Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 960, the mountain river is the palm, Kyushu is printed!

Sapphire, in this world, I haven't been released for a long time.

There are countless weapons present, in this snoring, I'm god, and there is a shudder from the heart.

Single strength, it actually made Xia Zi's top to the top of the top, and even the Xia Dazi gods that have been entered the Tianzun level!

What strength is this?

"Six-star top ancient gods, even close to seven stars?"

Even if it is the ancient nice of the ancient nation of the Qingshen, I can't help but be horrified.

"I understand, this little guy should have a heritage of the heritage of the ancient gods, and the strength of the ancient gods must be strong, and may even be more stronger than the peak!"

"Unfortunately, there is such a drop inheritance of the blood. This little guy can also reach the six-star ancient gods in the future, even higher, but now forced the blood to swallow the blood, not only these blood complete Waste, even his life can not keep, it is hard to say. "

The ancient times is dark, but he also understands that in front of the situation in front of you, the sword is unparalleled without any choice.

Can only force the enemy's power to swallow the blood of the blood, and then enlighten a line of life.

"Inheriting the blood can only be refined by one person, otherwise ... so strongly passed through the blood, enough to let my strength restore the minimum 50%, when it is necessary to break this bloody, the Pulling big battle is simple, but Now, I can only rely on this little guy. "The ancient secrets.

In the world, everyone's eyes are concentrated on the sword.

Before they were only very weak, they were eager to create a miracle again, and now I feel the horror at the sword, there is also the power, the expectations of their hearts, it is more and more strong.

Perhaps, maybe the sword is unbroved to create a miracle again.

On the void, after a big, the sword has no double body's strong power, and it is slightly slightly sluggish, and he fierce, the cold, the endless killing, the downtown, the downtown In the past.

Next, his body shape!

The sword is unlocked, and every step is heavy and strong, and each step is easy to span thousands of miles away.

Just a few steps, he has already appeared in front of the junior where the sun is located, and then the big hand is awkward, and a stream is thrown.

"What did he throw?"

Everyone is staring at the sword and unparalleled, and naturally pays that the sword is unparalleled. They have seen the stream, I want to figure out what the stream is.

Soon, they saw it.

Then a wonderful picture, as the sword throws, this picture is completely open, and instantly incorporates the surrounding world disappeared.

Just when everyone is puzzled with swords and unparalleled moves ...

Hey ~~~ The strange light is strong, but the endless sky above them, but the beginning has changed.

"what happened?"

"This, what is this?"

Everyone is glaring, and the horror looks at everything that happened above the sky.

Even the road in the junior, also looked up in the head.

I saw that the vast sky was completely replaced by a huge and wonderful picture world.

This painting the world, spread throughout the sky, and the flow of water is slowly flowing, and the people below stare at this huge picture, and all people immediately see a huge, unbelievable world.

This world, there is water, beautiful scenery.

In this large world, the most attention is the nine continents all over the nine different corners.

In this nine mainland, any continent, its area is far more than the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and even exceeds the whole of the ancient circles. There are countless urban, endless people in nine mainland, and this mainland People, one by one is true, just with the arms of the ancient circles, the breath is extremely horizontal.

Everyone is not immersed in this Mo big picture world.

At this time, on the battlefield, the sword of the road is unparalleled.

His right hand palm has been raised, and since all the blood is swallowed in the ancient god of the ancient gods, at this moment, the madness is over, the power of the horrible, complete gathering In the palm.

The sword is unparalleled with the dark golden eyes suddenly looks to the Diens in the comics, but there is a dark golden Li Mang.

"Shanhe Society]!"

"The mountain river is the palm, Kyushu is printed !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and each contains special magic. With his word, it is spit out, in the endless scroll world, nine giant far more than the ancient world is much more The mainland, one of the mainland is like a thorough living, even from the world of the world.

Booming ~~~~

From the world of paintings, the continent is really completely coming.

It is clear that it is only a continent in a picture, and there is no existence of a continent, which is really sincere from the world.

Despite breaking away, its volume has shrunk countless times, but it still covers a great emperor.

The horrible, making everyone feels creepy power, exudes from this slowed continent.


"This, what is this means?"

"A mainland? Is it a world? Is it true?"

"Unbelievability, this means is incredible!"

A burst of angry, a burst of incredible roaring, gathered in the world.

The terrorist resort is beyond the means of people who are present.

Although Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor and others, I have never seen this incredible means.

A true continent, actually coming from the world of paintings?

Even if it is the trip in the episode, see your head, the mainland is directly dropped, and his heart is also a.

This means, even if he, I feel a bit of a bit.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the body is spread all over the horror of terror.

"Tao Yuan !!!"

The deafening and low sound, suddenly sent in the sword unparalleled mouth, and rolled up the world in the world.

"You, shouldn't come to this world!"

"More don't put this bloody Pulling big array, at the expense of hundreds of millions of people, to promote your so-called bloody magic body!"

"For the Eastern Tang Dynasty, for hundreds of millions of people, you must die !!!"

"Tiandi Kyushu, Qingzhou is print, one print !!!"


The mainland from the painting is completely coming!


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