Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 934 Xiao Emperor and Cold Emperor

"Xiao Emperor." The sword watched Xiao Emperor.

"Little guy, did it." Xiao Emily watched the sword without a pair.

"Unfortunately, the cold emperor still chose to have a summer man, otherwise ..." The sword has no nice.

Xiao Emperor is too cold.

Everything happened in this conference, Xiao Emily looked clearly in the dark, and naturally he all said that the cold emperor was.

"In order to marry Xia Yi, even the face of Dong Tang Dynasty, the face of Dong Tang, this is, this is, which is already so embarrassing?" Xiao Emily held his hands, and he hated his heart.

"The surname is Xiao, you still dare to come?" The cold emperor sounded, and she stared at Xiao Emperor, and she was cold.

"Hey, the cream is also my daughter. Her life is not a matter of life, but you don't say it." Xiao Emily said: "Hey, I know that you are spicy, but I didn't expect it." Spicy to this step, even your woman doesn't matter. "

"Today, since I am there, the cream is a big event, I will not be the master."

"Haha, just rely on you?" The cold emperor looked at Xiao Emperor. "At the beginning, you will fight, you become a dog of the funeral, and finally can flee the Tang Datang under the lower part, so many years, you don't dare to show. And today you still want to block me? What? If you have this top ten God of War? "

"Of course, it is not enough." Xiao Emperor is cold, "Since I will come today, I will naturally prepare for it."

Xiao Emperor's voice fell, far away, more than ten years of shadowing, so soon, it fell on the campus.

This arrival, a total of thirteen people, a strong breath, and it is also a road. The head is a Ziyi man who looks like a little.

This Ziyi man appeared, and many people immediately recognized him.

"North Ming Hao?"

"Is the North of the North Talent? There are several major roads of the North Taoist clan. As for those who are in the ancient world, are they invited by Xiao Emperor?"

The northern clan, in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, can be a top of the top, but also some of the Xiaka slightly, there is a lot of heritage.

In addition, there are many only-sense roads, and strength is not weak.

"Northern clan?" The cold emperor is cold, "Bei Ming, you are big!"

Northern, I smiled coldly, but I didn't answer.

"The surname is Xiao, it seems that you are coming for a snow today?" The cold emperor came over, the voice was cold, "but, this lineup is not enough."

"Of course, I don't stop these." Xiao Emily nodded, and the spin was looking at the past.

On the table, the old man who sent a Tong Yan haired stood up.

"Zijing Island Lord?" The people around it are shocked.

The cold emperor is also a sharp way.

If a single North Ming clan, the cold emperor will not be truly placed in the eyes.

Although the Northern Ming's family is also a top family, Dazun also has several, but these respects are just between them or two turns, even the strongest Bei Ming, is just the top level of the two-turn.

It is the Zijing Island, which is completely different.

Zijing Island Lord, occupies a big Zihinia, in the ancient world, it is definitely the existence of a hegemonic level.

He has six major roads, and the strength of the six major roads is not weak, and the most important thing, his own strength is also extremely strong.

As many years ago, Zihinji is already hierarchical, and now he, the strength is unleaded, even if it is with the cold emperor, Xiao Emily compared to this, it is estimated that it is not too much.

Such a powerful force, is not worthless from the emperor.

"Zijing Island Lord, today's things, do you want to intervene?" The emperor looked at the Lord of Zihinia, and the cold voice said.

"Cold emperor, you and Xiao Em, I have been a husband friend, and the two itself is husband and wife, according to the truth between you, my outsiders are not convenient, but why you are in the dark. Things, it is too hurtful, and the old man has to take care of it! "Zijizin island.

The words of Zijing Island, the people on the campus are all.

What is the matter of the cold emperor, it is too hurtful?

What is too hurtful?

"Dan Zun, can you take care of the little girl?" Zijing Island suddenly saw Danzun on the stage.

"Luck to raise your hand, natural is no problem." Dan Zun smiled.

"Thank you." Zijing Island said a sentence, then look at Lin Yun, "Heier, you are not always asking me to help the sword is unparalleled? Now I am willing."

"Father ..." Lin Hao has some mistakes.

"Go it." Zijing island his waving.

Lin Yi also was also in a hurry, and then went to Dan Zun.

Next, Zijing Island Lord is under the eyes of numerous eyes, and the shape is long, appearing next to Xiao Em.

"Zijing Island Lord, a Bauhinia Lord!"

The cold emperor saw this scene, but it was not angry and laughing. She watched around, the voice became cloudy, "Who is there, who is the invitation of this surname, come out?"

"There is me." A cold voice sounded, followed by the standing platform again.

This person, a bloody hair, wearing a blood robe, is a brother of the sword.

"Brother." The sword was unparalleled to see his brother.

"Xiaochie, I said, if this is true, I will help you with a power." Bloody stunned.

"Blood Blade Respect." The cold emperor sounded on the campus, "" You are the honor of the Temple of the Temple, don't you have to fight and today? "

"Haha, the cold emperor misunderstood." The gentle voice sounded, but the words were sitting together with the blood of the sky, the same as one of the 18th owners of the void Temple.

"The cold emperor, the blood blade respected land today, is a personal identity, and there is no system with my void Temple." White haired old man smiled.

"Individual identity? That is to say, even if you kill him, you will not blame it." Cold emperor is cold.

"Yes." White-haired old man is touching.

"Very good, very good."

The sound of the cold emperor is like a sauce cream. "I thought it was just an ordinary monk meeting, but I didn't expect to have so many changes, and I also took so many people stood with the surname."

"Also, the province's emperor will go to you."

"Today, this emperor will take you, one network!"

"But the same camp with the surname Xiao, one ... don't want to live!"

"Where is the sky!"

When the cold emperor sent a sharp, whispered to the entire royal city.

After the sound, the golden shaded shaped in the back of the palace was revered, followed by the amazing speed.

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