Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 965 reports peace

The sword is unparalleled, and the reason why you can break the blood, killing the sun, not only because you have forgive all the blood, and burst out the battle of the top of the top of the top of the royal family of the six-star king. There is a big reason because there is the existence of mountain river social map.

At that time, the Yuanzi sent several anger that was unknone, and it was also because of the mountains and rivers.

In the Daoyuankou, the mountains and rivers have a chaos, but it is a chaotic god!

"What is Chaotic Shenbao?" The sword is unparalleled and unclear the concept of chaotic god treasure.

"Chaos Shenbao, is spread in the world of vital chaos, extremely precious and extremely rare treasures, this is the treasure, the unusual power is not available, although the top of the star, Luo Zhen Wang, etc. Words, an ordinary chaotic god, maybe nothing, but for those strengths that are weaker than one or two levels, this chaotic god treasure is incomparably treasure. "

"Like the ancient king, a chaotic god, enough to make him in the peak period," said the king solemnly said.

"This is precious?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yeah." The King continued: "And this mountain river social figure also uses some special means during the refining process, hiddles some of its breath, so when you get it, I can't see it. A chaotic god, until you show the power of this mountains and rivers in that battle, I see it. "

"The sword is unparalleled, this mountain river social map is your master to give you?"

"Well, yes." The sword is unparalleled.

"I am more and more curious about you now, I have given you a secret motley that enhances consciousness, and I took out 1088 Handan Emperor, came to you. Hiring, even he gave you a chaotic god ... "The king is dark.

That is the secret surgery of lifting awareness.

That 13,800 Handle of the emperor, in the eyes of the King, nothing, after all, in the endless chaotic world, the emperor is too ordinary.

It can be a chaotic god, that is completely different.

"Even in the world world world, you can take out the power of chaotic gods, it is absolutely not much, so that the master of the refining of Chaos Shenbao is more pitiful." The King said.

"Your Master is able to hand over a chaotic god to you, his origin is inevitable, maybe he is in the founder of the star, Luo Zhen Wang, etc. There are a lot of difference, but he can never be a unknown generation in the vast chaotic world. "

The sword is unparalleled and secretly sinking.

His master is a mysterious master, always mysterious.

His origins, background, strength, everything is a secret, no one can know.

Before the sword is unparalleled, he picks up three disciples, clearly, but he is not very interested, but he has become a road, but it is like a bloody day, and the power is more straight to the top.

Later, Xuan Yi Palace maintained him for the pro-disciples. At the beginning of the ancient got, there was a careful teachings, but later, he went to the outside world. He didn't ask, only when he encountered trouble or crisis He will shoot.

At the conference of the appearance, the muanyi palace is prepared, and the sacred tens of thousands of eight hundred hundred boles, this is in the fire industry, what is incredible?

Mystery is aware of the news from the beginning, and then prepare for him, then send it, just take it for three years.

Three years, prepare for 10,3800 Emperor!

There is also the ancient king, it is an ancient door door!

At the beginning of the day, the ancient door door has been recognized as the first strong in the sky, the sword is unparalleled in the day of the day, don't say that the ancient door door is shot, he even an ancient door door I have never seen it. He didn't think of it. This ancient door door, turned out to be a seven-star king ancient god!

Lenoving the ancient gods in the Tianzi Dynasty, the eternal circles, which may also be associated.

And this ancient king, seems to be because of the command of Xuan Yi, he will dare to go to the battlefield and help yourself.

Even the Qixing Royal Great God, can Xuanyi can send it?

Plus the mountain river social map this chaotic god ......

Everything is proved to have a great means of Xuan.

"I haven't passed the news for a long time, and I should report a peace to him." The sword was unparalleled, and immediately had a monk floating in his Qiankun.

Although he has not recovered, the message is not enough to use a sense of consciousness.

"Master, I am still alive." Sword is very simple.

In his message, he did not take a moment, he had a response.

"I know."

Xuan Yi voice is indifferent, "I used a special means to take a sword in your body when you become a disciple. Although it is weak to the extreme, after all, it has not been completely annihilated, which is representative, you are still alive. "

"I am now in a weak state, I have to take a long time, and I can recover." The sword has no double.

"Don't worry, come slowly." Xuan Yi smiled.

"The war happened in the Eastern Tang Huangcheng in Eastern Tang Dynasty, thanked Master, and said." The sword has no double-acting.

"Haha, the battle of Huangcheng, help you is ancient, and there is no relationship with the teacher. You want to thank you, just thank him." Xuan Yi smiled.

Although Xuanyi said this, the sword is unhealthy, but the ancient is because the former will shoot.

"For the Master, in that battle, when I used the mountains and river maps to kill the Yuanzi, the Yuanzi said that this mountain river society is a chaotic god?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Oh? The eyes of the Yuanzi are not bad, it is a person who is bloody door." Xuan is a bitter smile, "that is indeed a chaotic god, but unfortunately a broken chaotic god baby, Wei Neng has long been Discount. "

"Damaged?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Although it is damaged, it is more than enough to use it, you will use it first." Xuan said.

"Understand." The sword was not a hyper point, and then he continued to ask: "Master, you have given me Wan Dao, should it be the secret of improving consciousness?"

"Oh? Do you know?" Xuanyi laughed, but it was admitted.

"Sure enough." The sword is unparalleled.

Before, he just guess that Wan Dao is a great improvement of his consciousness, but it is not certain that it can be completely affirmed.

"Consciousness is not as common for a military, you are still very weak, you still can't feel anything, waiting for you to be more stronger, you know a strong sense of consciousness." Xuan Yi smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, but the thunder is solemn: "The disciples have a problem, the teacher is, is it really a eternal?"


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