Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 961 is impossible! ! !

Endless mountain rivers, dividing the world Kyushu.

The mountain river is the palm, Kyushu is printed, and it creates a social river!

This is the mountain river community!

This is the third treasure of Xuan and a unparalleled unparalleled, and is also a treasure.

This treasure is itself, it is a major world, and the world is divided into Kyushu, which contains no secret, Jiuzhou print!

The sword is also not long before the beginning of this, and the treasure will get this treasure. After that, he will be able to study the first style of this Jiuzhou print.

It can be even, but it is not able to display it.

After all, use the mountains and river social map, showing Jiuzhou print, the spiritual force required is too large.

It is much higher than that of the nine-day sword arrandau, and even the threshold is much higher.

Until now, the sword is unparalleled to absorb the blood of Luo Zhenwang, and the force of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top, and the first style of the Jiuzhou print is perfect.

This form is printed in Qingzhou in Kyushu.

Name open!

One print, open day!

A giant mainland came from that of the world. This moment, heaven, heaven and earth.

Dong Tang Dynasty, the billioni of the hundred million cents in all corners of the 36-year-old house, as if they have come to the continent, and the heart is in the madness, and I am not willing!

This trick is that the sword is unparalleled with unprecedented and unprecedented, and the strongest trick showed.

This trick, representing the eagerness and praying of Billioni million people in East Eastern Tang Dynasty.

This trick is representing the anger of the people, and the biggest discussion of the Yuanzi.

Everyone has endless expectations, solidified in that giant continent.

The Qingzhou continent, also broke out the horror horror horror, but the time is directly oppressed above the routine of the Daozi.

Booming ~~~ violent power instantly hangs the space, making the surrounding space directly crushed for powder.

The whole battlefield, all of which were covered by this violent power, the people on the battlefield, have already retired from the extremely long, only the sword is unparalleled and there is the Yuanzi's deep battlefield.

The sword is unbrillated, and the face is twisted. If he is a red, the source of the ancient gods is crazy, so that the Qingzhou continent from the world of paintings is more prosperous.

"Hey, the six-star ancient gods, my bloody gates, the blood of the blood, once formed, indestructible, you can't break!" The road in the comic circle, it is a hint, screaming However, it is absolutely confident.

Bloody Pulling Big Arrace, is a great array of bloody gates.

The degree of strength of this big array is naturally non-simple.

Single sword is unparalleled now, the six-star top of the top of the top, but it is not enough to completely break the big array.

"Haha ~~~ useless, useless!"

"Who is useless, this East Tang Datang will become a nutrient for my blood."

"No one can stop me!"

The Daozi roared in the junction, and the junction released the glory of the glory.

"No one can stop you?"

"That may not be!"

The sword is a mine with a fried thunder under the clear sky, covering all the sounds between the heavens and the earth, sounding directly in the ears of the Yuanzi.

The huge Qingzhou continent, the power is covered, followed by the power of the Qingzhou mainland, suddenly broke out!

The most powerful power of the sword is unparalleled, finally completely reflected.


A fine voice suddenly sounded, but in this big battlefield, it was the harsh, and it was attractive.

This sound, so far a number of people watching the battle, all sent from the heart and hungry and surprises.

And the road in the knot, hear this voice, but it is anger!



The Daozi sent two roars, and the sound was shocked. His voice took a scream, and his eyes were more carrying him to practice, the biggest horror and incredible.

He can't think that all this is true before.

He couldn't imagine that a person who reluctantly broke out six-star ancient gods, and he could break him with thirty-six heaven, carefully arranged bloody phalays, which is impossible.

"Is it ..."

The Daozi's fierce looks, but it is the world of paintings on the top of the sky.

The painting of the painting roll, which made him unusually shocked, and he even felt incredings.

And the ancient vast breath that was emitted from the world, and the end of the sun guess.

"Chaos Shenbao!"

"This is a world, it is chaotic god!"

"How can it be!!!!"

The Daozi is completely crazy, and he even feels crazy throughout the world.

"It's impossible! It's impossible !!"

"This world, how can someone have chaotic gods!"

His mouth is a screaming roaring in succession, and his body and mind are crazy tremble.

He is confident that his blood is in the big battle, and the sword is not brought by the help of the six-star ancient god of the outside. But he didn't think that the sword was unparalleled, there is still a chaotic god. !

The chaotic god treasure, but the bloody will have a higher treasure than him.

The same treasure, even if he knows the vast world, it is very rare, and this world should not be able to have.

But the fact is that the sword has no double acting out.


The truncation of the Taoizi is constantly moving out of the broken sound, and a crack is quickly spread throughout the entire knife. The entire nunion is already in the edge of the collapse.

"No, don't!" Tao Yuanzi shouted.

But the juncture has not listened to his command, hehe! A crisp sound sounded, and the whole rigid crushed.

The junction is broken, and there is no other than anything in front of the road.

"Go to death!" The sword was unparalleled to send a thunder.

That huge Qingzhou mainland is directly oppressed on the body of the Daozi, the horrible power, only a moment of crushing the bones of the Duanzi.

"I can not be reconciled!"

"Not willing !!!!"

Crazy sapphires from the Daozikou, resounding to the sky.

But after this, after the time, only a moment, the body of the Daozi was pressed into the depths below the land of Qingzhou.

The entire ground has emerged an unprecedented pothole, which is large, at least 10,000 miles away.

The huge Qingzhou continentalization has been dissipated by the heat of the sky, and there is no slightly sound at the bottom of the pothole.

There is only a sword in the entire battlefield, there is no one to stand there.

Everything in the world is silent.


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