Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 951 broke out, 30% of blood!

The sword is unparalleled, spread all over around, shrouded the entire royal city, so that all people heard in this range, the heart gods, showing the color.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The first time, the first time, the sword walked over. He found the sword in the sword. There was a blood from Luo Zhenwang. It was originally being swallowed by the sword without pairs. The force of the blood is again draging.

Time, the dripper is once again swallowed by the sword without pairs.

Plus the previous one, it is the force of a full blood.


The heart of the king is in the blood.

Luo Zhenwang's heritage, if it is forcibly swallowed, how much is swallowed, and is wasteful.

Before the sword is unparalleled, he only swallowed, he is already very distressed, now actually swallowing 30%?

~ ~~~ a bloody force from the sword unparalleled in the body, the sword is unparalleled at the moment, the glamorous is terrible, under the package of the blood, his ancient power, It is crazy in an amazing speed.

At his eyebrow, there was only three four-faced star pattern, but now there is a fourth star quickly condensed.

Time, the fourth star is completely molded, exudes an unusual dark golden rays, this dark golden rays even faintly marked the sign of the fifth star, but finally stagnant.

Four-star top royal god! ! !

On the void, the sword is unparalleled in the dark golden ancient god, has risen to ten feet high, his dark golden eyes contain the thunder's anger, these anger is like a dark golden Thunder in that crazy flashing Since him, a horror killing of nine days is sufficient to rise.

"I want you to whole summer, for cold as frost !!!"

The screams of the sword are like the sword, like the wind, the wind is like, the huge body of the huge god of the sword is suddenly dispatched.

! ! !

The huge feet stepped on the ground below, and each step was taken out, and the ground below was burst.

Endless kill and anger, will stand in the void, the old silver gray hair is completely covered.

Feeling this horrible killing, even if the Tianzheng hierarchy, there have been some subtle changes.

"The ancient gods three fingers, one finger bound!"

The sword is unparalleled in the sword, and the snoring seems to come from Jiufang Hell. At the same time in his body, he has skyrocketed the power of the ancient gods, but it is directly in the right hand of your right hand.

The power of the vast ancient gods, all condensed in the sword without both palm, and suddenly pointed out.


The vast void appeared in a huge spiral channel.

This spiral channel has a width of the feet, as in the end of the day, appearing in the void of the Central Royal City, and in this spiral channel, there is a golden giant finger that contains a silence, all beings suffocating! !

This golden giant refers to the general, magnificent, vast, atmospheric, destroyed from ancient times, and destroyed the earth, and immediately become dead, and the Chinese is silent.

Ancient god three fingers!

The sword is unparalleled to awaken the blood of the ancient gods, and the awakened part of the inheritance of memory, got to the high school.

This, the power, the power is shocked, and it has always been too weak because the sword is not too weak. It does not completely exert this.

But now, the sword is unparalleled with the blood of the body. His ancient gods have risen to the top level of the four-star, and the power of the school is finally perfect in his hands.

One finger pointed out that it was shocking, even if it was the Xia Ya, seeing this pointing, can't help but move.

Next, his side of the two horrible power was immediately exploded.

These two powers, a hot and irritable, as if they can burn everything in the world.

Another shares, but it is thick, mighty.

It is clear that the two power of clear, but it is the perfect combination of Xia Yapo.

"Secrets, Magic God!"

Xia Zi-shi has a flash of screaming, and the palm of the palm suddenly shot in front of the front. The two of the two have suddenly broke out, but it is an instant to form a hundred feet high and the appearance is abnormal.

This other beast exudes a horrible breath, and the sky is sent out, but the arrogant is the golden giant finger that has been extended, and the fierce front impact.

This hit, but it is like two squares of the world's front impact.


The horrible aftertaste is crazy and swept away, making many respects of the battlefields around the battlefield to be shocked.

In the most central, the sword is unblocked, and the sword is faint, and there is a shock, and he refers to the power of the extreme horror, it has once again improved a bit.

Rumble ~~~ The horrible power, so that the other beast is completely rushing, and even the shackles of the Xia Yazhen have been quilt.

"This kid, there is a weird!"

Xia Yi is cold, after standing stabilizes, continue in the sword.

He is very clear that the sword is unparalleled to hide the secret, otherwise an eternal science, it is impossible to explode this horrible power.

Suddenly, Xia Yixi turned to the hand, and the hand was in the hands of a blue ancient hammer. This blue ancient hammer had a dark ray with a dark ray.

"I have never been shot many years. I didn't expect it to make a hand, I have to use it, and the opponent, just a eternal antity!" Xia Yishu is murded, it is grasped on the palm of the blue ancient hammer, one The power of shares can easily smash the voids in that crazy gathering.

Opposite to Xia Yong, the sword is unparalleled to step again.

This time, the momentum of the sword was unparalleled with killing, and he had risen again to a new level.

"The second finger of the ancient god, the broken star!"

The sky is swaying, in the storm formed by the vast energy, the sword is unparalleled, and the shape of the ancient gods, the source of the ancient gods, and the power of the ancient gods When reaching the extreme.

From the ancient god group to the second finger of the school, pointed out!

The ancient gods three fingers, one finger.

The second point is that there is a power!

The void of the central government, the space once again appeared a huge empty hole, this empty madness spread, ruthlessly swallowing the many gravel dust in the ruins of Huangcheng, and in this space, the most important thing in the sky.

This is an ancient shadow of ancient gods.

This ancient god immersed, the volume actually exceeded the foot!

Wanzhang's high body, than that is a big king who is crazy with the madness of the Master, it is more than ten times.

He seems to come from ancient times. Now it is only just his half of the body, but it is half a bit of body, but it has become a lot of time.

And this semi-respectd the ancient god vain, his fingers were condensed and suddenly pointed out.

The second finger of the ancient god, coming! ! !


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