Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 962 Chapter

On the top most empty, the huge picture of the world slowly collapsed, and finally became a picture and slowed down.

Eastern Tang Dynasty, 36th, the thirty-six Xuan Olympics, the secret of the mysterious pattern, has been completely burst.

Diffused the gray grievances of the whole Eastern Tang Dynasty, also slowly disappeared.

There are countless creatures in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, all notice that their vitality has stopped passing.

This scene, makes everyone unhappy!

Bloody phaladrop, broken!

In that huge battlefield, everyone's eyes have an unprecedented shock, staring at the core of the most important thing in the battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled, just just a small guy.

He is really, once again created a miracle, an incredible miracle.

At this moment, the sword is also seen in the direction of the crowd, and his eyes are good, and the face also has a touch of smile.

"My sword is unparalleled, never disappointing my brothers to your pro."

"I won't be, I will never come in the future."

The touch of sound is issued in the sword, but this sound has a meaningful meaning.

The crowd was bursting out a burst of a slapted tsunami.


Wang Yuan and Yang Zai Xuan are more surprised.

Previously, the battle, the level of the battle was too much, and the two of him did not intervene, and he only stayed outside the battlefield.

When I saw the sword where the crisis was caught in the crisis, he also became angry, and it was nervous. He now, seeing the sword is unparalleled to create a miracle, and the Yuanzi is killed, and the blood of the blood is broken. More, he is ecstatic, and you want to swim in the sword in the first time.

"Don't go."

A cold drink was awkward, and Wang Yuan's Master, the Danzun stretched out them.

"What happened?" Wang Yuan asked.

Dan Zun did not answer, but his face was extremely lighter.

More than him, there is ancient, Xiao Em, Yun Emperor, etc., they are strong, the knowledge is extraordinary, so they can see that the sword is nothing more, and there is no surface, and even Can be called bad to extreme!

"So powerful drop inherit the blood, forcibly swallowed ..." The ancient secret shakes, "so horrible power, is not his eternal invenience."

"The sword is unparalleled ..." Xiao Emperor has some ugly, and there is also a breeze.

And in the sword where there is no difference, the huge body of Kings is there, and the red eyes are also solidified in the sword.

As for the cold as frost on the back of the king, it is still in a coma, and the King has sent it to Xiao Emperor.

After all, now the blood has been broken, and the king is not necessary to have a cold as frost.

"Kid, I persuaded you, but you don't listen, don't want heroes, now it is good, the life of others keeps, your own life can not keep, it is unknown." Yu Wang mysterish.

The center of the battlefield, the sword unparalleled body stood there, there was a calm on the surface, but only the sword was unparalleled, and he is now suffering from how horror.

That Luo Zhen Wang passed on the power of the ancient gods, which is madness.

This kind of anti-pain has created an incredible pain. The sword is unparalleled only feeling that it is five or organized. Only the whole body's organ skeleton is in this crazy, and all shreds.

"no solution anymore."

The sword is unparalleled to show a bitter laugh.

On the void, everyone stares at the sword and is unparalleled, and at the moment is in their sight, ! A low silence, the huge body of the sword, the huge body, and then the lactary is directly in the sky.

The blood fog has floated in the center of the battlefield, but everyone is one of the people.

"3 !!!"

Wang Yuan and Yang Zi Xuan are even more exciting.

"Teacher!" Bloody sky was shocked.

At this time, then the king of the neighborhood near the void, the red eyes flashed, and the dead is locked forward. He can see that there is a drop in the bloody fog. Dark golden blood.

The sword is unparalleled, the blood fog is all bright red, and only blood is dark.

Time, the king is moving.

I saw that his huge body was instantly out. If the electricity appeared in the blind fog, then a big mouth, directly put the dark golden blood, swallowed with a bloody, while he was Touch, also rumored.

These tentacles rolled up the sword unparalleled Qiankun Ring, rolled up the mountain river social map of the thrown, and also rolled up a lot of treasures left after the Yuanzi was dead.

After you finish this, the king of the king sent a snoring, and then his huge body was directly drilled down.

Booming ~~~

Kings instantly drilled into the bottom of the pothole, and at the bottom of the ground, and only a moment of Kung Fu disappeared in the sense of perception.

This scene, made everyone in the scene could not help but feel awkward.

But the next moment, almost everyone has a conclusion.

The sword is unparalleled, it is dead.

In order to have a bloody, death can no longer die.

After he died, he sat down, and there was a lot of painted treasures with his Qiankun, and many treasures left after the death of Dao Yuan, escaped.

It is completely quiet throughout the world.

", this is your good thing!" Xiao Emperor was awkward, and the cold emperor in front of Zeng was in front.

The cold emperor is on the face, but at the moment, it is a painful, and the eyes are also empty. No matter how many people are watching her, she is indifferent.

Her own heart has also fallen into a torture.

Next, Xiao Emperor took the cold emperor to suppress the emperor, and this cold emperor did not resist.

"Xuan Yi, Today's Battle, I have tried my best, you are agreeable, I will,"

After the ancient king passed a message to Xuanyi, he waved directly to open the void, and stepped into a space insect hole.

In this step, this is enough to make the world's shakes, as the Yuanzi is killed, the sword is unparalleled, and the insect beast has been fled after all treasures, and finally painted. period.


"This is an incredible battle, it is always over."

"This battle, there are too many twists and turns."

"The sword is unparalleled, it is a peerless genius, a peerless genius far exceeds me, but unfortunately, the genius will eventually die ..."


In the midst of countless people, this battle, dust is set!

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