Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 926, Sword, Unparalleled VS, Sham

After the sword is unparalleled, the sound of the ruthless, the whole, the whole sword is unparalleled, and the moment is boiling.

"It should be war, he should fight!"

"Nothing to die, this sword is unparalleled, but also dare to fight? Good courage!"

"Is it stupid, or really a battle?"

A large number of sounds constantly fried on the campus.

And I saw the sword where there was no pair, then Xia Mang smiled, followed by his palm, and there was a pair of blood gloves in his hand.

This blood color glove exudes an incredible amazing suffocation, and it is an emperor who is strong.

This scene, the gods, the eyes of everyone, is shrinking.

Task, just when this summer is defeated, it is empty, but it does not use this glove at all.

"It seems that this summer is really motivated."

Many people are secretly praised, and they are all merciful.

Xia Mang, that is, the first Yongsheng, the first Yongjing, who is very powerful, is defeated by him, and no one is thinking that there is an eternal border, and who can win this summer.

After dressing the blood gloves in the hand, the hum is slightly hard, and the space in the hand burst into the open space.

Xia Mang's eyes took a cold, and the sword was not double. "The sword is unparalleled, I will let you know, how big is there, how big it is!"

"Hand." The sword is unparalleled, holding hands, indifferent, sound such as thunder.

"Oh ~~" Xia Mang is smile and smile, the laughter has not fallen, but his body has disappeared, but it has appeared again, but it has arrived in front of the sword.

"It's so fast!" Everyone who was watching the battle was all in the scene.

"This speed ..." Castillers are more shocked.

When he made his hand, this summer did not show such a horrible speed. This speed, in Eternal Bild, it is estimated that there are few people to achieve.

~~~ An invisible gas wave has formed a ripple crazy to swim around.

That Mang appeared in front of the sword, this is already cold, and the murder is a flash, which has the right hand of the blood gloves, the direction of the sword, and shoots.


Xiaomang also issued a low drink.

When the palm of the palm, the void is shock.

~~~ The space in front is like a paper paste crazy broken, and this palm is in the case of crossing the broken space, it is still constantly skyrocketing, and the momentum is already in the moment. A small size of the mountains.

The bloody mountains, carrying the power sufficient to destroy the earth, and the sword is directly in the sword.

The horrible power, the crushing person is empty, and the void is sent to the burst of burst sound.

Around the campus, tens of millions of warfares, are frightened, shocked, this surprises and palms taken by Xia Mang.

In their view, the power of this palm is not able to achieve at all.

"Xia Mang him, is it necessary to recruit a sword?"

"one move?"

"The other horrible palm, maybe it is possible to kill it."

Many people muttered.

And looking at the blood color of the crushing of him in front of him, the sword is very indifferent.

He is able to feel the oppression of this blood color, the oppression of him, this is oppressed, in the eternal, strong and terrible.

It can be nothing to do in the sword.

Under the eyes of everyone, the sword is unparalleled ...

He calm the waist, the five fingers have been grasped, and the explosive power is constantly incorporated into the right hand.

This scene, but the people around the war were stunned.

"He, didn't pull the sword?"

"He has a long sword, then he should be a sword practice, but now face the attack of Xia Mang, there is no sword?"

"What do he want to do? Is it difficult to think about the fist with Xia Mang hard?"

"He is stupid? Or say that he knows that it will be dead, so it has given up the resistance?"

Xia Mang has been going all out, took out his own god soldier, even showed extremely strong secrets, this time, this sword is unparalleled, even the sword does not pull, directly rely on the fist to hard fight? He finds dead! "


Everyone thinks that the sword is unparalleled, or is scared.

It can be actually, but the sword is not clearly clear.

"One single eternal border, I am not qualified to make me pull out!"

The sword has a roar, and his horrible power is condensed.

This force is not only the sword is not a double-ended. Breakthroughs to the far beyond the power of the same order, but more importantly, the second fourteen floors of the Star River Secrets, the horror power of 72 times the amplitude .

Task, as a reversal, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, this is far more powerful than normal eternal, and the stars of the star river, which makes him the power to increase the foot and seventy-tween!

Seventy-two times, what is the concept?

"Sham Mang, there is a saying, I want to tell you." The sword did not double the double-finish, and the eyes were sprinkled through the broken voids.

"Well?" In the mountain behind the blood, there is no one behind the mountain.

"Everyone said that you are Xia Mang. It is the first Yongsheng, the first Yongjing in the ancient border. It can be seen in my opinion, you are the first Yongjing in the ancient world, but it is a complete joke!"

"The shit is not as good!"

The cold whispering sound is issued in the sword, the sound is falling, the sword is unparalleled, and the strength of the strength has accumulated the extreme right hand to fist, and the next moment is directly explosive.


A punch, the void is immediately a huge spiral channel.

The sword is unparalleled, no secret surgery, and has not used any excess means. It is purely a punches that are condensed by their own strength.

But the power of this punch, but it has already entered the threshold of the road!

Even if you don't pull the sword, you don't show any secret, sword is unparalleled, and it is still the force!

And he is doing now, it is purely striking people.

"Beh you!" The sword didn't have a burst of drinking.

Rumble ~~~ The bloody mountains of the hustle, in the moment of colliding with the sword, the whole mountain is shot, then completely crushing.

The sword is unparalleled, after breaking the bloody mountain, still remains, and finally contacting the bloody palms that Xia Mang be taken.


A loud noise, followed by accompanying, the sound of cracking of the bones.

"How can it be?"

Xia Mang has a round, and he is incredible to look at his right hand.

There, his whole palm has been completely bent, and his hand has a true whole arm bone has been completely shocking. Even so, the power of power is still stopped, but it is ruined The same is directly transferred to his whole body.

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