Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 952, the energy!


Half of the ancient god of the sea, pointed out, and the same is a golden, falling down, and it is, but the virtual empty once again issued a roar explosion. The giant finger has not completely dropped, but already There is a horrible aftertaste to swept around.

Xia Yi, standing in front of that giant finger, the old face is also revealed, and then the power of Tianzun, completely broke out!

"Eight Wildness Liuhe, Secrets ... Tunmon!"

On the summer, the two of the two stones have skyrocketed, and the blue ancient smelly hammer in his hand is also crazy trembling, and the endless power is gathered in Xia Yun's yellow palm. His palm became popular at this moment.

It's followed by the blue ancient smelly skyrocket in his hand, and then he went down to the void of the giant point.

This smashing, directly exploding the world.

Among the smashing spaces, there is a layer of horrible ripples, these ripples continue to attack the golden giant, which makes the Golden Giants' power weakened, and a lot of ancient gods have been scattered in all directions. go with.

When the golden giant refers to touches the cyan ancient hammer, the giant refers has weakened more than 90%, and the remaining must have a power, still broke out.


A big sound, I sent a boring body in Xia Da, but the body is connected to three steps, and every step in these three steps across the thmostole.

"I am in the bottom of the wind?" Xia Ziku took a shocking.

He has already fully played his strengths, and even the strongest secret surgery is also launched.

As a result, the second finger of the sword is unparalleled, but it is still forced to retreat for hundreds of miles, and it is in an absolute lower air.

However, at this time, in the upper side of the void, the face is still distorted to almost unrecognizable swords, and there is a dry drink in the mouth. He slammed the chest, and the life forced out his own blood. The blood is gripped, and the eyes are finished with a unprecedented crazy, reach out again!

"The third finger of the ancient god, dieting!"

Boom ~~~ Endless the power of ancient gods, suddenly projected.

The ancient gods three fingers, from the power of swords, unpaid inheritance, these three fingers, in his memory, self-awakening, he knows how to show, but he has not had complete display of these three fingers The strength of it.

But now, with the help of swallowing Lu Zhen Wang 30 into a bloody ancient god, reaching the four-star top level, just can barely display this third finger!

As the sword is unparalleled, in the huge space black hole, the half-shadow of the second finger is exhibited, but it has not been completely dissipated, but with the sword unparalleled three refers to the ancient ancient God is once again started to condense, this time this ancient god vain, almost quickly agglomerated into an entity.

At the same time, his other feet also slammed out a complete body.

Originally just half ancient gods, now it is a complete!

When it is far more than just to show the second finger, it is necessary to spread from this ancient god imaginary shadow.

"go to hell!!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and a sizzling and crazy whizzle.

This is whistling, making countless weapons in the field, the heart god wick, there is a horror of his heart!

Under the eyes of everyone, the eyes of the ancient gods of the ancient gods also have a heavy scream, followed by the giant finger of the right hand, and pointed out again!

Self-breakfast, after the smash, the third finger of the ancient gods, destroyed!

This point is carried with a thrilling power!

This refers to the ultimate anger that has never been seen with swords!

This point is also included in the cold as frost, that endless love!

This is him, rushing to the crown, in order to be cold, for his brother, the revenge of the outbreak! ! !


Terror, thus falling, crushed everything in the world.

At the bottom of the mini, at the bottom of the mini, at this moment, the old face is also revealed, "" There is a stronger point? "

Xia Yishi is also panicked.

This is also his self-evident, sitting in the summer of Xia Ezu, first feeling flustered, even fear!

It was just the second finger before, he did his best, although it blocked, it was in absolute down.

At this moment, this third finger, but the power, it is necessary to have a few times more than the second finger.

This means, even if he, the heart is not from a thought that can't be resistant.


I sent a cold and fierce, I was issued in Xia Da, and Xia Ya's eyes became crazy at this moment.

"The old man will not believe, you can turn this day in a neccence in your district!"

"come on!!!"

Xia Yapo became abnormal, and there was a roar in the mouth, and the terrible Tianzun's power was completely gathered in his hand at this moment. He had an unsearable force on his body, and it has also been an ultimate.

Xia Yi shot.

It's still a horrible hammer that is fierce and sweeping.

This hammer is also the dignity of Xia Yishi with its own Tianzun, with the strongest hammer that has been confident in his own strength.

This hammer, the power is also enough.

In the empty, the golden giant finger that has the energy of the world, and this is enough to be a strong hammer.

The front is in touch!

~~~ A strange ripples spread, constantly weaken the power of the golden giant refers, but this golden giant refers to rushing, rushing over heavy hinders, just a moment, the skyrocketing is very huge Blue giant hammer bombards together.


It is like a ceiling.

Booming ~~~ The horrible power forms a flooded energy storm crazy oppression, in the Xia Da, the eyes below the storm, the eyes are slightly smashed, the silver gray long hair is crazy, and the clothes wear on him are also broken. Come.

But his eyes have unprecedented crazy!

"It's impossible! It's impossible !!!"

"Old Handang Tianzun, in the ancient border, it is invincible! It will be enemies but you will be an eternal in your district !!!"

"Older, never believe !!!"

A burst of crazy roaring was issued from Xia Daport, and the face of Xia Ya is also terrible.

Two horrible power crazy collides, but it couldn't fight out for a moment.

Can be here ... ! A huge red figure, but it appeared to Xia Yizheng, with a bit of a bit of cooling and unusually thick sound.

"Old kid, are you forgotten this uncle?"


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