"Dao Zun!"

"This summer, it has already broken through the road!"

"How long is he cultivated?"

The whole campus is boiling.

On the top of the top, the many top-sighted people, the aesthesia of Xia Mang, a breath, and the expression is also very exciting.

"Is it a road?"

"Good guy, this summer, I heard that he cultivated thousands of years, thousands of years have become a road? This should be the youngest road in history," "

"We have just been defrauded by him, and his means of displaying, the way to open up, only revealing part, is not complete, but now, since he has become a respect, then he is sure Open up a complete way, and it is still the way to the level! "

"The road to open the campaign level, even if it is just broken, it is also a top level!"

These tops of power, look at the eyes of Xia Mang, and also with a fierce.

The previous summer, although the exhibition is good, it is still just a little guy in their eyes.

But now, Xia Mang has achieved the road, and it is still the road to the achievement of the development level, which is enough to treat them equally.

Daozun three turns, one turned a ladder, the battle of Xia Mang, has already reached the top!

"Xia Yu is old, you Xia Ezu, it is really a great person."

"This is the same, it is a road, and it is still the way to the level of the chemical, and the achievements will be inevitable."

There are many strong things on the table, but the summer is a face.

"This old thing, no wonder, it turned out that Xiaomang had already become a respect, and just appeared, just just a distinguished." Bloody day gripped his hands, and the completion became a little ugly.

At the center of the campus, the summer has been summarized, and his book, it is emitting a magnificent breath. It is like the dominant standing there, and the eyes are unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled and also re-faced this summer.

If it is just eternal, this summer is strong, he is not in the heart, but if it is a respect, then it is completely different.

Eternal Strategy is a road, it seems that the difference is the difference, but the gap is a heap.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are careful, this summer is open is a way of confining, a breakthrough is a turn to the top, the strength is not the same." The voice of the King sounded in the sword.

"Look, I have a little little, but I don't think so." The sword has no double mouth, licking, licking the lips, the blood of the blood, directly projection.

~~~ The vast blood of the blood is burst, the sword is unparalleled, and only the golden, only the chest, with a part of the dark gold and two four-way star pattern!

Ethical golden ancient god!

However, it is different from before, and the sword is unparalleled, and the body has not soared, only about two meters high.

This is the ability to break through the Eldst Star Ancient God, the sword is unparalleled, and the body size can be controlled with him.

"I really want to know, what is the strength, how strong strength?"

The golden antique sword is unparalleled, with the eyes of the faint golden rays, Chaoyang's mountains have seen the past, and there is a war with a war.

"Will you know."

Xia Mang said, there was a movement of the body, and then took the palm of the blood glove, and took the side of the sword where the sword was unparalleled.

It is still the palm of the palm, and it is more powerful, but it is more than a few more than a few more than one.

The bloody mountain is coming, but the sword standing below the ground is unparalleled, but the figure is instantaneous.


The bloody mountain is bombarded on the ground floor of the huge school, and the whole huge campus is all shocking. Then, the most central ground is directly sinking, a huge permeation number, the depth is more than ten fingerprints The appearance appears on that school ground.

Countless gravel rolls.

And in this number, it is already inch.


The strangeness of the sword is surrounded by Summer Mang.

On the occasion of the body, the sword has more handsome bloody swords, this sword is blood peak sword.

As the sword is unparalleled, this blood peak sword can also play a stronger power.

There is no slightest, the sword is unparalleled towards the summer of the summer, and the sword is directly swept away. When the long sword waves, the red Thunder contains destroyed breath is also instantly built.

This red Thunder, Herone is a sword unparalleled in the Taichen God cultivated on the Star Island.


The sword is brushed out, and it is ruined in front of the pre-emptiness.

That summer, it was cold and smiled, and the figure was moving. As the transient appeared in the upper void, and the sword of the earth was destroyed, but he was dried down from his feet.

This sword is light, although there is no smashing in the summer, but still exploding horrible and extremely powerful, directly toward the edge of the campus.

The edge of the campus, there is countless watchmaker staying there, seeing the sword light toward them, and the destruction of the sword is not surprised, one is shocked.

At this time, the dragon army of the dragon army of this conference has been responsible for the order.

The ruling dragon army, ruled the dragon army, but the truth of the goods, his body-moving magic lightning appeared in the edge of the campus, right hand into a box, a huge magic impeach, appear.

Boxing, the space immediately burst.


That Sword is hit by this punch, and after a huge impact, it immediately has a horrible gas wave sweeps out of the four sides of all directions.

"What?" This is a shocking color in the eyes of the dragon army.

His punch, can't scattered the sword where the sword is unparalleled. Just just the front blocks?

The horrible gas waves have formed a huge storm, swept the behind those watching the battle, more than 100,000 viewers of the battlefield, and the turmoil is blown by the storm, the storm is also hidden A small sword, leaving some small swords in these people.

After a moment, this storm was completely calm.

Inside and outside the campus, tens of thousands of viewers will just look at the eyes, all of which expose unprecedented shock.

That horror, the number, the inch of the grass is not born!

The sword of the earth is destroyed, even if the Rafflers of the Dragon Army, they still have a storm to have a storm to blow up a hundred people!

This is what strength!

"Dao Zun, the battle!"

The entire campus, which is instantaneous.


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