Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 935 Wars, broke out!


The foot is twenty-four gold coats, which appears behind the emperor.

These golden clothes, a face, indifference, and the breath is strong and horizontal, obviously also Dazun.

"It is the 24th day of the cold emperor!"

"The rumor is the most elite power of the cold emperor, twenty-four people, all of which are the real price of the price!" The campus is another excitement.

"Xia Yu." The cold emperor looked at the past, "" Today, there are marriage of our two sides, you are so far, don't you plan to force? "

"Haha, the cold emperor said, since the two sides have married, then from now on, it is a family, no matter who is, with the cold emperor, you are right, then I am working with me, I am Of course, I will not sit and be ignored. "Xia Yu smiled.

After that, Xia Yu is directly crushed.

After this is broken, there will be a spatial fluctuation out of space, and there is more space insect caves.

Tightly, in the spatial insect hole, a shape is joined.

A total of nine things came out from the space insect hole, plus the previous summer, the crane is still the summer, a total of twelve people, standing in parallel, I am afraid that the breath is distributed from their body. .

Xia Ezang, 12 Avenue, arrived!

"Xiao Emily, many years, don't be innocent." It's like a wild animal that suddenly sounded.

"Xia Tao." Xiao Emily wrinkled with brows, and looked at a brown-fired man who was headed by the twelve people of the summer.

The brown-headed burly man, is the family of Xia Kei, and the father of Xia Mang, Xia Tao!

Xia Tao, although the strength is less than the old ancestors of the summer, it is also enough to be called a hegemony of the ancient world, even Xiao Em, I don't dare to have anything to be underestimated, let alone Xia I still have other Dazun arrived.

"Zijing island, you are also, look like, are you standing in Xiao Emperor this camp?" Xia Tao looked slightly, and he saw the Lord of Zihinia.

"Yes." Zijing island nodded.

"Unfortunately." Xia Tao couldn't shook his head. "I planned to be friends with you before, who once I thought I would like this, but since I can't be my family, and you stand in Xiao Emperor camp, then I Today, you can only leave your name of the Zihuai Island, completely. "

"Haha, the old man lives so many years, I have already live enough, if the Summer, if the Summer is willing to help, the old man is naturally seeking." Zijing Island is laughing.

"Well, there is no more to say more, , , today, it should be completely knotted." Xiao Emperor opened.

"Hey, when you were killed in the dog, today, today, it must be the same." The cold emperor released the position, and a strong murder was suddenly over.


The cold emperor drunk, the twenty-four Tianwei, which is suspended in the void, and many of the many respects come in Xia Eki, in this all, instantly!

"Little guy, you pay attention to yourself." Xiao Emily glanced at the sword.

"Yes." The sword was unparalleled.

He is no longer the previous, today's war, he is not qualified to participate.


Xiao Emily waved, after him, including the Ten God of War, including the vision, and the Northern Ming clan and some of the strong people who were invited by Xiao Emperor, including Zijing Island, blood blade. Strong, I immediately gone.

The sword has no doubles tightly the blood peak sword, the breath has also skyrocketed, and the next moment is also fierce.

Xiao Emi and the two major camps of the emperor, plus the power of more than 60 roads.

It's going to collide with it.

"I quickly returned, we hurry!"

When the strong people of the two camps have been killed, the entire campus is a chicken flying dog jump.

Tens of thousands of viewers around the campus, one by one, with an unprecedented shocking crazy facing distance, they are very clear, dozens of Daozun's war, the movement is also a battle, will be extremely huge, They can only have the possibility to retreat, and they are afraid to be involved in this battle.

After all, the killing of Daozun, even if it is only two trip to fight, some of the powerful energy of the random, it is enough to bring them a great impact.

What's more, now the two big camps are joined together, but more than 60 times.

More than 60 Dao Zun, what horror is this?

And in these roads, there is also a strong force like Xiao Emperor, Cold Emperor, Zijing Island, and Xia Tao standing on the top of the top.

So, who is the world, who dares to mix?

Even if the strong people sitting on the standing desk, like a quiet, the old man and others, and they have retired from the distance. They don't want to be easily involved in this war. After all, this war, even It is them, and it is impossible to ensure that you can live.

On the void, two major camps, more than 60 strong people, finally ...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A horrible endless roar is in the world.

At the beginning of the war, the void of the center of the campus was now immediately, and there were more than ten huge space black holes.

Those spaces have two or three feet long diameters. If it is most, it is more filled with ten feet.

At the same time, the horror horror is also in the next ground. The big longer ground, the original experience of the sword is unparalleled with Xia Mang, this is already pitted, but now only one instant ... The whole campus The ground is completely set off, and it is a ruin.

And even the ruins, it is still growing, and the constant collapse is broken.

One color has different spirits, forming another spiritual storm, crazy swept, so that the whole battlefield is completely shrouded in an unprecedented storm, this is the following, unless it is Like the eternal bits of the anti-day of the sword, there is an empty world, otherwise it will die.

And this storm is still expanding around the amazing speed.

The whole battlefield is also crazy.

Originally, it is only in the campus, but it is a longer although it is huge, it is obviously not to accommodate the killing of so many respects, so this battlefield quickly covers most of the Huangcheng.


A great rang, the Huangcheng's one-tone foot is in order to squat, as the wind swept the instant disappears.

call out!

The knife is coming, and the most central land of Huangcheng has been ruthless. There is a huge knife that filled the foot and dozens of miles. This knife marks are also more than one feet, horrible!

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