Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 943 Ancient Gate Gate!

The dark golden huge feet came, directly pulverized the summer mang.

"Big Gong!"


The many strong people of Xia is, there is also the hot summer Tao who is killing with Zihinia Island, and it is very clear that it is very angry.

Often, they were shocked by this everything.

I saw the void of the edge of the battlefield. The huge sleek space is like a door to open there.

The dark golden foot is from the black hole in the space, and the feet is only the first fall. Subsequent, there is a high feet of the feet, the whole body is filled with the dark golden gloss, gradually emerges from the space black hole. Eventually completely appeared on this battlefield.

He, there is a huge body, it is very embarrassing, which has been a horror at the scene for the scene, and he has a dark golden light, and his eyes are deep, there is a flying ahead of everything.

The huge body is like the Qing Tianzhu, the pen stands there, and the surrounding time and space are treated by his appearance, while faint.

The most eye-catching is that in his huge body, the eyebrows of the huge head, there is a dark gold four-man star pattern.

In the moment of seeing this porosity, within the pothole in the battlefield, parasitic was parasitic in the sword without a double body, the heart was treated, but the arrogant is a lot of effort, "It's ancient god, but also The ancient royal god! "

That's right!

The dark golden lazy body, and there is also the crush of the four-faced star, which is a sign of the royal god.

In the ancient gods, ordinary copper armor, silver armor, and the ancient gods, they represent their own strength levels, they are at the chest, the full blood of the royal gods ... they represent their own strength four Mangxing pattern, but it is in the eyebrow!

And this group of thousands of people who appeared in front of him, the crowded four martial stars were inverted, but there was a seven ways!

Seven four-mood star pattern, representative, Hed is the seven-star king ancient god! ! ! !

The master before the king, the eight-star king, the ancient gods, the truth, and only one star is only bad!

"I, the ancient door door, the ancient!"

The thick voice is issued from the mouth of this seven-star princes, echoing throughout the Crown City.

On the battlefield, many roads saw the appearance of ancient pups, and the heads were somewhat.

No way, it is really the body of the ancient, too big, it is too big!

It's a big big mountain, which is much larger than a lot of giant mountains, and the breath that he has emitted is also very sad.

"The ancient god group? And is the Qixing Royal Great?"

Although it is the national teacher of Dongtu Tang, the old man is also frowning at this moment.

Ding Ding's ancient god group, he knows, under normal circumstances, general Samsung ancient gods is enough to match the normal road, if it is to achieve four stars, it is the leader in the road, and it is the top existence, and four stars Strong.

In front of you, this is the ancient god of the royal family, but reached the level of the seven-star.

"The door owner."

A light drink suddenly sounded, and naturally it was bloody day.

"You are a disciple of Xuan Yi, many years ago, my incarnation has seen you." The ancient pups opened, "Xuanyi let me come, help his disciples."

"Where is my opponent, who?" The ancient dark golden eyes were ringing around.

"The door owner is him." Blood Lingtian did not finish the old man.

The old man is now a sinking.

"Is you?" The eyes of the ancient times were locked on the body of the old man, and a murderous moment plundered.


A explosive drink, the ancients directly shot.

In the battlefield, there are also countless martial arts outside the imperial city, and the ancients directly bombed.

It seems a simple punch, but this boxing has exploded the world, so that the void has a huge empty hole that exceeds 10,000 glors, and the huge thunder cloud rolls, and the time appears in front of the arrest of the old man.

Booming ~~~ The air crazy is cracking.

Everyone exposed the color of panic.

They died in the punch, in their perception, it was not a fist, but should be a huge star positive impact.

And this star speed is so amazing, this ancient mighty body is huge, but the speed of him is so fast?

When I saw this 'star' positive hit, the old man's face became unusual, and the dry palm was slowly lifted, and a creepy black airflow was around his palm. His palm volume has skyrocketed.

No matter whether it is faced with Xiao Em, Yun Emperor is cold, this is very casual, and it has not been fully shot at all.

But now, in the face of a seven-star king, his strength is naturally not reserved.


Mortgage, the old man, a low drink, the palm of the palm, the magic cloud, and even a heavy stink.

The horrible power sudden broke out.


Two stars collided with the fierce roots of a bloody, the horrible waves were outbreak out.

Under this air wave, the space is like a paper paste, slaughter ~~~ Crushing of ruthless tearing.

The whole battlefield, the entire battlefield of the entire Crown City, although there is such a big area, the respects of the battlefield, but they are still affected, the horrible waves are shocked, these The road is tempering, and the blood is rolling in the body. Some even can't help but send a sound. There is also blood overflow in the mouth.

This air wave also swept away from the remains of the rest of the Huangcheng, instant buildings, including trees weed, and crushed in this moment for powder, eventually disappeared.

Just a collision, this originally can only be considered a ruin, but you can also see some brilliant Mourning Mall, it will completely disappear.

The whole of the big emperor, only the full-scale pothole dust, but it can't see half of the flowers and trees, as well as the traces of the building.

And in the two terrorist power confrontation ...

The old man wearing a robe was in a white, and the mouth also spurted a blood, and his body was in the first time.

From the original Huangcheng Central Battlefield, the next time she bombarded a mountain outside of the Huangcheng, the mountain, the mountain, also burst pulverized.

There are silence in the world.

The core of the heavens and the earth, the dark gold body that is high enough, and its dark golden eyes are the smashing mountains outside the imperial city.

In the ruins of the mountains ... !

The figure of the old man will rush again!

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