Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 936 is in a three-enemy, instantly killing!

"Too, it is terrible!"

"This is a little bit of manpower, is they God?"

"The battle of more than 60 Daozun? Oh, how much can I add together?"

The unique portrait of the dense numbness is hovering in the upper side of the Huangcheng, through the endless void, overlooking the world of the world that is exploding.

Even if you have already reached the Imperial City, it is extremely far from the battlefield, but they still feel the terrible fluctuations from the battlefield.

Almost everyone has a horizon and awe.

Dao Zun, the peak of the ancient circles exists, each place is placed in a domain, is an absolute hegemon level.

As a road show, the strength is also extremely horrible, and it is enough to destroy the earth.

In the ancient borders, the fierce battle between the two Daozun is very difficult, not to mention that there are more than 60 roads to show up.

This battle can only be described in an earthwork.

On the battlefield.

"Hey, this seat must kill you today!" Xiao Emperor was cold, and his body was filled with unprecedented murder.

"Just relying on you, not worth it!" The cold emperor also killed the sky.


The two handed over, and the momentum had collided with dozens of times, suddenly, the cold and emperor suddenly broke.

", many years have never been handed over, your strength has not changed?" Xiao Emperor said.

"Damn!" The cold emperor is iron blue, low, "If the emperor is inadvertently being killed by the sword, there is no pair of kids, you are the emperor, but you?"

The cold emperor is still exempt. She went most about it before, she didn't expect the sword where her hands would have the same means, and the sword was unparalleled directly.

Originally, this is nothing, reaching the level of her, and the ability to repair is amazing. This is broken, she can quickly fix it, who knows the sword where the sword is unparalleled, the sword It contains a strong destruction of the Kejian, and that road has reached an incredible level, after the arm, but hard to hinder her repair.

Therefore, even if it is now, this cold emperor's arm has not been repaired.

Less an arm, the cold emperor is naturally not the opponent of Xiao Em, was put on the road by Xiao Em.

On the other side.

"Xia Tao, the old man wants to know, how do you stay in this day here?" Zijing Island's main voice is ethereal, as if it is outside.

"Hey, you will know soon." Xia Tao snorted, and his hand was a giant ax in his hand. He stepped out step by step, and he stood with Zihinia.

As for the sword, a unparalleled brother, the blood of the conference, from the beginning of this, he has his own opponent, which is the old man of Xia Ezang, Xia Wei!

Xia Wei's strength, although not on Xia Tao, but also reached the three turnover, with bloody days at the same level, the two before, because the relationship between the sword is unparalleled and the summer, it has been tattoo, Nowadays, the two people are naturally fierce battle.

The two major camps have the strongest six major roads, fighting each other.

And the rest of the roads, also found their respective opponents.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also in these roads, and the war has been unlocked from the war.

This person is Xia Mang!

This summer, the original meeting, it should be dead, but unfortunately because the jade wearing him is rescued him.

Now, the sword is unparalleled to believe in Yu Ji, which is time to save, this summer can have a second.


The sword is not bumper, the murderous is like a rain, and the body is instantly riped.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Xia Mang saw the sword without double, and immediately shocked.

Although the Cold Emperor announced that when he married him, he was ridiculed to sword and unparalleled. But his heart is very clear, the strength, and the sword is indeed better than him.

One-on-one, he is not a sword unparalleled opponent, only the sword array of swords can't be killed directly.

"Summer, Dong Chang, the old, our three joints, killing this sword, unparalleled." Xia Mang immediately shouted from Xiajiao.

Summer and Qi also saw that the east of Dong Chang also saw that the sword was unparalleled to Xia Mang killed, and the two did not hesitate. Immediately with Xia Mang, the sword did not have a year.

"Triple Daozun?" The sword was not double-colored.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't worry, these three people, except that Xia Mang reached the top of the turn, the other two are just a high turn, even if the three people teamed up, with your ability, you can resist it." The sound is ringing in the sword.

The sword is too low to see the specific strength of these respects.

But the king didn't see it.

"Are you a turn?" The sword has no double mouth micro-tune, "the battle!"

A bursting, the sword is unparalleled with blood peak swords, the swords exudes an amazing , at the same time next to him, the nine-day sword arrays consisting of three-six-sized three-sized swords, broke out Will.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three major roads in front of the sword have been in contact with the three major roads in front.

"Give me."

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak swords in the hands have risen. At the 24th floor of the stars secretary, the blood is seventy-two times, and it is directly swept away, but before this, there is no parallel from the sword. On the body, there is still a strange energy spread.

This force, it is one of the three secrets of the ancient gods, the secret of illusion!

Magic mood secrets, directly for consciousness attacks, with the sword unparalleled breakthrough, the power of the magic mystery has greatly improved, the most important thing is that the sword is too unparalleled. Have a general road.

In addition, when he shines hypermature, it has also increased its significant increase in blood-discost, and Weon has skyrocket.

Magic mood secrets are almost simultaneously on the three major roads in front of him. These three avenues have no more affected, and they have also affected a certain degree.

When the sword is unparalleled, the three can only barely resist.


The three-person figure is almost simultaneously going out, and it can be on the way.


The sharp harsh wind sounded, carrying a burst of sound bursts, and the nine-day sword array of swords without two, and turned into a meteor to move toward the east, and the speed was amazing.

That Dongmao's old eyes were rolled, and it was incredible, but his head was already flying directly.

Three avenues, teamed up with a parallel sword.

As a result, only one photo face is sorted by the sword.


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