Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 954 This emperor will never defeat!

"Didn't die?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It's not dead, you look carefully." Yu Wang shouted.

The sword is unparalleled, and the cold is like a frost, the frost, the frost, the frost, the frost.

A white dress is almost dyed, and the cream is quietly floating. Her weeks have a heavy energy barrier, this energy barrier is a sword without double explosion, and the purpose is only to protect the fuwa of the frost. Next, he is not affected by the killing of Xia Ya.

But now the sword is unparalleled with frost, but it is found that the frost is still still in the body.

Although the breath is weak, if there is no, it is clear that there is still a breath.

"I really died?" The sword has no doubles in an instant.

"Hey, innate sin, if you can die, then it is a strange thing, but if you go any more, then she may be dead." The king didn't have a good airway.

The sword is unparalleled, and he also can't take care of the summer, but immediately, it's like a frost.

When I came to the cold as frost, the sword was unparalleled directly into the arms.

"The king, enter her body, and hehe it." The sword shouted.

He knows that the recovery ability of the moon can not only restore itself and parasitic ancient gods, but also treat others.

When he was in the ancient family, those ancient gods made the moon to enter his body, and he hurts.

"If you enter her body? If you have anyone else, she can't, the innate sin, my big sin is entangled, I will be drilled into her body." The king said that he didn't say a word, then : "Don't worry, I am, she died."

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled and secretly nodded, followed him immediately to his own brothers.

I saw that blood of the sky, in order to stop Xia Yizhi for him, I was seriously injured by Xia Ya, but the blood is more than cold, and there is a lot of frost. I have already stood up and get together. Go to the empty recovery.

"Fortunately, the brother is nothing." The sword was finally tone.

If he himself, the frost is dead or his brother, then he has to blame your life.

Next, the sword has walked over the battlefield around the sword.

At this moment, in addition to the farther, the Guyong Wang is still mad, it is difficult to win, and the other two major camps have been close to the end.

The numerous power of the camp and Xiajiao's camp, I thought that Xia Ya was shot, but they could re-mastered the battle, but I didn't expect Xia Yizhang to be defeated in a eternal sword, but also lost this. Miserable.

Now, the situation is falling, and their camp, only the cold emperor, Xia Tao, Xia Ming's strong support, but the defeat is a morning and evening.

"How could this be?"

"How is it possible? This is impossible!"

The cold emperor's eyes have been completely distorted by the cold face. She looked around the battlefield around him, but the bottom of the heart was unwilling.

She is not willing!

"The accumulation of this emperor has been the last step, and the emperor can be done in the last step.

"No, this emperor will never defeat, and will not be defeated in the hands of this surname!"

"National teacher, national teacher!"

The cold emperor sent a whisper, whisper screamed, and everyone attacked everyone on the battlefield.

At the farthest battlefield, the ancient people still have the old man who is still mad madness.

The ancient gods, as a seven-star royal god, although the strength is damaged to the restoration, it is not more than 100%, but it is still an old, and then with many ancient mystery, it is extremely strong.

And the old man, the true strength, indeed not the opponent of the ancient pup, but with the bloody will be, it is enough to have a higher high.

He has long been surprised, reaching a new level.

The killing of the two, the flussen, the fierce scene, even if the sword is unparalleled with Xia Yi, it is far from being able to compare.

No one dares to be within 10,000 miles of him, and I am afraid that the remaining waves by the two fierce battles.

When the sound of the cold emperor came from the other battlefield, the old man who was killing with the ancient pups was not sponded.

Xia Yong, actually lost a little guy? "

"It's really waste!"

The old man is low.

And the ancient couldn't help but read the sword where there was no double eye, the mouth showed a smile, "a good little guy, and actually has a royal blood."

"National masters, find ways to find ways, we can't defeat!" The sauce of the cold emperor came again.

"Do you want to do?" The old man has a sutter, and it is a faint, there is a champion, he did not speak directly, but secretly moved to the emperor, "Fast, start the big battle!"

"Start the big array? Now?" Cold emperor, but immediately said: "The preparation of this emperor is not enough!"

"I don't have so much, now start the array, even if you are not ready, you can get a great benefit, but if it is late ... you, I am afraid that even a hair will be couldn't catch." The old man is low, "Fast, don't hesitate!"

The emperor frowned tightly.

She is also a step by step from the big wind big waves to today, becoming the emperor who is in charge of the country, and acts naturally.

She also judged the situation in front of her, and she immediately told it.

"Well, this emperor will now start the big battle!" Cold Emperor Communications.

"It should be like this." The old man is the smile showing the cold.

On the battlefield, the cold emperor who was defeated by Xiao Emily, suddenly pulled it, and immediately stopped in a void.

"Xia Yong, you are ready." The cold emperor was full of faces, and the weak Xia Yishu was drinking.

That was heard of Xia Ya, who was behind a few Xia nun, heard this, and immediately smoked.

"Is it going to start now?" Xia Yishu is cold, but it flashes a variety of light. "Although it is not ready, and my current state is extremely weak, but now, I can't care so much, I can How much benefit gets, how much it is! "

"let's start."

Xia Yong responded, but the figure became unusually excited.

Above the emotion, the cold emperor has an unprecedented dignity, under the eyes around the many roads, she turned back, and immediately made a bronzing.

Above, exudes a unique atmosphere.

A cold emperor bite, the next moment is this, and directly hits it!


PS: Brothers, five more, today is still five!

Don't ask why, happy! !

Everyone subscribes to force, as long as everyone's subscription can continue, tomorrow is still five!

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