Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 956 Bloody Pulge

"For those who stand on the top level, the air transport can not only make them get a large increase in the treasures of the opportunity, but also improve their strength, and there is a small role. In addition, if the gathering air is enough If you have a lot, those top-edges can even rely on these air transport, to force breakthrough to their bottlenecks. "King said solemnly.

"And these people should be prepared before, using special array, bring this Eastern Tang Dynasty's air transport, and then it is, once they get these air transport, they can get The benefits of greatness, but this Eastern Tang Dynasty is over! "

"I understand." The sword has no double nodding, the completion is also alive.

No wonder the previous Zihinia island will say that the emperor is too hurtful.

It is no wonder that Yun Emperor will choose to stand in Xiao Emperor. It turns out that this cold emperor is actually the idea of ​​playing Dongtun Tang.

Task, a country, if the air is lost, the country is gone.

On the void, Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor and others a noodles.

Eastern Tang Dynasty is created by Tang Emperor, and later so many years, they have been trying to make Eastern Tang Tang more strong.

But this cold emperor fell, and even for your own selfishness, the gas transport of Eastern Tang Tang.

At the beginning, Xiao Emperor was because of the spot, and he would completely with the cold emperor, even the two sides broke out.

", you are today, how to get a teacher!" Xiao Emperor is cold.

"Hey, just some gas transportation, wait for my strength to break through, I will find a way to revitalize the East Tang Dynasty, or simply reopening a more prosperous country." The emperor rose.

When I heard this, many strong people in Xiao Emperor were angry.

It has already taken advantage of so much, and she looked at the vastness of the mighty, it was an idiots.

Suddenly ...

"Well?" The cold emperor frowned.

"This is ..." The summer is also in vain.

As the vast gas came together, they cite the gas transportation, and they also took a part of the power.

The power is completely unique in their expectations, and this power is equally unique.

"No, no!" The voice of the King took a shocked voice.

"What happened?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Not only the air transport, the big array is coming, not only there is only the Eastern Tang's air transport, there is another power, that kind of power, if I have not seen, it should be the life of the world Force, and a lot, too much. "The voice of the King took a shock.

"The power of life?" The sword is unparalleled.

For this power, he is unfamiliar.

At the beginning of the ancient world, he just got the trend of the day, the big day creation was in addition to the method of the law, it also clipped with a secret, tense secret.

That's mirror, at that time, the sword was unparalleled. It is called the secret surgery of the sky, and its ability is to absorb the life of the world.

He is in the ancient world, and many times, in life and death, it relies on the secret insiders in the mystery.

But unfortunately, after going to the ancient world, the secret surgery has not used him.

Above the emperor, the cold emperor and Xia Yizhen also noticed that things were wrong, the cold emperor immediately said: "The teacher, what is going on?"

"What happened? ~~~ I am in this step now. You come to ask the old man?" The life of the old man jumped, but his face was a smile, "Cold Emperor You really think that the old man makes you arranged, is it a big array of many gas transport? "

" ~ ~ truth tells you, the old man makes you arranged, but my bloody door is alone."

"Bloody Pathoa?"

Among the entire battlefields, many respects people are a shock.

Although most people don't understand that this big array is resistant, you can listen to the name, this big is not a good thing.

"I understand, I all understand." The voice of King is in the sword. "I said how he will have the bloody, it turns out, he is actually a bloody person!"

"Bloody Gate?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Bloodymen, is a party who is incomparably poisonous, almost everyone shouted, the people in the blood, every one is a big devil, the bloody door has a lot of vicious array This is one of them. "The king explained.

"Bloody phaladrops can be covered by the array, all the lives of all life is forcibly, this kind of life is not only for the power of the land, not only the trees, but even parcels. People and beasts, all things, as long as they are life, angry, will be all forced to refine. "

"If this big array has covered all the Eastern Tang Dynasty ... Finished, Eastern Tang Dynasty, completely!"

"There is no room for struggling, not only the whole country will be inch, but the grass is not born into a dead place, even the cultivator in the range of the large array, they have to be alivered into the corpse, then die."

"What do you say?" The sword was unparalleled.

Eastern Tang Tang be a dead place? Everyone will be refined into a corpse?

"Don't doubt, the big battle of blood, is this kind of vicious evil, now just refining a country, it is nothing." Said the King said.

When you hear this, the sword is not difficult to look unusually.

And the cold emperor is extremely distorted, "" National Normal University, are you lie to me? "

"Hey, the old man can not lie to you, this big array can indeed bringing all the Eastern Tang Dynasty's air transport, but except for the air transport, there are still some other things." The old man smiled.

"Don't forget, you have the ban on this emperor, you don't worry about the prohibition of this emperor, kill you directly?" The cold emperor is cold.

"Forbidden? Oh, you don't say that the old man almost forgot."

"When I first saw you, I was seriously injured, the strength fell to a grain, even the bloody will be broken, and I have broken a lot. At that time, I met an ordinary road show, even Only the wolf fled, natural, I need some helper, find some genius treasures used for recovery strength, and nine thousand nine thousand ninety-nine newborn babies. "

"So the old man is specially found." "Fortune, the elderly, the evil charm looks at the emperor."

The cold emperor shocked.

"Nine thousand nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine babies?"

The many strong people present in the scene were heard with an angry color to see the cold emperor.

Many years ago, there were many incidents that dare to born baby were robbed in the 36th house in Eastern Tang Dynasty. At that time, there was a sensation, and the Eastern Tang Royal Tang Royal Tang Royal Holder was only very bad. Unfortunately did not find it. Overline.

In addition, the baby was scaled slowly, and finally disappeared, the matter couldn't.

But now they finally knew that the incident of the baby was robbed, it was even the cold emperor!

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