Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 944 Blood Oh A (to, seeking everything!)

After the arrest of the old man rushed from the mountain waste, stopped in a void.

At this moment, the face is pale, and the corner is still a blood. It seems that the wolf is awkward. However, this is not a slightest in the eyes of the old man, and some is a bunch of essence.

"Haha ~~~"

The old man suddenly made a laughter, and the laughter took a soft mad.

"Ancient, no, as a king of the royal god, should be called the ancient king!" The old man is low: "Honestly, just see you, a seven-star Wang Zun ancient god, even the old husband I also shocked! "

"Seven Star Royal Great, Even if the old man's strength is resumed to achieve the peak, it can only look up, but it is clear that you are also hit by the old man, it is also hit hard, and the strength will be in this world. And your current strength, I am afraid that the top more recovered, only five-star level, otherwise, in the fist, the old man will definitely not survive. "

The arrest of the old man is very clear about the terrible level of the ancient Chinese gods.

If it is a seven-star king ancient gods in the peak, it is estimated that a point is enough to kill him, but the state of the ancient times is clearly not reaching the peak.

"I will only recover only to have a strength, and you will be like it." The ancient eyes were cold, and the sound was unattainable.

"Yes?" The old man is a smile, but it is a void next to it.

Hey ~~~ In the depths of the palace in the palace that have been hungry, it is surmured to a black airflow, which is accompanied by a stench, and the bottom is getting more and more and more. Following a bloody streamer directly from the bottom of the ground, the director is coming.

Soon this blood-color light appeared in the hands of the fortune, look at it, the bloody flow of light is actually a tang armor like a blood-like scarlet.

If the army is like a picture, it will be different from the bloody tattan before the sword is unparalleled, but the breath is far more than the bloody war armor, especially the horror of this war armor. Hey, this is rich, even if it is a respect, you will not help it.

"Blood armor?"

The ancient times saw the eyes of the eyes, staring at the blood tattoo.

The bloody trochman, he knows, it is a very special treasure, the value is particularly amazing, and the power is very strong.

" ~~~ It is a seven-star king ancient gods. I saw that I couldn't recognize the bloody army. However, I made a mistake, the armor in my hands is not a bloody armor. It is a bloody will armor. "The old man smiled and smiled, but he was directly putting this bloody arm armor.

Wearing a bloody will armor, this is the old man's breath immediately skyrocket, and he is inexpensive.

"For so many years, a lot of air transport per day, this bloody will be completely repaired, and it is completely repaired."

The fortune telling the old man's mouth is slightly touched, with a cold scorpion directly to the ancient pups in front of the past, "The ancient king, just the collision, now we will come back."

The ancient face is sinking, the dark golden eyes, there is a thunderous flash of flash, and when he is a huge body, it will rush again.

"Haha ~~~"

The old man smiled and smiled, talking, he was the magic cloud rolling, the air wave was heavily, and he had skyrocketing with the stunning speed, and finally rose to several hundred feet high, although the volume It is still more than the ancient pup, but it is not too much.

"Come on, come!" The old man is excited.

At the next moment, the two were impacting again.

boom! boom! boom!!

The horrible roar, once in heaven and earth.

If the arrest of the old man has no big balance in front of the ancient face, if it is completely crushed by the ancient pups, then now the old man is smashed with the ancient nice, but it is already positive with the ancient pupils. A counter, even smashing the wind.

When both crazy squatted, the horrible geostate spread, and those around the surroundings were far away.

Even if the emperor, there is also a Xiao Emi who has stood up from the pit, and the three people in Yun Emperor have returned far away.

This level of fighting, even if they are three, there is no room for any internet.

But they own, there are also opponents of each other.

", still don't have a hand!" Xiao Emperor is a little pale, but it still makes efforts, and the sound echoes.

"Damn." The cold emperor is cold, and the eyes are around around.

Previously, she had fallen into the wind, so she made the national teacher, that is, the arrest of the old man shot, but I didn't expect to have such a horrible royal family to join the battlefield, let that The old man can only go all out, and it will not be distracted.

Now Xiao Emperor is emptied with Yun Emperor, and bloody days will also defeat the heavy injury to the summer, and make it out.

So situation, the camp of her is naturally extremely unfavorable.

Xia Tao. "

The cold emperor suddenly opened, her voice was cold, passed to the other side of the empty, still in the ear of Xia Tao, Xia Tao, who was working hard with Zihinia.

Xia Tao has a sinking and immediately looked at the emperor.

"Today, this battle, this emperor has made every effort, but you must keep it, if you have to keep it, if you want to sit on the benefits, then our previous agreement, this is invalid, this emperor and the country The teacher will leave, and the Eastern Tang Dynasty will make the surname Xiao. "The sound of the cold emperor took a slice, and he sounded during this day.

After the meal, the cold emperor opened again, "Hey, don't think that this emperor doesn't know, your summer endless years stand in Eastern Tang Dynasty, not falling, the bottom is unleadage, but it is not the front of these roads. Representative, other do not say, don't you be an endless army? "

If you hear the cold emperor, Xia Tao's gaze is slightly.

Xia Ezu, in Eastern Tang Tang still, even the Tang Dynasty, the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the East Tang Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty, has a lot of scruples in Xiajiao, which is naturally not like this.

Within Xia, there is indeed a number of bottom cards and means, and it is the most important, it is an immortal army!

Summer family has an immortal army, even if there are few people in the Xia Kei, there are not a few people know that this is a clear?

Although doubt, Summer Tao also clearly understood the situation around, and immediately opened.

"Since the cold emperor personally requests, then I will hide again!"

Immortal Legion, dispatched! "


PS: Chapter 15 is here!

This broke out, it is here, although not much, but killing each chapter is very careful, ensuring that each chapter is quite exciting.

In addition, although the breakthrough of death is over, this is a wonderful life battle, but it has not ended. For this battle, it is a lot before the death, just in order to write this battle more exciting, bloody So this battle, still does not come to the truly the most!

After all, so the world, our sword is unparalleled and can you become aid?

Wonderful, continue tomorrow!

In addition, with a lot of new readers, this book updates four chapters every day, and the update time is updated at 8:00 in the evening, and it is nature tomorrow, and from the beginning, never arrears, not dragging, not too late More, reputation is absolutely guaranteed, and everyone supports.

Finally, the QQ group of this book is announced: Jian Houfu _vip total group 317601474 kills every day, everyone can join.

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