Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 971's strongest road

"The sword is unparalleled, you just reached the hierarchy of the three-star ancient gods, it is necessary to improve your ancient gods as soon as possible, this mixed yuan Jinzhu is for you, just use it, you can swallow now, wait After this completely absorbed, swallow the second one. "Said King said.

"Well." The sword nodded and didn't hesitate, and took out a mixed yuan gold beads to swallow.

The mixed yuan gold beads are in the sword. There is naturally, there is a pure and pure energy, and the sword is removed.

"This mixed yuan gold beads, it helped me very busy." The sword smiled.

"The next fourth piece you use the treasure, it is against the swords." The King opened again.

The sword is also looking at the treasure of the treasure that you have to use. It is an ancient jade simple, and the jade is recorded in the heart of a sword.

If it is just a general sword experience, even even the heart of the swordsman who is awarded a road, the sword will rise too much.

Now when the sword is unparalleled to see the Jade Simply recorded swords, his face is fierce.

"The strongest way?" The sword didn't send a sense of exclamation.

Leave this kind of jade, did not leave his name in the jade simple, he left a strongest way him opened up, this strongest direction, or a sword!

"The sword is unparalleled, you are also lucky, although you have paid a big price, Lian Luo Zhenwang's hemorrhage, is all wasted 90%, but after this battle, your gain is not small."

"Bloody will armor, the spacecraft, mix the golden beads, which one is not the treasure of the energetic chaotic world, and the Yuanzi's Qiankun ring, there is still one to open up the strongest The experience left by the swordsman ... Hey, "Yu Wang is self-admiration.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it also reveals a strong color.

The strongest way ...

In the green world, the road to Daozun only belongs to his own way. Under normal circumstances, only three levels of normal level, heaven and earth level, and the level of the creation level are very rare, very rare. .

Like that Xiamang, it was because of the way of opening up the level of the campaign, so he broke the road, stood at the top level.

However, the sword is unparalleled, he has heard that on the side of the campaign level, there is a higher level, that kind of road, has reached the extreme, so, it is also called the strongest way!

The strongest way, in the green world, only in the legend, the genius born in the history of the fire circles also countless, but they really open up the strongest way, and the endless years are calculated, and they will not exceed five .

How is it rare?

Like now in the green world, I am still alive, and open up the strongest strong, only one person, that is the first sword, the first sword of the fire industry, and the rising days Di Di!

Even because it is difficult to open up, in the green world, most people are almost even the strongest path.

Now, the sword is unparalleled to get a strong force that opens up the strongest swords, leaving the experience?

This is a big firmer.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is the strongest swordway in this jade, you can take a clutter, there are many things, but you can also quote for reference, but remember, and can only learn, but you can't imitate."

"Tao, only you have opened it out independently, you only belong to your own way is the strongest, you can use this, become a respect, but if you are imitation, you will complete this strongest sword So knowing, not your own things, can't get too much for you. "

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled.

"I understand, in fact, I will see it early. You are awakened, the soul of the sword, is the strongest sword soul, and then changed to the sword, that is also the strongest sword, people with the strongest sword, this It has the qualifications of opening up the strongest swords. "

"For you, open up ordinary levels, the Tiandi level, is a light, even if it is the level of the chemical level, as long as it costs some effort, some opportunities can be easily opened."

"However, you have the strongest sword heart, if you only open up the way to break the road, it is a pity!"

"Tao, not the same, the influence is also great."

"So, open up, the stronger, the stronger, you have the strongest sword, the starting point is very high, you have to give yourself set the bottom line, others don't say, you can do the most powerful way. Become a road, as for the next second road, the third way, then you can choose the level of the chemical level. "Said the King said.

"At the very least, I have to be a strongest path, becoming a road?" The sword is unparalleled and smiled. It is a heavy point.

Indeed, have the strongest sword heart, if it does not impact the strongest way, it is the ruins of the strongest sword.

"This record has a complete and strongest jade, I can slowly go to study, but now, it is a matter of just ahead, but I still have to go back to East Tang Dynasty." The sword has no double eyeline.

This for twenty hundred years, although he has been restored here, but the change in the Tang Dynasty, through the news of Wang Yuan, he is a clear.

He is very clear that the situation in Eastern Tang Tang is now.

Previously, his flesh did not recover, it did not have powerful, but now, it is different.

The sword is unparalleled, even if you leave the cave, go up the earth.

Not long, in a void, the shape of the sword has emerged again, and at the moment, there is a white robe.

Although the old man is also an eternal, it can stand in front of the sword without double, but the shake of Surse, and the old man will answer the sword unparalleled problem.

"Thank you." After the sword didn't send this white robe, I immediately took out the star chart.

"I am now in the floating water area not far away from East Tang Dynasty. I can rush to Eastern Tang Dynasty. I can rush to Eastern Tang Dynasty. I can immediately rush. Go to Huangcheng! "

The sword is unparalleled with hands, but the spin is to take out the tab and give Wang Yuan.

"Wang Yuan is big, you told Xiao Emperor, saying that I have been returned to the injury, now I am coming to the East Tang Dynasty. After a month, I can rush to the Imperial City, let them endure for a while! "

"After I came back, no matter what the three countries is, or those of the clan, have a hatred, there is a hug, I will not let go!"


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