Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 924's strength competition

When I heard the words of Xia Yu, the top strong people on the stage nodded.

Indeed, this appearance meeting, the hiring is just one of the aspects of the decision, and the strength competition in the other hand is crucial.

Moreover, the hiring is only an external factor, and it is impossible to explain the energy of a person. After all, if a person is lucky, even if there is nothing to resist, it can get the treasure of the treasure to others, and the best.

Like the sword, there is no double, the treasure hall, the treasure hall, in many people, it is very likely that he has gone to the big luck, fortunately.

On the campus, the summer is already shocking. It is incredible to come back to God. His face is a little distorted, and the sword is unparalleled, and the cold is emerging.

"The sword is unparalleled, although I don't know how you get the gods, but the more powerful talents, this competition, completely rely on personal strength, but there is no luck ingredient, I have to see, you still What can I get to me! "

For your own strength, Chama has absolute confidence.

Task, he is recognized as the first day of the ancient border.

He is also a well-deserved Wancha first, Yongjing!

For so many years, there have been a lot of powerful eternal, and the result is in his hands.

His strength, is unquestionable, the competition with the excitement, it is completely different.

On the stage, the end is sitting in the most central cool emperor. "Next, it is a competitive talent, so as for the rules of fight ..."

The cold emperor has not finished, on the campus below, Dong Yan clan in the easternity of the Eastern classes, and stands directly, and respects: "The cold emperor, this strength, this strength, there is no need to trouble."

"Oh?" The cold emperor glanced over the eyes.

Dong Yan Chong Sheng said: "As we all know, Xia Mang brother is the first Yongsheng, which is recognized by the ancient circles. It is also the first day, the strength, he should be the strongest among us, and this advice is only for choice Out of the strongest person, in this case, there is no need to waste time to be more than. "

"We are, who is questioned by the strength of Xia Mang brother, and directly challenge him. If it wins, naturally can win, and like me, I know that I am not the opponent of Xia Mangshu, so this round of competition, I Just abstain directly. "

Many people around the surroundings of Dong Yan went.

Indeed, if there is a case of the first round of hiring, there may be some changes, that is the second round of strength, that is, there is really no suspense.

Xia Mang, the first Yongjing in the ancient world, this has been recognized, and the genius who participated in the General Assembly, perhaps the strength, but compared with Xia Mang, I am afraid it is not a hierarchy.

"Sham Man, what do you think?" The cold emperor overlooks.

"I have no opinion." Xia Mang smiled.

"What about you?" The cold emperor was unparalleled in the sword.

"That's the case, if you have a question about the strength of Xia Mang, although it is, it is not a hand, it will be abstained." The cold emperor said.

The voice of the cold emperor falls, the center of the campus, except for the sword, the other 15 genius Junjie have seen the past.

These fifteen geniuses have more than half, like that Dong Yan Chong, did not want to go to the idea of ​​fighting with Xia Mang, while others are hesitant.

Finally, a long-haired man with a carrying knife stepped out step.

This long-haired man is the prisoners of the Lord of the Haihai Palace, Li Zhen!

Li Tianqiu is indifferent, appearing in front of Xia Mang, a suffocating, especially amazing.

"I heard the Xia Gongzi, which is the first person in the ancient times Yonghengjing, but unfortunately, it has not been seen, since it is seen, it will be taught, in addition, I have been in the sixth step, I have been in the sixth step of Yongsheng, I have been in the sixth step. I have also encountered a lot of people in the forever. I have never lost it. I hope that I can be defeated today. "Li Tianrege also took a cold.

"If you are willing." Xia Mang smiled faintly, and the words and deeds were absolutely confident, "despite the shot."


Li Tianrege is also very decisive, and after a cold, it will take it directly.

I saw him shaking, like a ghost, the voids in front of the summer were suddenly broken, a strong hard wind swept.

The Li Tianxi Heilly has emerged, and when he is, the knife behind him has already appeared in his hands, and a strong violent angry.


The dark knife shadow, like a split, strangely.

Xia Mang has been quietly standing there. Seeing Li Tianril sword, the ghost-like knife shadow faced him, his mouth flourished a touch of smile, then the palm of the palm was directly taken forward.

This shot, the cloud is light, and there is no movement.

But after this palm of the warrior, it immediately broke out the horrible power, as if it was crushed throughout the world, and the body shape of Li Tianrege shocked out.


Li Tianreen is afraid.

He didn't think of his knife, it would be so easy to take so easily, even he shocked him.

"It is the first Yongsheng in the ancient world, it's very strong, it is like this ..."

Li Tianrege will no longer hide, only to see a vast black airflow in his body, the black airflow expansion around him, only a moment, and finally taking a large black ocean.

This ocean is extremely huge, covering most of the campus, and in the black ocean, it has also been visible to the springs.

On the top of the top, those topped strong people who watch the battle saw this scene, but they were , and they all looked at a cold old elder who wore a black robes, staying with scumping, this is cold old, is Li Tian The teacher of the hatred, the sea palace master.

"Jinghai palace master, your disciples are good, young and light, can you practice your unique mood to this point?"

"Look at this little guy to show the secrets, the first one of the chemical sea secrets, he has fully mastered, it seems that you have opened your own way, it is also a road, not far away."

"In the sea, congratulations, you have received a good disciple."

One of the sounds came, and the Suihai palace owner was a cold, said: "My disciple is good, but I have to get up with the summer, still to be very far, I see the summer Mang has just been in the palm of the palm, which already contains some of his own way. "

"And I can see that it should be a way to achieve the level of the compilation, but it is not perfect enough."

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