."

"Oh, 103,800 Handle of the emperor, I really doubt that he will find all the emperors of the ancient times, it is too scary."

A horror from the inner heart was attached to the sound of the cold air.

Although the people on the stage, all of them are a strong strong, and the knowledge is extraordinary. Even if they, they have never seen it, and they will gather together, such as the world. Scene.

Even if it is the cold emperor, it is difficult to inhibit the inner shock at this moment.

"How is it possible? So many emperors, even if I set up the Eastern Tang Dynasty, I didn't hesitate to do all the price, I am afraid that it is difficult to make this goddess, how is he taken?" Moster, but the bottom is now an impossible.

"Is it a star marine?"

"Star fog sea mysterious, long years have never been alive from inside, there is no one knows what it is in the end, and this sword is unparalleled, it will come out from the starry fog sea, he is likely to be In the stars in the sea, I have to get such a horrible quantity of emperor, and there is that Bodhi Dand, 80% is also from the stars. "

"Yes, it is definitely a star marine."

The cold emperor has instantly recognized this guess.

She didn't know that the sword was unparalleled in the stars, and the bodhi in the bodhi, like the Bodhi of the Bodhi, is indeed coming from the Stars.

But this goddess, but there is no relationship with the stars.

This goddess is a mysterious master, handed over to him.

This 138 hundred boiled veteran soldiers are also from the hands of Journal.

This is his shocking big hand in his master!


The bloody sky sitting in front of a case is slightly smiled, "all, you said, what is the third copy of my brother prepared, how?"

"It's incredible."

The Hand of Dongyan clan opened the first opening, "133,800 Handle of Emperor, selling my whole Dongyan family, it is estimated that it is not more than this goddess, blood blade Lord, I don't know how your brother gets these emperors? "

Everyone's eyes have seen the blood in the past.

They are also curious, how can the sword have such terrorists?

Have you got the charm of the sky?

"How do I get these emperors of my brother, I don't have a good idea, I just want to ask you, the three hiring cereals I took out, I have compared with the three hiring gifts taken out with Xia Mang, how? "Bloody is asked with a smile.

At the table, these tops of the tops are all, they face each other, although they are not good to say because of the relationship between Xiajiao, they are not good, but they are all kind.

The sword is unparalleled with Xia Mang, and each person has prepared three temper, including the three hiring salts prepared by Xia Mang, especially the third, the magic cloud, and once cover everyone, but summer The three mortgages of Mang, with a unparalleled with the sword, but it is far away.

It is indeed a difference.

The first time, Xia Mang took out the temper, and the sword was unparalleled, but it was Da Ziwei Dan.

If the argument is precious and rare, the part of the Danan and Da Ziwei Dan should be half a catty. It can be in the role, and the inquiry of Yan Dan can only guarantee that the face is not very old. This is a little attractive for female practitioners, but truly substance. There is nothing in sexual effect.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it can suppress the poisonous mix of cold, and the sword is unparalleled in order to get this big Ziwei Dan, and he also accepted the hell-level task of Blood Eagle Wei. In the Jedi, he will finally get the yin and Yang dragon fruit.

Single this emotion, it is not that Xia Mang can be better.

The second copy, it is obvious.

Xia Mang took out the two blood emperors, although there was a powerful level, but after all, it was a war. Bodhi Dand, who could have a sword, but it could create a living person, but still five It is precisely precious than the blood emperor.

As for the last third, you will not say more.

Xia Mang took out four gratuits that can enter the ruins of the Valley Valley, and they want to get treasures in the Magic Yun Valley, and the Eastern Tang Royal Tang Royal House has to send someone to sway, spend the effort to get the effort. In this process, it must have a small cost, and the time spent is longer.

In the end, it is estimated that it is just about five or six or six or more treasures of this remaining treasure.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no need to pay, and you can get your hand.

In addition, there is also the most important point!

The ruins of the magic cloud valley, although there are many treasures, but these treasures have been added, and the value is not enough for the first star of the Shen Bingge!

Ten thousands of eight hundred boiled emperors, this quantity is too scary.

In the whole, it is estimated that there is no thing, and it is much better than the value of this god, the ruling rig, is naturally more than.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled, and the three hiring rituals of Xia Mang.

Any one of the three hiring, Xia Mang is more than the sword, and even the sword is unparalleled!

On the stage, Xia Yi's Xia Wei, the face has become a pig liver color.

He Xia is, spent millions of years of time energy searching in the magic cloud rust, originally planned to be shocking at this pleasant meeting, but he didn't think of it, swords were unparalleled, and they took out. More precious, can even completely crush the mission of the Valley Rules.

This is completely out of him, unexpectedly.

A small guy from remote domain, a general zone, and the hiring, which turned out to rush their summer?

It is time to pass, and they are the first Dynasty, the first Dynasty, and will also become a big joke.

"Hey, what is the expectation of this is better than my summer? This abscepted conference, it is not only to hire, and there is a talent strength!"

"Who can laugh at the end, not necessarily!"

Xia Yu snorted.

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