Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 964, Vangu Chaos World

"Repair as soon as possible? Don't think about it."

King King, "Your current state, no longer years, the fundamental fix can not come. Of course, you have a good luck, kill the Yuanzi, the Yuan Kun left after death, I have come to get His person is a bloody person, there are a lot of treasures on the body, there are some treasures that can help you fix the flesh and restore strength. "

"With these treasures, you can greatly reduce the time of repair, but at least you have to go to Millennium."

"Thousand years?" The sword was unparalleled.

From his birth to now, all the way is going down, then it is not more than 500 years?

Now fix the flesh recovery strength, you have to use the millennium time? This is still because of the relationship between the auxiliary way?

"However, it is not long, it is not long, I have passed a blink of an eye." King said.

The sword is unparalleled.

"For the king, the Yuanzi, there is the blood, what is the origin? Does they do not belong to this world?" The sword didn't ask.

He is indeed curious.

"You guess is right, the Yuan is indeed from this world world." The king nodded slightly, "the sword is unparalleled, you should know that there is a day outside, someone else, you are in this world, although it is incomparably huge But does not mean it is all of this world. "

"I know this." The sword is unparalleled and also admitted.

At the beginning, he was in the Star Island, and when he knew the star, he guess this.

After all, the founder of the star, has a magical magic, far beyond his category.

Don't say the founder of the Stars, even if the eight-star king is the true king, its act is impossible to be his world to have.

"The world we are in the world, the vast, its vast, far beyond your imagination."

"And this world also has a collective, called Wancha Chaos World."

Kings explained, "Wancha Chaotic World, consisting of another endless interface, these interfaces are uniform, just called the ancient circles, like this, just one of them, and these Oujie, usually there is a unique title, as far as I know, the name of your world is called a green world. "

"Green Biography?" The sword has no double, he still heard the entire name for the first time.

The prior to the priority of this world is called this world.

But obviously, their world is just one of the many ancient people.

"It feels like the ages?" The sword is unparalleled.

The ancient world is the equal existence.

"So vast world, naturally created the endless top power, and said, if it is just in the ancient world, Dazun is already the top power, but if it is in the vast Wanxian Chaos World, but nothing is nothing. "

"It can stand in the top of the vast chaotic world, all of which have high energy in the sky."

"The founder of the star, can create a great star in the sea, and the master Luo Zhen king before, as an eight-star royal god, these two even in the chaotic world, Can stand at the top. "

"As for the battle before you, the seven-star kings who saw the Qixing Royal Great, he had to be far away." Said Wang Wang.

"The same is the royal god, seven stars and eight stars, but only a star, the gap is so big?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, it is huge." The king smiled, "The sword is unparalleled, you are still weak now, you still don't understand, wait for your strength to improve, there is a chance to leave this green world, but after the outside world, you have a certain knowledge, you I know. "

"Seven stars and eight stars, step by step, it is like a hetero."

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled.

"As for the Yuanzi, he himself is nothing to have anything about the vast chaotic world, it is nothing wrong, and the top, the difference is 100,000 thousand miles, but his blood is the door, but it is ancient chaotic world. With a niche, a sense of horribleity, this party is even the founder of the Star, and the super existence of Luo Zhen Wang Na, and I don't dare to have a smaller. "King said.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"You are still very weak now, know that these are useless, wait when you break through the road, you have the ability to leave this green fire, go to the outside world, I will naturally tell you what I tell you. Your, and now you, just urgent, it is to restore the flesh, and then find a way to attack the shock. "Said King said.

"The right is right." The sword is unparalleled.

"Come slowly, you first restore the flesh." The king once again opened again. "You incense the blood left by Luo Zhen Wang, the blood of the blood, you waste more than 90%, but there is also a small part When you swallow the blood, you are refining, integrating into your flesh, your flesh is recovered, and the strength should also increase more than before. "

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

He before, he accidentally swallowed those blood, although most of them were wasted, there were very small parts, which was absorbed by him, this Small part of the blood is not much, but it can help him.

"In addition, there are also many treasures left in the Yuanzi, and there are also many useful people. After you recover the flesh, go slowly." King said.

"The treasure left by the Daozi?" The sword is unparalleled.

The Daozi is from the strong people of the vital chaotic world, but also from the bloody door, the treasure on the body is definitely uniform.

Don't say anything else, just the bloodline will make the sword unparalleled very fanatics.

At that time, when the ancient king gang was arrived, but a punch will be seriously injured. The strength of the Daozi is clear than that of the ancient king.

Once later, the Yuan Zi took a bloody to put the armor, the strength was soaring, and it could be quite equal to the ancient king.

The bloody will be strong and easy to see.

"Hey, you haven't seen the world, the treasure left by the Yuanzi is good, there are a few pieces for you, but even if all of his treasures, the value is ten times, it is not more than The mountain river community in your hand! "Kings said.

"Shanhe Society]" The sword has no double, and immediately think of it.

Before the battlefield, in the last got, he was a Mountain River Society. The Jiuzhou India in the Mountain River Society is desperate, and it has desirables the junction of the blood, and kills the Daozi. of.

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