
The battlefield has a void, and there is a space insect hole, followed by a black dress from the spatial wormhole.

These black people gathered behind the Summer Tao's body, they were densely numb, and they had enough to have a hundred shadows, and the most important thing is that this hundreds of people are amazing, with a rich suffocation, every way is very strong.

Dao Zun!

This suddenly appeared in the hundreds of things, it was all Dao Zun! ! !

"This this……"

On the battlefield, everyone was shocked.

Hundreds of roads, this is the big hand of Xiajiao?

"No, these people, although it feels sense to be respectful, but the breath is a little quirky." Zijing island's mainstay.

Others have also been seen.

These black robes, every person, with a strange breath, that kind of breath, is a kind of dead, just like the martial arts that will usher in the big limit, don't forget, In the Wancha, the life of the eternal bodies is eternal.

And Dao Zun is naturally a long time, as long as it is not killed, almost will not die, but in front of this foot, hundreds of people are filled with such a rich and dead road, what is going on?

"This is the immortal army of Xiajiao. There is a lot of people?" The cold emperor looked at this hundred and shadow, and his eyes also secretly contracted.

Xia Ezu has an immortal army, she knows, and she also knows the origin of this immortal army.

This immortal army is that Xia Kei once won the championship, and the secret can make a pass on a short time in a short time, but the price but the price is Unparalleled.

However, when cultivating this secret, first, they first became a road, and only the most ordinary one turnover, and their life will also be huge.

About 100,000 years, no matter who cultivates this secret achievement, he can only survive 100,000 years, after 100,000 years, no matter whether he uses any ways to die.

And Xia Kei has been cultivating immortal legions. Whenever someone died in the immortal army, they will immediately have new people to make up. After so many years, Xia is in order to maintain the existence of immortals, and pay the price, single single The top of the eternal science, I didn't know how much.

"Although the cost is large, the role is also big, so many years of accumulation, this immortal army is finally used." Xia Tao was a smirk, and at this time, a hundred black robe people were brought A bit of majestic strong old people came over and stood in parallel with Xia Tao.

"That is Xia Ming?"

"Xia Jia's last home, Xia Ming?"

"This old thing, isn't he heard that he died in millions of years? How can I live now?"

Seeing that strong old people, on the battlefield, a piece of exclaimed.

Xia Kei's last house owner, the strength, can be more stronger than Xia Tao, it is estimated to be more than Xiao Emperor, the cold emperor, and it is more than a lot, but still alive?

"Hey, Xia is, Tibetan is really deep enough." The cold emperor saw this cold and smile.

If she is usually, she knows that the Summer of Xia is, maybe there will be some tricks, but now she is with Xia Ezu as the same camp, the stronger the strength of Xia Kei, the more helpful for the situation in front of you.

"Do it." Xia Tao looked at the young people in the old man.

Xia Ming nodded, , "Immortal Legion, Shang!"


The immortal army is full of hundreds of roads, instantly, and rushed into the battlefield.

"not good!"


Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor has a strong person who has a self-discipline.

If they have gradually taken an ups and feels, now the Xiaki's immortal army appears, the horror power, completely set the lineup of the two camps to the powerful gap, this battle, Also dramatically tilted towards the emperor, the summer is tilted.

"Block, I want to block them!"

"These roads are just the most ordinary, the weakest level of the road, be careful, and there is a chance."

Xiao Emily sent a low voice.

No matter how he calls, the other party's hundreds of Daozun joins the battlefield. This is a fact. The colored colors, one followed by a Dao Zun, killed by Xiajiao's immortal army.

Like Xiao Emily, the top ten God gods, before the battle, it only fell, but now the immortal army will join, only for a moment, and even the end of the emperor, and also hit a hit.

Xiao Emily blocked, can't stop, we can't stop! "The Northern Mentor's home of Northern Dynasty said.

Xiao Emperor is gloomy.

"Don't I do it like the last time, I am sicking with the tail?" He grasped his hands, muttered in your mouth, but the heart is uncomfortable.

Not willing!

He is not willing!

And on the other side ...

"The sword is unparalleled, swords are unparalleled ..." Cold as cream did not pay attention to the change in the battlefield, after the ancient people of the Qixing Royal Kai, she immediately stopped his life, she immediately forth.

Her beautiful face is an unprecedented anxiety. After all, she can see you in your own eyes before, but I will do the sword unparalleled chest cave.

At the bottom of the pothole, the frost finally found the sword unparalleled.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, lying in the pit hole, the blood cave of the mouth of the bowl of his chest, but it is in an amazing speed, and it has been repaired by half, see cold, seeing, The sword is unparalleled to show a smile, "Don't worry, I am fine."

Seeing the sword is not alive, it is easy to breathe.

She didn't know that the sword was unparalleled to reach the third step in the sky. After the death of the dead, he wanted to die, and the old man wore his chest, broke his heart, but he still lived well. And in his body, as a thousand people, the most powerful is the ability to repair, and have been quickly restored his injury.

It is almost the same as it is now.

"Now the situation in the battlefield is very bad, you will help Xiao Emperor, don't worry about me, I will soon recover soon." The sword is unparalleled.

Cold as frost, the sword is unparalleled. It has fixed the almost chest, and the bottom is flashing, and the spin is turned to the battlefield.

In the pit cave, the sword is unparalleled, and the consciousness is exchanged with the King.

"Kings, I remember you said before, if you really encounter the crisis, you can force the blood of Luo Zhenwang, to take a line of life?" The sword was unparalleled.

"What do you want to do?" The sound of the king sounds clearly.

"What do you say?" The sword was unparalleled.


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