The jade is broken, and there is a strange force to spread out.

Many of the Xiao Di camp saw that this scene was a shrinkage, and the bottom of the heart rose a bad feeling.

Cold emperor, Xia Da is a hot and crazy.

The battlefield of the extremely far-rectification, but the old man saw this scene, but it was a strange smile, and the remnant is very strong.

Eastern Tang Tang 36.

Here is one of the 36th houses, An Yongfu.

Although the battle of Huangcheng, the fight is flusciously, but this An Yongfu is far from hundreds of millions of miles, and it is not affected, and there is also a calm.

Even the Anyong House, although it has already got the news that the Huangcheng is bursting out, but there is no meaning of the meaning, but I have never thought about helping the emperor or Xiao Emily two camps.

Originally, the wind is calm, and it is suddenly ...

~~~ The land of the entire Athong government has begun dramatic trembling.

"what happened?"

"This, what happened?"

"I heard that the imperial city is exploding in a world, is it too big, it's too big, it's here?"

A surprised voice, from the various corners of the Athong House.

Everyone is shocked, a piece of ignorance, I don't know what happened.

Even if it is the Lord of An Yong, it is unique.

In a large city in the Central Anyong, this city, the trembling is the most violent. At this moment, the center of the city has a dense lace, these cracks are raised, as if there is anything , Go out from the ground, break the soil.

Just for a moment, the bottom of the ground finally slowed down.

This is actually a whole body, and the stone pillar of mystery and mystery patterns.

This black stone pillar, exudes an ancient and a bit of evil, huge, almost occupying the entire city, which is from the bottom of the ground, it still climbed up with an amazing speed, until It is climbed to the high, and it will stop.

If the black stone pillar with the mysterious secret lippet and the mysterious pattern, it stands quietly in this city's most central. Subsequently, in this city, many martial arts are suddenly used, and it has been distributed. Hazy gray beam.

This gray beam spreads all over the four sides, and the time will cover the city, then continue to spread, if you don't have a kung fu, this layer of gray beam has already enveloped the entire An Yongfu.

In this step, this layer of gray beam is still not stopped, and it continues to spread.

It's not just that it is An Yongfu, and there is a Tianyi government, and the Yinfu ... Eastern Tang Tang has a total of 36 yuan, but it is a full feet in every house, and there is a foot feet high, all over the mysterious secret lines and mystery patterns. Black ancient stone pillar rise up.

Thirty-six, thirty-six mysterious stone pillars.

And the layer of gray beams released by these stone columns, covers the entire family of territories, and immediately continue to spread.

In the blink of an eye, the gray beam formed a great junction, which will cover all the endless land of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

This nephew appeared, and the Eastern Tang Dynasty 36, and countless martial arts were shaken.

Most of these martial arts are unclear, I don't know what this comic is to do, but they quickly discovered that this nephew covered the entire Eastern Tang Dynasty, and they were completely isolated from the outside world.

Within the rinsers, don't say that you left, even you can't do it to the outside world.

"This, what happened to this?"

The whole Eastern Tang Dynasty, hundreds of millions of practitioners, all have a panic.

Then, the entire Eastern Tang Dynasty, naturally, will also have a huge potholeum coverage.

On the battlefield, many of the two major princes of the two camps, they all looked up, looked at the gray junior above the empty, and most of the brows wrinkled, and Xiao Emperor and Yun Emperor, the faces of the two were completely gloomy. .

"Hey, you really dare to do this!" Xiao Emily sent an angry, and his eyes were in an unprecedented anger.

"Haha, there is no turning arrow, since there is, you will never look back!" The cold emperor is cold.

"The death of the dead!" Xiao Emperor trembled.

The cold emperor is a smile. At this moment, the summer came to her side. The two were standing in parallel, and it looked at the upper void.

"The Emperor has so many years, the cost of spending the price of the thirty-six days, now it is time to return this emperor!" The cold emperor was faintly crazy.

"Waiting for so long, finally come!" Xia Yong is also very hot.

And many strong people present, but most of them, I don't understand what is going on.

Until the void from the distance, it slowly had a golden quasi-energy, and many strong people on the battlefield were unat.

"That, that is ..."

"Is the air!"

"Will n't be wrong, it is the air transport, it is the gas transport of Dongdi Tang Yang Ye Yue!"

The whole battlefield, all over the world, is shocked.

"Is it an air?" The voice of the Kings took a shocked voice sounded in the sword.

"Air transport, what is air transport?" The sword is unsatisfactory, but asked.

"Air transport, there is such a world, a very wonderful thing, and nearly virtuous things." The King is now explained. "In fact, everyone has a certain air transport, just a strong level. "

"Some people who have no big gaseous transportation, they often have a uniqueness, which is equivalent to being bored by the heavens and the earth, they get the chance, get the chance of creating, more than those of those who are low," more high. "

"Like you, you can become reversible, and awaken the blood of the ancient god, and even have many treasures, this is because your air transport is very general."

"Air transportation, there is a great influence on an ordinary military person, while the air transport is concerned about a great country, it is related to the residence!"

"Like this East Tang Dynasty, there is so many years in this world, so long years of accumulation, the air transportation, exceeding your imagination, now, the enemy in front of you is in the east The idea of ​​the vast gas transportation accumulated in the long years of Land Grand Dynasty! "

"Dong Tang Dynasty's air transport? Cold emperor marriage with Xia Yi, and when he fracted with Xiao Emily, is it because this is the dispute of this airway? Can you get more, you can only make them a blessing Some of Ze is too deep, is it necessary? "The sword didn't have a double asked.

"That's because you haven't reached the level of Taoism, these virtual air transport, you can't see it, you can't touch, more or less, you will not be too care, you can be respectful, especially the top level of Daozun. This is extremely important. "King said again.

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