"Bloody will take A, enough to make your strength greatly increase, but the other three treasures are also good, you look carefully." The sound of Kings sounded.

The sword is unparalleled and then looking to the treasures you have to use.

Among the remaining three treasures, one of them is an ancient black flying boat. This black spacecraft is reduced in the Qiankun ring. The sword is unparalleled but feels the incomplete breath containing this space. It is possible to induce a majority of Mo Mo.

"This spacecraft?" The sword is unparalleled to reveal the color.

"That is the boat outside the world."

Kings, "Wancha Chaos World, huge, single-boundary interval between one world, far beyond your imagination, a road, normal, want to travel nearest nearest from departure Generally, it takes more than a long time, because it is too time, so those who are in the world's chaotic world, they refine some treasures for a thousand and mobility. "

"The most common, this is the world of flying boat."

"The sword is unparalleled, if you become a respect, it is bound to go to the vast chaotic world to swear, when you drive on your own foot, it is too much trouble, and you can now see the boat outside the boat, although it is just a chaotic The world's most common kind of foot boat, but the value is still expensive. If it is flying outside the world, it is enough to break out thousands of roads, which can greatly reduce the time used in your rush. "

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled, and it was also very shocking at the end.

What is the speed of a road? Miles are rossed in an instant, and this anti-world is flying outside the boat, outside the world, can actually have a thousand times respect.

However, it is just outside the world. If it is in the world, for example, in this green world, the heavens and the earth are limited to the world, and the boat outside this world is completely used.

"The boat outside the world, I can't use it now, but in the future, I went to the ancient chaotic world to swim, but I was very useful for me." The sword was unparalleled.

Next, the sword is unparalleled to see the third treasure.

The third treasure is the golden beads of two baby fists. This golden beads exude a strange breath. This breath is quite surprised.

"King, what is this?" The sword didn't ask.

"That is the mixed yuan golden beads, in the amazing of the world's chaotic world, is a special treasure from the bloody door." King said.

"From the bloody door? Is there any evil treasure?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This treasure itself is not evil. On the contrary, it has a great role for any cultivator. It is a lot of mixed yuan gold beads. It is enough to make a lot of strong people in the world. However, treasures are not evil It can be refined to have a process, but it is quite evil. "Zhen Wang Zheng said.

"How do you say?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This mixed yuan Golden bead is the vitality of refining hundreds of millions of life." Said the king said.

"Refining the vitality of hundreds of millions of people? Isn't that the same as the blood?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Different." The king shook his head, "the bloody big array is all about the hundreds of millions of life, no trace, no bustle, but mixed Yuanjinzhu, although it is also refining Vitality, refining is just the most pure, very small part of the vitality, this part even is refining, but it is not fatal, or even after a while, the person can completely fix it. "

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This mixed yuan is not rare in the vast chaotic world, although it is from the bloody door, but there are many strong people, even some forces, all in secret use of some special means, refine Mixed yuan gold beads, some or even specialize in a few people in the ancient borders, used to refine mixed yuan gold beads. "Said King said.

"Circle?" The sword has no double one, "How to take it?"

"I just said that the refining mixed yuan gold beads only need some of the unparalleled vitality, and the vitality can also find ways to recover, so some forces, take a world, and cultivate the many cultivation of this world. Every time, some vitality is used to refine the mixed yuan of gold beads. After waiting for a while, this world is almost the same, and then extracted again, so the next time ... ... "King said.

"Circle a world, specializing in refining mixed yuan gold beads, it is really cruel." The sword is unparalleled.

"Wancha chaotic world is very vast, what will happen, more than this cruel evil thing, caught a world, and what?" Yu Wang smiled.

The sword has no doubles to suck your tone, and the heart will also recover calm.

"What is the role of this mixed yuan?" Sword is unparalleled.

"Mixed Yuan Jinzhu, contains the most pure life energy between heavens and the world, and after special refining, there is no slightly impurities, that is, the energy among mixed yuan gold beads can directly absorb, will absorb these Energy refining is made up of your own, this can be more prone to countlessness than yourself. "

"Take you, you are now just entering the three-star ancient gods, the power of the ancient gods, but just reaching the three-star threshold threshold, and if it is alone, the accumulation, but slowly enhance the power of the ancient gods, I want to reach the top of the Samsung, I don't know how long it takes, but if there is this mixed yuan gold beads. "

"This mixed yuan gold beads contain huge energy, you only need to continue to absorb, your ancient gods can naturally improve, the two mixed yuan of mixed yuan, just the lowest end of mixed yuan Beads, with your speed, within a millennium, you should absorb one, and after fully absorbing, you will inevitably reach the top of the Samsung, or even the four stars. "

"If the two are swallowed away, your ancient god, the at least can reach the four-star high level, even luck, reaching the top of the four-star."

"And the energy of the mixed yuan gold beads is unparalleled, there is no throat, you don't have to have any worries when you absorb these energy, these energy to your foundation, there will be no adverse effect on your future growth." Wang said.

"This is what it is?" The sword was unparalleled.

No wonder the ancient chaotic world will have strong people and the forces in the dark, even do not hesitate to raise a lord of life refining mixed yuan gold beads.

This mixed yuan gold beads, the efficacy of this mixed yuan is really huge.

Even if it is a sword, there is still some heart.

Although the process of mixing the gold beads is extremely evil and even the poison, the sword is quite a quite disgusted.

But the process is the process, and it has been made into mixed yuan gold beads without much dry system.

These two mixed yuan gold beads, swords are unparalleled to absorb them without hesitation.

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