Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 927 is divided!


A large mouth of blood is sprayed directly from Xia Mang, his body is also like a kite that breaks the line, and it will go out and finally fall below the ground.

"The first Yongjing in the ancient world?"

The sword is unfolded with a smile, slowly retracting the palm.

He said yes, this first Yongjing is in front of him, it is a joke at all, don't say him, even if he encounters Zidong, the second floor of the second floor, the strength is better than this summer. Mang is stronger.

"At the beginning of the Star Island, I took the three-layer test of God, and my strength can be crushed with Zidong. Now, I have broken through the eternal, and there is countless than a few times ... ... "The sword is unblocked in the bumper.

The original embarrassing campus has become dead, the chop is silent.

Ten thousand watches in the campus, all over the face, shock, all people look at this scene.

Even if it is empty, there are many top pilots on the huge look at the top.

one move!

It's really only a trick!

But this trick is not that Xiaomang kills the sword with the Thunder, but the sword is unparalleled, and the Sham will hit the summer.

"Summer, Xia Mang, have you lost?"

In the crowd, I don't know who is the first one, the next moment, the whole of the campus is like a volcano of hundreds of millions of years.


"I, do I am dreaming? There is an eternal border to defeat the Sham Mang, and only one trick!"

"He determined that it was only eternal, instead of Daozun? Can you be able to defeat the summer?"

"This is impossible!"

Everyone presenting is almost unable to imagine this scene in front.

No way, this scene is too incredible, and the gods that are not doubles than the sword, but also more incisive.

After all, his opponent is the first summer of the eternal.

Although the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unbeatted, although it is shocking, but it is still within the scope of everyone. After all, this can only explain that the sword is not more excellent, but the sword is unparalleled only. He defeated Xia Mang, which is entirely two concepts.

Within the ancient circles, in addition to Dao Zun, who else can defeat the summer?

"Seventh step!"

On the table, the first stop of the Zihinia is the first standing, and the concentrated varnish is revealed.

"Indeed, only the incredible geniuses entering the seventh step, it is likely that the strength of the eternal bits, this sword is unparalleled, this is this genius."

"The legendary steps, the whole of the ancient circles, it is said that there is only one person, it has been in the seventh step, but it is already a lot of years ago, I didn't expect to come today."

"Eternal is comparable to the road? It is simple!"

The top strong people on the table have also amazed, and one is very unparalleled.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, completely exceeds their imagination.

"Blood blade, your brother, it is true, so talent, I want to come, I think it is, I will be quite appreciative." The other respect of the Void Temple, the old man whitening is smile Say.

"That is, my brother's brother is much higher than me." Blood is proud, but the arrogance is the top of the opposite: "Xia Wei, now you can have Want to say? "

"Hey, this decent, hasn't ended yet, what do you pronounce?" Xia Yu is a cold way.

"Oh?" Bloody Tian browned.

Many of the tops on the stage also looked at the summer.

The sword is unparalleled. It has already acceded to the seventh step, so strength, it is not that summer mang can be resistant, and you can see this.

It can have been on this copy, this summer is still not losing?

It's hard, he is really planning to be the big master of Xia Kei, die on the court? Dressed in the hands of swords?

"Haha !!!"

Perhaps, in order to understand the doubts of the top of the top, in the middle of the campus, the top of the floor, the bones are all burst, and the summer of the action has lost the action of action, but it is a sudden madness. The laughter came.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

With a hateful voice, he booked in the Sumium.

The sword is unbolded, and it has seen the past toward Sham.

That Mang has a pair of paper in the face, but it is still an angry, the cold and cold voice is issued from his mouth. The whole campus has been echoed. "The sword is unparalleled, did not expect, your battle, actually Will you reach this step? "

"If I have not mistisred, you should have already entering the seventh step of the legend?"

"Haha, the seventh step, the existence of the ancient borders is only only one person, and you actually reach it, it is very powerful, it's amazing!"

The sound of Xia Mang took an inspiring.

The sword is unparalleled, and I don't understand the intention of this summer. The people around the campus are also worse.

It's all in this step, this summer is still not losing, what else?

"Hey !!"

Xia Mang sound suddenly became overcast, "" The sword is unparalleled, you really think that light is like this, can you defeat me? "

"Haha, you are so true, too self-righteous!"

"Wait, wait for a while, you will come right away."

Xia Mang smiled from madness, and his words, it was not to make the peripherals, even if the sword is nothing and is quite puzzled.

Can be here ... !

Since the void of the campus, a body shape is galloped at an amazing speed, but the next moment is like the meteorite falling on the center of the campus, falling around the surrounding of the summer, so that the ground has a huge pothole.

When the smoke is scattered, the true appearance of this figure is revealed, and everyone around the battle, including the many top scorpions on the top of the stage, all in the middle of the earth.

This figure, actually followed by Xia Mang, no matter what the appearance or temperament is exactly the same!

The only difference is that his breath is much more powerful than the 'Xiaoman' who is defeated by the sword. It is completely strong, it is completely two different concepts.

"A eternal, you can defeat my borders, swords are unparalleled, you ... very good."

The cold voice is sent from this just arrived, but it is a time to boil throughout the campus.


"Just defeated by the sword, just the shackles of Xia Mang!"

"Just just furnish, you can easily defeat the power, then his book ..."

Everyone brushed brushing the eyes on the book of Xia Mang, but the heart of everyone will pick it up.

They all detected, the book of Xia Mang, the breath of the distant, the breath of the fellowship ...

That breath, Hed, has reached the level of the road!



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