Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 969 Treasures

Dao Yuan, from the vast chaotic world, and is still a strong person under the blood, and the treasure owned by the body is naturally non-simple.

The sword is unparalleled to see the treasures of the mountains in the Daozi Qiankun, those treasures are dense, and Jiu Yes is not called the sword. I have never heard of it.

There are too many quantities, and the value is not an estimate.

However, although these treasures are precious, they are useless to swords, or they have used treasures, but they have only been quoted by Kings.

These four treasures, the first one, there is no doubt, that is, the bloody will armor.

"Bloody will!"

The sword has no doubles, and it immediately has a lot of hang-like warfare, this war armor is filled with an unusual horror.

The suffocating, even if the Dao Zun is met, it will not be discolored.

This bloody will have a good night, but it is very knowledgeable. It is strong to the extreme. Now the died is dead. This bloody armor naturally falls into his hand.

"First recognize the Lord."

The sword is unparalleled and laughed. I started the recognition.

Bloody will be an extremely fierce treasure. If you want to control him, it is not easy. Single in the forefront process, from the bloody to the body's awareness of an abnormal horror, this is awareness shockband Holding a madness, if it is aware of a strong person, it will be aware of the impact of this consciousness, it will become a whole-term madman under this consciousness.

However, the sorcerer, the sword is unparalleled, the relationship between Wan Dao, the awareness is very strong, this consciousness is also resistant to the shock.

Only for a moment, the recognition of the recognition has been completed.

"Chaos Story?" The sword is unparalleled.

After leaving the blood, he immediately found the message from the blood, this bloody will be a chaotic.

"Chaotic Qibao, than chaotic god treasure to low a grade, its value naturally can't be compared with your mountains and river, but also a good treasure, in the world of chaotic world, can have chaotic odor, Generally, it is also a strong. "The voice of the King kings sounded in the sword.

"And this bloody will armor, in the chaotic strange treasure, the value is great, the value is also much higher than the ordinary chaos."

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

He saw that this bloody will be extraordinary.

And very quickly, he understood the ability of this blood.

Bloody will take A, as a hidden and famous chaos, whether it is the ability of defense, or has a good impact on attacking power.

Its defense capabilities allows general attack power, directly weakened, only the last one is transferred to the human body.

This is still under the chaotic world, the other party also has the premise of chaotic Qibao, if it is in this green world, encountering the attack of the ordinary road, this bloody will take these points to attack these respects, weaken nine into nine!

The terrible defense ability is more terrible than the treasures of all defensive treasures before the sword.

"Dao Zun's attack power, directly weakened 90% of nine?" The sword has no bidding with a silk.

It is important that he is now a Samsung's ancient god, and the body is strong. It can really hurt him in the road, and now there is this bloody will be directly weakened. 90%. Attacking the power, then there are several people who can really hurt him?

I am afraid that the attack on the three turnover is bombarded on him, and I have not made him harm?

"With my flesh, plus this bloody will be hurt, and only those who stand on the top of the three-turn, but it is just just barely hurt, I have, I have a king. Boosheng is on the body, you can completely repair the injury in a short time. "

"That is to say, three turn to respect, even Xiao Emi, Yun Emperor, etc. Three-turn, even the level of the Tianzun, can't kill me, want to kill me, the lowest has a good battle Live. "

The sword is unblocked.

Only Tianzun is qualified to kill him, but you must know that there will be several Tianzun in this green circle.

Those Tianzun, which one, is not living in the green circles, don't know how many years of old monsters?

These old monsters, will it easily shoot in the weekdays?

It can be said that there is such a terrible war life, the sword is unparalleled in this green world, almost almost rampant.

Moreover, this is just a bloody ability to defend the defensive power of the attack, and it is also very huge for attacking power.

The sword is unparalleled in the bloody eagle, got the bloody eagle, the blood eagle war armor enough to make his strength and doubled.

In fact, according to the bloody eagle, it is refined with this bloody.

The bloody will comprise a secret, which is divided into three phases. The light is the first stage, and the force of Dazun is needed to drive.

The sword is unparalleled is already a Samsung, which is equivalent to Daozun, which naturally can drive this first stage secret.

In the Dongfu, the bloody will have turned into a bloody robe in the sword unparalleled. With the sword where the secret of the first phase, the time has a bloody robe, and it is also included. A whispered blood tattoo also emerged in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the air is easy to pinch, and then it is a punch to bombard the front.

This fist, bombarded in the void, and instantly formed a spiral channel, and the spiral channel continued to move forward in front of the void, and passed to the stone wall of the front.

~~~ The whole hole is in the crazy tremor, the stone wall of the Dongfu is crushed for the powder, and it directly passed the far.

This scene, the sword is unparalleled in the eyes, and there is a surprise color when the face is sudden.

"Good guy, my attack is powerful, actually raised more than ten times!" The sword was unparalleled.

He is a Samsung's ancient god, plus its own numerous means, and the force is close to the top of the two-turn.

But now there is this bloody will armor, a drive secret, and his attack, power has increased more than ten times, which makes his war naturally skyrocket.

Before it was just close to the top of the second turn, but now, it is a three-turn power of the price of the price!

"A goodness of eternal, has three turnover?" The sword didn't dare to believe, but think about it carefully, it is reluctant.

He is reversible, and the eternal bits are reversed in the world of chaotic world, and this is treated as a road.

And the three-star ancient gods, corresponding, and human road show, the war can reach this step, that is normal.

"From now on, in this green world, my sword is unparalleled will also truly stepping out the top of the top!"


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