Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 925 is non-living

"How to the Chemistry?"

Those strong people around, but they are not surprised, obviously they also see.

A eternal, wants to break through the road, and you have to open up your own way.

And open up, there is also a level of level.

In the Oujie, this kind of way you have opened, a total of three levels, ordinary levels, heaven and earth level, and the level of compaction!

The higher the road, the higher the level, after breaking the road, the strength is naturally stronger.

Like that Bodhi Dand, you can make Yongfeng open up a self-ended, which opens up, is the lowest normal level.

The way the campaign level, that is more than ten times more than normal levels.

This summer, opened, is the level of the level of the compaction, but it has not really improved it.

"It is the first day of the ancient circles, and the eternal bodies will dare to open the level of conflict levels, and it is really powerful."

"If he is only a normal level, or the heavens and earth levels, it is estimated that he will become a road."

"When you are enchanting."

Many top scorpions have attached their mouths.

I heard these boastful sounds, Xia Yi's Xia Yu is quite proud.

On the campus, the whole people have already turned into a huge sea. In this quiet sea, he has appeared, and the summer is a killing, or the cold kinetry method, or It is a huge huge mountain to hit the huge mountains.

However, regardless of how Li Tianre will show a means, the black sea is in the middle of the Ham Man, which is easy and casual. He shot once again, but it is just a casual shot, but it is easy to understand the offensive of Li Tianrege.

"I am here."

The corner of the Xia Mang's mouth suddenly followed his big hand, but it was awkward.

This, but is the huge black sea in front of him, a horrible power broke out, and the voids in front of him will save burst, and this horrible power is along the burst. Opening the void, continue to pass, transferred to the black sea.

A huge impact, this black sea immediately rolled up, set off a tartle, but with the same time, the entire Black Sea was still shrinking at an amazing speed. After a moment, this black sea gathered together, re-condensed Vulgarity is coming.

At this moment, the light is a little pale, and the corner is still a blood, and the breath is also a little weak.

"It is said that it is called Zhamang, the first Yongjing in the ancient world, I thought I thought I'm the ability, even if the enemy couldn't over, at most, I can fight with you, I didn't expect, I actually forced you. All the strengths of the show cannot be done, this battle, my unsuccessful combination. "Li Tianqiu Shen Sheng.

"Under the contract." Xia Mang is moving.

Everyone around the campus, looked at this battle, especially if they heard the drainage in Li Tianzhi, these people were secretly amazed.

"Cultural revenge, it is very powerful, but it is still defeated, and the summer is clearly used!"

"I don't lose, after all, his opponent is Xia Mang."

"That summer, he is strong, in the eternal bodies, no one will be his opponent."

A discussion also rings in this sideline.

Li Tian teen is retired.

And some of the geniuses who have some hesitation before, seeing Li Tianhe full out, and even can't force Xia Mang to make the whole force, these geniuses, you will see me, I see you, I am bitter, I have a bitter smile. There is also no idea to go to the Mangang fierce battle.

Even before, it will be easily defeated by Xia Mang, why should it be lost?

This scene, was seen in the eyes of Xia Mang, and the smile in his mouth was not more than a greater, and then he took a few cooler scorpions slightly, and the sword didn't have a double, and finally It is more completely solidified in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled."

Xia Mang's voice is not more than zoom, and there is a sound inside and outside the campus.

"More than two hundred years ago, you killed my brother Xia Wei outside Zihinia, today, at this conference, you can have the guts to come to my brother, the front war?"

"Life and death no matter!"

When it comes to final, saying that life is neither four words, the sound of Xia Mang has become more cold.

On top of the campus, instantly appeared.

"Challenge, not swords unparalleled Challenge, this summer is active challenging swords unparalleled?"

"Haha, interesting, getting more and more interesting!"

"This sword is unparalleled, dare to fight?"

"Being fighting? He is stupid to fight, this is the strength of the strength, not just the contest of the first round, and that summer is said that life and death, it means that in the depetites of the treatment, Xia Mang will be unparalleled. Dead, it is also white! "

"This summer is enough!"

A road with a bit of horrified sound, rang from the corner of the campus.

Ten thousand viewers on the campus, they all look forward to it.

They wanted to know that from this unconventional conference, they were relatively opposite to the summer temper, and in the first round of hiring, the sword was completely crushed, and dared to accept the challenge of this summer. And still life and death!

There are many top pilots on the stage above the stage, and there is also a look around and interest.

"Xia Yizhang is old, here is a conference of the Emperor who is in person with the cold emperor, killing people at this conference, afraid it is bad?" Sitting in the first day of the head of Xia Yu said.

"Hey, the sword has no double killed my Xia ki's two masters. Can this matter so simple? I said, today, no one can protect him, as for the conference ... I don't have the summer. If the face of the adults of the emperor, the sword is unparalleled if there is no courage, and it is directly refused to refuse. I will wait until the summer will wait for this conference, and then find the opportunity to kill him. "Xia Yizhen said.

Opposite Xia Yu, sitting quietly at the bloody day, heard the words of Xia Yu, but the mouth is a warmer.

"Challenge the little brother, still life and death?"

"Oh, that summer, it's really to dig the grave."

Bloody is cold and cold, but not much.

"Stupid goods, that summer, is really a idiot."

Also on the standstight, I sat next to Dan Zun, but I was smiling at this moment. "Others said that he is the first Yongyi in the ancient world, he really thought that he was, he never encountered Old three! "

"This summer, it is looking for itself." Hugged his hands, and Yang Xuan, who was next to the indifference, and headed down.

At the center of the campus, the swords who were stared by everyone were unparalleled. At this moment, they took a step away, lifted, a sharp electric hair, straight to the summer, the cold voice also spit out from his mouth, like Anger, the Renained Renained, in this campus.

"You have to fight, then fight!"

"Between you, it is dead!"


PS: Brothers, Happy New Year! !

It's all in 2017, everyone picked!

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