Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 948 is old

This red fog is not only stinking, but also crazyly corroded the heavens and the earth. After spit out, the shape of Xia Tao is completely covered.


Xia Tao has a slight change, he can detect the red fog in the corrosion of his body, but he is strong in his body, which is extremely slow, but the red fog has blindly blocked his sight and awareness.

expensive! ! !

The sharp harsh sound rang, I saw a lavender stream, just like a crazy rotated 'taper' directly toward him head hit.

Xia Tao snorted, and his hands raised the giant ax, and an open land was raised.

This giant ax is like the martial arts that dominates the heavens and the earth, it is directly angry.


The crisp metal impact sounds, and the surrounding void is immediately shocked into powder.

Xia Tao's face is sinking. It is affected by the powerful anti-vibration force. It can't help but retreat to the rear. It can be in front of his crazy rotary lavender 'but just a meal. Amazing speed, continuing toward his head.

"How can it be?"

Xia Tao is somewhat surprised to look at the forehead, which is the owner of the lavender 'taper'. The man is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, obvious is just a eternal!

And he, but the triple truncation of the price of the price is even close to the top of the three-turn.

It is hard to hard, it is that he is in the wind?

What is the power of the lavender 'cone', which is strong?

He did not know, the sword at this moment is unparalleled. Forcibly absorb the power of Luo Zhen Wang's blood, although it is just a complement, it is still a short time to have the fight for the top of the Top of the Top of the Top of the Top of the Top Royal God in a short time.

The ancient god group, blood advantage is huge compared to ordinary military.

Samsung ancient gods, it is equivalent to the Popular House.

Samsung top, corresponding to three turnover.

And the top of the Samsung, the ancient god of the tribute, the force corresponding, is the three-turn end of the road!

Although Xia Tao is close to the strength of the three-turn end, it is just approaching, not true, the sword is facing this moment, naturally suppressed.


The sword is unblocked, the strength of the blood is flashing, the blood of the blood is surging, the source of the source is incorporated into the nine-day swords, so that the nine-day sword array is the lavender light sword, the light is getting more and more, and the outbreak is more Strong speed and power.

The lavender light sword, and once again, Xia Tao was attacked.

In addition, the king is full of thousands of tentacles. At this moment, it is also crazy to kill Xia Tao, and the speed of the sky is also blocking it. Even if this Xia Tao will break this, the terrorist recovery ability of Kings, It can be recovered in an instant.

"How could this be?"

"This is impossible!"

The sound of an angry voice in Xia Taokou.

He is brought to killing, if you want to have swords, you have two sons, revenge for his two sons, for his immortal army.

It can be truly handed in the results, he is actually completely compressed by the sword, and he is forced to wolf.

And on the battlefield, when the immortal army was covered, the many of the Xiao Emperor camp, and immediately shot immediately.

Although the immortal army appeared before, Xiao Emperor's camp lost a lot of road, but the top power is still there.

Xiao Emily, Yun Emperor, Zijing Island, the bloody day is cold, and it can be completely spanned.

Can be cranked with Xiajiao, after excluding Xia Tao, standing on the top, there is only the cold emperor, Xia Ming, and an early child, the highest level of war, poor Too far.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled with the king, and a one-sighted kills kills nearly 100 Daozun, and it is also scared them. When the Xiao Emperor is beginning to counterattack, the situation is almost one side.

The twenty-four Tianwei of the cold emperor, less than half of the death, the respects of Xia Kei, the same death, even the seriously injured of Xia Zi, in the Xiao Emperor camp At the time of counterattack, he was attacked by the bloody day. Then, with the nuntera, it directly killed this summer.

Just because the sword is unparalleled with the horrible tricks of the King, this war is completely reversed.

"This way, how long it doesn't take, I'm estimated to be all broken." The cold emperor has a blue, and the arrogance is a saint: "Xia Tao, the old people, the old people don't die, I don't show it?"

"Xia is old is not dead?" The many of the Xiao Emperor camp were all.

On the battlefield, I was caught in the red fog, and I was sentenced to the nine swords in the sword. I almost no resistance to Xia Tao heard this, the completion is also a sink.

"The ancestors have been retaining, and this time is his most important stage. Once they have passed this stage, he will once again improve it again. When you come to the national division, the tama is divided into the things. The benefits of getting more will be more. "

"So, before the ancestor, I deliberately, if it is not forced, don't affect him."

Xia Tao is still hesitating, but it is only a moment, and it has decided.

"The purpose of the old ancestors, it is also to get a bigger interest from the national teacher, the cold emperor's hand, can be defeated by the national teacher and the cold emperor by Xiao Emperor, then don't say more interest, the old ancestors have summer Taliff is a little benefit! "

"Since this ..."

Xia Tao bite his teeth, but the hand is immediately an enormous, one power, and the token is directly broken.

At the moment of the strike, far in the hundreds of millions of miles, the summer is home to the base, have been hidden in the bottom of a secret room, and there is a feeling, with this statue. A shock of body, the stone cover that covers the whole body is immediately smashed, revealing a silver gray hair old in the inside.

This silver-gray hair old is thin, with a bit eyebrow with a bit of majesty, and at this moment, his two swordsters are slightly moved. Then they have opened their mouths, open the moment, and a red feng flashed. In front of his voids, there was a dark flame, and this dark flame was burned in the void, and never extinguished.

Combining, this silver gray hair old man has a brightened hand, and there is a crack immediately, this crack connects the striking in the battlefield.

Next moment, his body has already passed into the crack.


On the battlefield, this silver gray hair old man appeared in the air, and the place where the appearance was the side of Xia Tao.

Just appeared, in front of him, the nine-day sword arrays of the sword unparalleled manipulated, the thunder is not coming.

Silver gray hair old is a lofty.


A cold snorted from the mouth of the silver gray hair, this cold snort seems to contain the heavenly will, after the voice, the explosive nine-day sword array flew out, while the endless red red fog Instantly dissipate.

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