Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 949 Tianzun


The sword is unsatisfactory, with a shocked look at the silver gray hair in front of the appearance.

He now has the power of the Samsung Top Royal God, full of the nine days of swords, even Xia Tao can be pressed forward, but this silver gray hair old, but only a cold, the nine-day sword is flying out, this is What is the strength?

"The sword is unparalleled, you are careful, this person in front of you, it is a four-turn!" The voice of the King was unhealthy in the sword.

"Four turnover?" The sword has no double one, even if you ask, "Dao Zun, isn't there only three turns?"

"There are four turns, but because the fighting force of the four turnover is far from the relationship between the three turnover, there is no one to call them to respect the four turn, but they call them ... Tianzun ! "Said the king said.

"Tianzun?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Tianzun is the highest level of the road, and this level is not that you can achieve the fourth way, and you need other conditions, so this level, in the world. Only a very small number of talents can reach, like that Xiao Em, Yun Emperor, and the emperor they are three although they are just a step away, they can even call it for half a step, but after all, it is not true Tianzun. ! "

"You can now appear in front of your eyes, it is definitely a genuine Tianzun." The King Zheng Heavy road: "Of course, the Tianzun is strong, but with the national teacher, there is also the ancient king, but the difference is far away After that, the two have surpassed the road, reaching a higher level. "

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled, secretly screaming.

Tianzun, the truly supreme existence in the road.

And Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor, and the cold emperor, the three of them are top, but it is only the top of the three turn to respect, and it can be called half-step, and it is better than the true sky. .

In front of this silver gray hair old, it is actually a lot of existence than Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor and Cold Emperor.

Many of the battlefields on the battlefield have also perceive the arrival of this silver gray hair, and many of the many faces like Xiao Emperor have become extremely difficult to look.

"Xia Ethi?"

"It's him!"

"This is not dead, I don't know how many years have never been showed, I still stay in Xia Kiu!"

A tangled sound was connected with a strong sound.

"Xia Yi!" Xiao Emperor is extremely gloomy.

He is very clear that the strength of this Xia kan, if it is the Eastern Tang Dynasty in the peak, there is a young emperor to sit in the town, and the Eastern Tang Dynasty can also suppress Xia Ezang a bit.

After all, the strength of the Qing Di can be almost comparable to Tanghuang, which is much stronger than this summer.

Since I have died in the past many years ago, I didn't have a little audio of Tanghuang. The whole Eastern Tang has no one can resist this summer ancestor, so the summer will become more and more powerful. Strong to even the emperor has to use the means of marriage.

All the root of this is this Xia Za's old ancestral summer!

On the void, the silver gray hair old, Xia Yizheng, standing there, but the eyes are another battlefield of the distance.

"National teacher? Another person ... Is it a legendary ancient god?"

The horror movement came from the other battlefield, and this summer is also a bit shocking.

Although he is a Tianzun, it is not guts to dare to the fierce battle.

"Old ancestors."

Xia Tao is standing next to Xia Ya, and even the opening: "Xia Wei is dead, I have other days respect, including my son, Xia Mang is dead, in addition, there is the immortal of my Xia The army is also annihilated! "

"Well?" Xia Yi was witnessed.

"It is him, because of the little hybrid, all this is caused by the little hybrid!" Xia Tao pointed to the sword and parallel.

"Oh?" Xia Ya's eyes were in the eyes of the sword, and it was still following ... !

Xia Yaimang is directly illusion.

"Not good!" The sword did not change the double-faced.

"The sword is unparalleled, retreat!" The King also looked at the river.

You don't have to say, the sword is not paired in the first time.

Not far, I saw that Xia Yong directly appeared without a double kill, and there were two people equally shocked.

These two people, one is a sword unparalleled brother, the other, nature is cold as frost.

Both of them, did not hesitate, and the first time rushed over the direction of the sword.

"The death, his speed is too fast, I can't escape!"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the sudden chase, the face is now a sink, and the flash is flashing. "Since can't escape, then sett it!"

The sword is also flashing on a madness. The nine-day swordsman is crazy, and the source of the source is incorporated. At the same time, there is also a Taiyin God Ray, and the next moment, it will be turned out.

"I ridicily." The summer smiled, and then waved, the nine days of swordsman fly again, and a big power also came to the sword.


The sword immediately spurted a large blood, and the completion became pale.

It can be presented again in the summer, and when you kill the sword, you are unparalleled, but you are chasing him.


Xia Yun was surprised to see the past.

I saw that there was a void, a bloody robe, and dressed in blood and robes, I was hovering, and the whole person is like bathe in a bloody ocean, and he has already tall the knife in his hand. lift.

The fierce knife is distributed from the knife.

"That knife ..." Xia Yixian is dark.

He can notice that the knife in the hands of the blood is unusual, and it is not possible to have a general emperor who can, even the peak level of the emperor, and it is impossible to have the huge blood.

"It is a bit interesting." Xia Yun smiled, just stood there, waiting for the sword of the bloody day.

Bloody face is a bit twisted, the high-raised war knife, power power is crazy.

This knife is that he has so far, the strongest knife can be achieved, and he still spent the danger of serious injury, driving a secret surgery that is in the middle of the warfare.

This war knife, from his master, the secret of the war, the secret surgery in the war knife, nature is also unusual.

Finally, the power of his knife has been accumulated to reach the best. When he sent a burst of blood in the mouth, this high-raised war knife, squatting.

The knife is swept, and the time will be smashed in the front.


PS: Seeing that the brothers were so enthusiastic yesterday, they also worked hard today. They were only four more, and they added a more five more!

I hope everyone will support it.

In addition, the next chapter is called ... anger rushing down!

Finally, the book is updated every day, and the four chapters are updated at the same time. I have been updated at the same time. Everyone remembers it, of course, today is five chapters.

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