Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 947, Qiankun to reverse!

The carrier sound shed and the ripple of the fantasy attack, covers the entire battlefield, and passed directly from the entire battlefield with amazing speed.

Many of the two major camps, including those of Xiao Emperor's camp, overwhelmed by this ripples, obviously did not affected.

Clear emperor's camp with Xiajiao ... Xia Yi's immortal army rushed to the forefront of the battlefield. When this shared ripple swept, the immortal army's hundreds of roads showed a void, and the body shape was wild. More than 90% of the road, mouth, nose, eyes, all overflows blood.

The ripples also brushed towards those wholes, and other summons, and most of these people have sprout, and some of them have flowing from the seven holes.

The corrugated crossed the entire battlefield and continued to pass, but soon completely dissipated in the world.

The whole battlefield, and even the whole world, it is completely quiet.

Next, the most central, cold emperor of the battlefield and the camp of Xiajiao!!!! ~~~

A road, like rain, weak fall from the void.

At this moment, the fell of the fell is close to one hundred!

Especially the immortal army, the Immortal Legion's Dazun just is one hundred, but after the ripples pass through the battlefield, only the three people still stand there, others, except for the murder of the Dijun in the Xiao Emperor Several positions, all weak falls below the ground, and it is a cold body.

Attack, nearly 100 Daozun, directly killed! ! !


The sputum screaming throughout the world, especially the strong people of Xiajiao, like which Xia Tao, Xia Ming, his face is more anger!

Their two of them are also crazy.

Task, this is that they have used long years, spend endless costs, and carefully created the most powerful military group!

That's a hundred of the road, although it is more than 100,000 years, but it is Dao Zun!

But now, in a moment ... The entire immortal army, there is only three people left, and the remaining three people are also hit hard, almost lose their skills.

The entire immortal army is in this moment, the whole army is covered! ! ! !

"This this……"

Many of the Xiao Emperor's camp were also shocked by this scene, and immediately, I have seen the source of the corrugated source.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Xiao Emily wondered, he saw the figure of standing on the head of the King, although the sword had no double body skyrocket, the skin became a dark gold, but he was still recognized.

"It is him, it is a sword. It is a means of this small hybrid union." Xia Ethians are unbearable.

"This little hybrid is not dead yet?" Xia Tao roared directly.

At this war, his son was dead, and he was stopped by the ancient pup.

Now, they will spend the endless price answer, and the whole army is destroy!

Such huge losses ... His heart is in a blood, crazy dripping!

"It's all this small hybrid. Everything happened today is what he causing. If he doesn't have him, Mang is already happy to be happy, and the summer is also married. Everything is in accordance with the plan, it can be done because of this small hybrid, all ruined, destroyed! "Xia Tao is colored, seeing the sword unparalleled eyes become abnormal grievances and anger.

"Small hybrid, I want to kill you!"

A whisper, the horrible killing swept from Xia Tao, and the next day, this summer is directly like the furious lion, and the sword is unparalleled. The murder is more Unparalleled completely covered.

At this moment, on the big skull of the King, the sword is unparalleled to see the situation on the battlefield, and the bottom is full of horror.

", , this is what you just caused?" The sword asked unparalleled.

"Narcitation." The King is a cold channel: "Of course, your consciousness also has a certain credit, but it is because the Taoist of the immortal army is a half-hanger."

"Half of the hang?" The sword has no double.

"Those Dao Zun should all cultivate a secret of a poison in the cost, thus breaking through the road, but this breakthrough is very reluctant, than those who break through Bodhi Dand, it will be much worse. Even in nature is still only eternal. "The king laughed," I just made the secrets, it is not too strong, the ordinary is very, but after all, it belongs to the sound wave attack, the diffuse range is also wide, the most It is important that there is also your conscious attack and cooperation! "

"Your consciousness attack first acts on the Dao Zun of the immortal army, these respects don't have a few people to block, and my speech is directly shocked by their live nucleus, It's that simple."

"It turned out to be." The sword is nothing more.

No wonder only the immortal army suffers from hunting, but the Tianwei has the real price of the summer people, but there is not a few dead.

With the entire army of the immortal army, this war was almost defeated, and the sword was directly reversed by the sword!

On the battlefield, many strong people in Xiao Emperor were surprised.

"The immortal army has been covered with the whole army, next, it is the remaining of Xia Ees." The sword has become cold.

And this time, he just saw that Xia Tao burst into a murder, and he came to him.

"Xia Kei, Xia Tao, the road to the third turn, and close to the top of the three-turn!"

The blood peak sword appeared in the hands of the sword, burst into a far-reaching powerful power than the powerful power, next to him, the nine-day sword arrays consisting of seventy-two-handed three-foot swords, have already been formed.

The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, ready." The King opened.

"Good." The sword has no double heart.

call out!

The king of the pole, the body, the body of the body, the moment is like electricity, the horror is straight to the sky, and on the way, the sword standing on the king of the king is unparalleled, but he jumped.


The King king directly appeared in front of the summer, the huge body fierce, slaughtered ~~~ A hinged tentacle air-shaped Chao Xia Tao broke out.

"Give me!"

Xia Tao kills the sky, makes a burst, but the giant ax in the hands is quite unparalleled.

This ax, directly smashed the tentacles of the king into two paragraphs.

When the king, the king is a mouth, a big red fog spouting.

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