Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 946, the anger of the ancient gods, looking for the moon!

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't want to be stupid."

The voice of Kings has become eager. "The blood drops in your body, but the Quezhen king spent a lot of essential blood, why do you have to take time to take a quick absorption in the future, it is destined to become The top power, and if it is forcibly absorbed, although it can make the strength to skyrise, it is just temporary, it is a waste, that is fine, you are never better. "

"In addition, although the situation in front of you is bad, it is not the room that has not been turned. It is said that there is no one of your camp. If there is any bottom card, it is said that, even if you really, you can escape, wait He is coming again to rebel. "

"He is coming again?" The sword has no double shakes smile. "Today, this war, this is because now, I will hide behind the people. This is my sword unparalleled?"

The sword has a deciduous bloody blood, which has been wrapped in the blood of the blood in his body. Suddenly the sword is unparalleled, but it is like a bloody potter, directly Dark golden blood is swallowed and swallowed directly.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Kings were anxious in the sword. However, after seeing the sword is only a success, he is also easily tone, "it's okay, just!"

One way, although it is a pity, but it is better than a lot of breath, it is much better.

After a forcibly swallowing this, the blood of the blood in the sword is unparalleled, and the moment is crazy.

In the pit hole, the sword is unparalleled, and slowly floating up the empty space, at this moment, the whole body is bathed under a dark golden light, he originally just the chest part is dark gold, but now this dark gold color But it is spread all over his body.

At the same time, in his eyebrow, a four-way star pattern also began to connect.

One, two, and finally condensed the third, and the third four-menished pattern, it was an unusual dazzling.

Samsung ancient god!

Still a complete Samsung Royal Great!

On the void, the sword is unparalleled, his pair is completely confined to the dark golden eyes, the faint flashes, the battlefield in front, the battlefield, Xiao Emperor this camp, has a festival Decoured, and the numerous roads of the Camp, Xiajiao's camp were madly chasing.

In particular, the immortal army of Xia is.

The people of the immortal army, not only have the strength, but many quantities, the most important thing is that they know how long they can't live, so they are alive, and they are also unusually crazy. It is very unauthentication.

"Fortunately, the most difficult national teacher is entangled by the ancient king, no way to go, otherwise ..." The sword is unparalleled with a distant battlefield, where the ancient king is with the old man is crazy The fierce battle is killing, and the two battlefields are all in the battlefield.

And these two people handed over, I was afraid of can't divide the winning and negative in a short period of time.

"The sword is unparalleled, let me come out."

The voice of the king is in the sword. "I have never been out for a long time. Before you are too weak, I am affected by your influence, but now, now, you will rely with blood. The top level of Samsung, my strength has also improved a lot, now I, I can barely to show some secrets. "

When I heard the king, the sword didn't have a little bit, and then the idea was moved. He had a red wonderful secret pattern from his arm, but at this moment, this secretory is a red ray, followed by a huge body. Out, the void appears in front of it.

The whole body is spread all over the red scales, and there is a rootary horror, these tentacles are not exhausted, the huge volume is completely stretched on this day.

However, because of the impact of the sword, the king of this moment, the body is far from the huge in the starry sea.

At that time, in the stars, the king body is rotated, but it has formed a mozzare island, but now it is just that there are hundreds of feet long. Despite this, with its face, it is extremely scary, especially it Horror's suffocation.

The suffocating, abnormal.

"The sword is unparalleled, you cooperate with me." The voice of the King is still ringing in the sword.

The sword has no double high, has risen to ten feet high, the whole body is dark, he stands on the head of the King of Wang Shuo, "How to cooperate?"

"Three major secrets of the ancient gods, are you not there? You will give it to the secret surgery." Said the King said.

"Good." The sword has no double heart.

"Ready ..." The king sinks, but it is suddenly opening, "start!"

The sword has no double eyed, and the mysterious mysterious surgery that has been prepared, and immediately prepaid.

With the power of the Samsung's top ancient god, do our utmost to express the secret surgery, and then enter the amplitude of the blood of the blood ... ~~~ The horrible sense of consciousness is empty, just like a rooted direct piercing in people's consciousness , Venting.

In the sword where the sword is unparalleled, the huge body is slightly looked up, while the sword is unparalleled, there is also a pound of a pound of on the king.

"Wang Yue Secret ... !!!!"

The horrible is swept, and the king's blood is open, and the fierce will take a deep breath, followed by a survey of the world, and suddenly broke out.

" !!!!"

The snoring, with a sharp, pilot the world, and even pilot time and space.

Before before the huge body of the King, as he broke down, he immediately appeared on the voids, and the sound of the sound was rapidly expanded, and then the previous one is already in front. The white hot battlefield is completely covered.

On the battlefield, the two major camps were still in the crazy battle.

It is actually, and the situation is already in the side.

Cold emperor, Xiajiao camp, under the leadership of the immortal army, madly chasing the many roads of Xiao Emperor camp, Xiao Emperor has been suffering.

It can be in this sound, and the snoring sounds sounded.


Many of the battlefields have seen the source of the sound.

"what is that?"

They all saw the huge body of Kings, but I couldn't recognize something.

The sound sounded, and the next moment, there was a ripple and spread.

The ripples contains the horror horror horror horror horror horror horror horror, this sound wave is also attacked by the horses of the moon king. This sound wave is also attacked with the syndrome of the sword.

The two perfectly cooperated to create this most horrible blow.

This is the moon, and it is also an anger of the ancient god! ! ! !


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