Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 953 is not dead


Xia Yun's face suddenly changed, and he noticed the king next to it.

When the king, the body is only a hundred feet long. As the sword is unparalleled to absorb 30% of the blood, the eyebrow is condensed four stars, and the strength of the King also immediately happened to change the earth, and the body rose to thousands.

At this moment, the huge body of the King is hovering in Xia Ya, and its bloodshot is also open.

"Moon Secrets, Jiuqu" "

The king sent a snoring, and the open blood is suddenly a bare red ray, which is a strong destruction, but the time is the place where the Xia Ya is located. Out.

call out!

The red rays form a beam, an incredible speed, brushing a long void, has come to Xia Ya's side, directly toward Xia Ya's head.

"not good!"

Xia Yun has been completely distorted, the face is horrified, and the face of the body is returned.

This retreat, although successfully escaped the red beam, but no longer resist the sword and unparalleled death.

"Xia Yong's old dog, death !!!" The stunned roaring ruthless.

Booming ~~~ I saw that the life of the heavens and the earth was completely coming, the huge golden giant finger, the front bombardment was on the body of Xia Ya, and the power of the vast ancient god suddenly broke out.

"Do not!!!"

Xia Yaheng made a scream, his eyes glared, but there was no resistance to the power of this golden giant, and was taken directly from the ground directly toward the ground.

The golden giant refers to Xia Ya, contacts the ground.


The ground immediately appeared a huge nozzle hole, squat ~~ a large amount of gravel crazy is set off, and the Golden Giants gradually broke out, this pit hole continues to face down, The diffuse range is also getting more and more vast.

Tiandi giant earthquake.

Everything is quiet.

The whole world is falling into a plenty of energy storm.

The strength of this energy storm, even the respects of the two major camps on the battlefield, it also dissembles, and then the shape is immediately fettered.

And when this is all completely calm, everyone has seen it again.

At this point, everyone is shocked.

I saw that I was very huge, occupied by the Imperial City of Mo Dadang and the Hong Kong, which has been completely disappeared, and even one is filled with tens of thousands of miles, and there is a terrorist pit hole that is deep.

The whole royal city will cultivate this pothole.

At the bottom of the pit, it is a ridiculous.


Unprecedented shocks have emerged in everyone's heart.

And next moment, ! A bloody stream is in an amazing speed, from the bottom of the pothole, this bloody stream is clearly panicked, and after leaving the empty hole, it is almost escaped, and the camp of the strong people in Xiajiao. go with.

This bloody stream is stopped by Xia Tao, followed by gradually emerged.

He, the original silver gray hair, but it became unusually pale, and his face was more old than before, his skin was thoroughly dry, and it was full of blood, the most important thing is his breath.

Weak, weak and poor.

Even general roads are more than.

This is the case, in general, only people will have it in the oil lamp.

It can make everyone have a shocking from the heart, this figure is that the biggest base card in the summer, Xia Za's old ancestral summer!

"Old ancestors !!!"

Many of the Xia kiang's respects, seeing Xia Yishu today's weakness to reach the extreme state, one by one is very angry, and the bottom is incredible.

Their old ancestors have been the myth of their family people.

From many years ago, this myth is always invincible.

Even if the four emperors in the Tongsheng period, the Eastern Tang Dynasty is also because of their relationship, there is a lot of scruples.

But now, the mythical old ancestors in their eyes are weak to this point?

You know, the opponent faced by their ancestors, just just a eternal border!

Tang Tianzun, playing with an eternal border, which is actually used by the latter to use some other means to force this field?

How can this be?

Everyone's heart is crazy, screaming.

And the summer is also a scarlet, it is a bleeding. His eyes are dead and stare at the most central, a young shadow of Xu Xunteng. The people are full of shadows. Golden skin, the foot is on the foot, and there is a worm beast with countless tentacles, and the body is still filled with an abnormal horror.

"This kid ... I'm almost die in his hand!" Xia Ya is holding his hands, and it is also awkward.

On the huge body of Kings, the sword is not a double body, but there is no weaker. His dark golden eyes are deep, the raging fire is still crazy, and the pen looks straight to Xia Yi.

"Just that finger, I can't kill him?" The sword is unbolded. "

"He should be a very unique sense of life. This secret made him back to a life, but although the life came back, but the price is definitely not small, seeing him, the weak look, I am afraid no Tens of thousands of years or longer, there is no way to fix it at all. "The voice of King is ringing in the sword.

The stronger strength, the more difficult it is to recover after the injury.

Like the ancient king, he suffered heavy and strength many years ago. He has stayed in an old door in ancient gates, but it can only recover, it can only be restored. The difficulty is difficult.

"This summer, you must die!"

The sword is unbridden in the sword to release the crazy killing, but his body shape is moving, but the body is shock, and the next momentary blood is sprayed directly, and a pain from the most deepest pain is fierce.

"Sword is unparalleled, don't go crazy!"

King said, "" Luo Zhenwang's blood is very horizontal, although it makes you break out the strength of itself in a short time, but the anti-blood anti-anti-you can afford, now You, the body has reached the limit, you have no power to fight, give up! "

"It's impossible!" The sword was unparalleled, his eyes, although it was still a reason, but more but the endless anger is crazy.

"For cold as frost ... Even I am afraid of spelling my flesh is completely rushing, even fighting for death, I have to kill Xia Yi, destroy Xia Yi !!!"

The sword is unparalleled, with a big sky, with the same time, the blood of the sword is unparalleled.

He, actually intended to force to swallow more heat!

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't have to urge! Don't impulsive!"

"Your little girlfriend, yet dead!"

The sound of the King of King sounded, and the sword was unparalleled.

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