Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 942, step on it!

Heaven, ancient gates!

The big one is a cold.

Including the palace of the palace, there are all disciples, they all go to Tianfeng Valley to participate in hunting, the whole ancient gates, only one person stays there.

The mountains of the mountains, a white robe's Xuanyi, carrying his hands standing there, looking at the endless sky above.

When the bloody day in the Eastern Tang Huangcheng in Eastern Tang Dynasty, crushed the entry, and sent it.


There was a crack in front of the void in front of Xuan Yi.

This crack is incomparable, but it is connected to the Eastern Tang Dynasty in the long territory.

"Is it still coming?" Looking at this crack, the mysterious one could not help but muttered, but the eyes have become incapacity.

This sharp, just like the eagle stare at the prey.

"The door, you are shot."

The flat voice is sent from the time, and the sound is very small, but it is very surprised to rang every corner of the ancient gate.

After the sound of Xuan Yi, the ancient ghon was in a short way, and then a long, as if the ancient sound from another world, slowly sounded.

"You, make sure I want to go?" This voice is inquiry.

"Yes." Xuan Yi faintly.

"Well, remember your agreement with my." The ancient voice sounded again.

"Of course, after this war, you want to go, you can go." Xuan is a slight smile, but then the crack of the front-party void, "The space channel has been gave you, go."

"Very good, the next thing is handed over!"

The ancient voice is long and elders within ancient gates, and the next moment is rumble ~~~ The whole land where the whole ancient gherget is crazy.

This tremor is also accompanied by a voices of the collapse of the row of mountains. This big place in the ancient door Zongmen is like being completely set off.

Disaster, end!

Just this moment, this is a ruin, and it is almost a ruin.

Fortunately, the many strong disciples of the ancient doors have left the ancient gates to participate in the hunt. If they still stay in the ancient gates, the disaster in front of them is enough to have a heavy death.

The mountains of the mountains, the mysterious one is overlooking the scene scene, but the face is indifferent.

In the whole ancient gate, even the whole dragonfly, only the mysterious one knows, the ancient door, the paramount to sleep, and a huge thing such as horror.

Now, this endless year has been sleeping, it is complete ... wake up!


A great sound, one is more strong than a mountain, and there are many dark golden arms, and they have been stretched out in the end!

This huge dark gold arm is based on the ground, with a lifetime, with the sound of the sky, this is finally thoroughly standing.

He, full of thousands of feet, full of dark golden skin, his arm thigh, very thick, contains explosive power, then standing between heaven and earth, there is no outbreak, you can stand there again, light It is a huge incredible body, it is enough to make the surrounding world crazy tremble.

This is a huge substant that has a dark golden skin, and it has fallen in the eyes of his eyes. He directly looks at the spatial crack of different voids in front of him. His thick arm is reached, actually caught it directly At both ends of the spatial crack, it is a tear.


The heavens and the earth were ruthlessly tearing a huge black hole. This black hole is big enough to make this phenomenon.

"Xuan Yi, let's ... have a goodbye!"

The voice falls, this dark golden huge thing, it has disappeared directly into the huge black hole.

At the beginning to the end of the mountains of the mountain, he heard the porosity of the big sample, but the mouth did a touch of smile.


The battlefield of the Emperor Central.

Obviously, a whistle of the sword is running through, but the eyebrows of the old man are slightly frowned.

"Do you have no life?" The heart of the old man is very surprised.

Ordinary eternal, there is a life core, the life is not broken, that is, it is not dead, but he just went through the sword without a double chest. He means that the power will enter the sword. Nothing found the existence of a kissance.

"Is it a reverse repair?" The old man could not hurt.

Although he knows that retroactory, he has heard some rebellious things. He only knows that the reversal is very unique, each is a monster, but some of the abilities of the retroat beyond people, he does not know.

He didn't know that the sword has no double breakthrough to the eternal bodies, that is, after the third step in the sky is not dead, it is actually a life, but his life has long been integrated with his flesh. He is integrated into all corners of his body, including flesh, bones, and even cells.

Because of this, he is called until it is not destroyed.

As long as his flesh is completely annihilated, the sword will not die.

"You, damn!"

In the ear of the cold voice, it has fallen into the cold as a frost, and it has killed the old man.

The feverfulness of the sky, can't help but frown, and then immediately shot.

On the battlefield, when I saw the sword unparalleled by the old man, when I finished the chest, many strong people naturally joyful.

The many strong people of Xiao Emperor's camp, naturally angry, but the cold camp, but it is very happy.

"The sword is unparalleled, is it dead?" The cold emperor was unusually cold.

Of course, I saw the sword unparalleled 'dead', the most surprised people on the battlefield, there is no doubt that it is the summer of the summer!

"Haha, die, sword is unparalleled, are you finally dead?" Xia Mang flashed in the light, and sent a laughter with an inspiring.

"Dead is good, it is good!"

"You have a vast bart from the weak small Zongmen in the domain, dare to compete with me?"

"Do you also match?"

Xia Mang's laughter echoed from the entire battlefield, and he can see that his exception is excited at the moment.

Can be disrespectful ...

"Big Ben, Be careful!" A angry voice came next to it.

This horizon voice, Xia Mang is familiar, is a strong man in Xiajia, but after hearing the voice, Xia Mang is full of doubts.

To know, because of the relationship between the cold, the frost, he will retreat to the most edge of the battlefield, and there is no strength of the camp in his surroundings. If you don't encounter something The crisis is right.

That is called him to be careful, it is ...

Xia Mang is still thinking, but he finds that this kind of void is, but suddenly has a dark.

"Day, how is it black?" Xia Mang looked up.

This looks up, his eyes are in an instant, I saw a dark golden feet than the mountains, I didn't know when I appeared in him, this dark golden feet is too big, The big imagination beyond the summer.

And I don't know if it is interested, this dark golden feet are just stepped on him.

"Do not!"

Xia Mang issued a birth to now, the most crazy and most fierce roaring, but it is entirely covered by the huge dark golden feet.


A Thunder Loud.

The whole land of the entire royal city is mad.

That huge dark golden feet, this falls, and the summer of the feet, in an instant ... powder bones!

PS: Brothers, Chapter 13, there are two chapters today.

Wonderful continues, everyone's various tickets are rewarded, and don't stop happiness, thank you!

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