Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 966 Datang Change (Part 1)

Xuan Yi, is it really a eternal?

This problem, it was buryed in the sword. There was no answer, until today, he took courage and tried to ask Xuanyi.

"Haha ~~~" Xuan Yi is laughing. "It is only the kind of eternal, and it is the kind of goods. It will come to a road. If you can kill me directly, your current strength It is much more powerful than being a teacher. "

The sword is not more weird.

His Master is really just a eternal?

"Okay, some things you don't need to ask, you will slowly learn, your top now, or quickly restore strength, then the Tang Datang is now in trouble, but it is still waiting for you. Yes. "Xuan is a sunny, and then lost the voice.

The sword is unparalleled to hear Xuan Yi, the bottom is full of helplessness.

After just a moment, he relaxed.

"Master, no matter what person is, no matter what the origin is, what is the background, no matter how strong your strength, since you are my master, it will always be, one day is a teacher, live for life For the father! "The sword was unbearable.

The sword is unparalleled to him, which seems to have no desire, full of gratitude.

His masters have Mo Dade to him.

In the future, no matter what his teacher wants him to do, as long as it is not a matter of violation of his bottom line, he will do our best to help him complete.

After the news is interrupted with Xuan, the sword is unparalleled, and the last words of Xuanyi immediately said.

"The Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty is not small now?"

The sword is unparalleled, but immediately took out a message to make a message from the Qiankun ring.

The owner of this maker is Wang Yuan.

"Wang Yuan is big." The sword has no double news.

In the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the Royal City was rebuilt, one of the secret rooms was concentrating on refining the king of Dan medicine. He received a unparalleled message from the sword. The fire is also chaotic for a while, and the Dan furnace is emitted.

Wu Yuan did not ignore this, and he immediately took the sword unparalleled message.

"Old three! Old three!" Wang Yuan's voice is a surprise, "It's really you, you are not dead?"

"It's me." The sword is unparalleled.

"But, but I have seen it in your own eyes. You have become a bloody?" Wang Yuan Lian said.

"It is undoubtedly dying if it is, it is undoubtedly dead." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, it is right." Wang Yuan smiled, smiled almost mad, "Too good, great, you really don't die, I want to tell the old second, tell Xiao Emperor who will go. "

"Don't worry." The sword was unparalleled to stop.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yuan stopped.

"Wang Yuan Lao Da, I ask you, what is the situation in the Eastern Tang Dynasty?" The sword did not ask.

"The situation is somewhat optimistic." Wang Yuan has a sinking and said: "Ten years ago, although the cold emperor defeated, he was suppressed by Xiao Emperor, but the battle was too tragic and crazy, Eastern Tang Dynasty passed After that, the Yuanqi has been hurt, and the air transport is also lost. "

"And that battle, Xia Yi's highest level of power is almost lost, Xia is accumulating the heritage of Xia Yi, there are many treasures, certainly unable to keep it, so many top clams in Dongt Tang, are in summer The idea of ​​the family, and the new home owner of Xia is is enough, and it doesn't hesitate to spend a cost. In a short period of time, a immortal army has been in a short period of time. "

"In this ten years, there is a chaotic in Eastern Tang Dynasty."

"Xiao Emperor's predecessors with Yun Emperor?" The sword has no double-lian, "There are two of them sitting in the town, and the clan of East Tang Tang should be no one dare to go?"

"Old three, you don't know, very early, Xiao Emperor was defeated by the cold emperor, after the defeat, he faded the vision of Eastern Tang Dynasty, his prefilled in East Tang Dynasty, gradually lost, now although Remaining the Eastern Tang Dynasty, but the 36-year-old government is the owner, not a few is really willing to serve the seniors of Xiao Emperor. "

"And the battle of the Imperial City, he and Yun Emperor were reached by the Yuanzi. Now that two strengths now only have 30% left, even if they want to use force to force the other party's surrender and difficult to do."

"In addition, although the cold emperor was suppressed, she kept the Eastern Tang, so many years, she had a lot of people in her hand, this time has been in the wind, and the senior for Xiao Emperor can only be fully committed to the people of the emperor. I don't have the law to take care of the Eastern Tang's clan, I can only let it make up, wait for his strength to completely recover. "Wang Yuan said.

"Is this?" The sword didn't have a double mind.

He didn't expect that in just a short time, Dong Tang Datang will make this.

I didn't fully control the two emperors of Xiao Emperor and Yun Emperor.

"Eastern Tang Dynasty is now confusing, but since you are still alive, it is easy to solve." Wang Yuan suddenly.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Old three, you have saved the hero of Eastern Tang Dynasty with his own power, ten years ago, so that you have been in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, almost completely god, even now, East Tu In the corner, it is also talking about your deeds, and there are countless young militors in Eastern Tang Dynasty.

"Moreover, you have strong strength, although the battle is used to have some unique means to have the same battle, but you are just a eternal, you can do it. , Waiting for you to become a respect, what should I do? At the time, I am afraid that the whole ancient world is no one is your opponent? "

"Such high prestige, strong strength, the most important thing is to have incredible potential, if you are re-standing, don't deliberately do what, as long as in Dongt Tang, with Xiao Emperor's predecessors. Indicates that you are not dead, and it is absolutely standing in the Supilian camp. What is the Magic Tang of the Eastern Tang Dynasty? The owner of the thirty-six government, who dares to ignore? "

When I heard Wang Yuan, the sword was unparalleled.

"I, I am in the Tang Tang, there is so big energy?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey." The voice of the king suddenly sounded, "The sword is unparalleled, you are still unclear what you do now? You have killed a strong force of a bloody door, don't say Eastern Tang Dynasty Those people, even if they stand on the top of this green fire, there is no one to see you. "

"The most important thing is that you are just a good life."

"In the eyes of the green world, your potential is too big!"

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