East Tang Dynasty, Huangcheng.

Re-built the Huangcheng, although it is more than the imperial city, it is very atmospheric, and the area is extremely vast.

However, since a thousand years ago, the strong people of the three countries killed the Imperial City, this Huangcheng was completely covered by a magical array.

In the three major countries, they stayed outside the Imperial City. It took more than a thousand years. No one can come out from the Huangcheng. Anyone who wants to leave the Huangcheng is or is the strong by the three countries. Directly kill, or after a battle, I will escape to the Imperial City.

For more than a thousand years, as the most strongest strong in the Qing Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty strong, the Tang Dynasty is turtled in this array, the face of the face, Dong Tang Dynasty, It has already reached a minimum valley.

All parties in the green fire industry even believe that Eastern Tang Dynasty is destroyed, it is only a time problem.

On the front of the emperor, there is a palace or the attic stand, some are there, here is where the three major countries live, the three countries, many roads, This millennium has been monitored by Huangcheng, but someone came out in Huangcheng, or some people entered the Huangcheng, they had to do under their eyelids.

At this moment, there are four Dao Zun gathered together, drinking wine.

These four roads are in the opposite side, and there are three people who are compliment with a pair of red robe men.

"The silent road, the last battle, if you don't have you, I will almost be killed by the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the nature of the Tang Dynasty, and the rescue is unforgettable."

"That emperor, is said to be in the top ten gods, the earliest follow the Xiao Emperor, and Xiao Emperor's number one battle will, the strength also reaches the second turn, in which we can respect you. Sheng him. "

"Come, let us, all the silence to respect you a cup."

Three people lifted the cup.

And that is a cold and red robe, but a cold smile, he made a big hand, laughed: "An emperor in the district, what is it, the last battle, he is lucky, he is lucky enough to escape. If the next book is encountered, he will completely kill it. "

"Then, the emperor, respecting you with the silence, is too far." The other three have also attached.

It can be actually, the three people are very clear, the strength, this bone's swank is not too much than the scene, the front is killing, the scenery can be fighting with him, and the silence is really trying to kill. The dead scene is too difficult.

"Now the people of Eastern Tang Dynasty, the turtles are in the imperial city, and Xiao Emperor is seriously injured in the emperor, and the strength is afraid that it can't play it. The whole royal city is, the only one can be more than bones. Dao Zunqiang, it is estimated that only the cold is like. "A Daozun said.

"Cold as frost?" The silence of the silence is a bit of a smile. "He has seen her before, it is the first beauty of the ancient circles, the appearance, there is a temperament, indeed, no words, no wonder Even the sword is unparalleled, it is obsessed with her. "

"It is also true that the sword is unparalleled. If he didn't die in order to kill the Yuanzi, his future achievements didn't know how high." That Dao said continued.

"Hey?" The silence of the silence is a cold, "I am so powerful, now I am dead, what is it used? And for the cold, the frost, it can be finalized, but what is it? Stupid goods will be. "

The silence of the silence is somewhat jealous of the sword.

Because he is also a genius. When he was in the eternal, his sharp shocked the entire fire industry, until now he became a respect, there were many people mention his talent, and they could not make up the thumbs.

However, since a thousand two hundred of the imperial city, the Swordless record of the sword has spread out, the sword is unparalleled immediately and is recognized as the first day of the history of the fire industry, and it is still unlawful, than him. It is necessary to have too much, this is not a taste of the bones.

Plus, he is also a little idea for the cold as frost. It can be cold as the frost, the sword is unparalleled. This makes him unparalleled to the sword.

"Walk, we will play in front of the Imperial City." The silent road suddenly stood up.

The other three Daozun eyes are also bright, and they immediately follow.

Soon, these four people were headed by osteology, came to the void in front of the Huangcheng.

The four people can see some scenes in the Huangcheng, and see a self-disilled force in the Imperial City.

For more than a thousand years, I can only hide in this big array, and the strong people in Eastern Tang Dynasty naturally decadently, wrist.

The silence of the silence is cold and smiled, and a road next to it glanced. "Start."

That one said with a smile, spin ...

"Eastern Tang Dynasty ghosts!" A rough voice passed through the big array, "haha," Haha, did not expect the Eastern Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty during the Tongsheng, "did not dare to Out, haha ​​... "

This big laughter, everyone in the Huangcheng heard it.

Many people are angry.

But more, but it is a silence, a decadent.

In this more than a thousand years, like this, ridicule, I heard how many times, I have already numbered it.

"Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor! You are two, isn't it called two emperors? How come I don't dare to show now?"

"I can really admire your two great emperors, timid, just like the short-head turtle, what is the two emperors? Run, ridiculous to the extreme! I see you two, simply don't call two emperors, called two turtles Ok, Xiao Turtle, cloud, turtle. "

"Haha, two turtles, Eastern Tang's face can be lost by you, if I am the Tang Dynasty, Tang Huang, I have to climb it from the grave."

A burst of laughter, constantly came from the big array, the sound is like a thunder, echoing over the Huangcheng.

Within the imperial city, the high-rise strong people of Eastern Tang Tang heard these voices, and the face of a gas is purple. If it is not because of the orders of Xiao Emperor, they have long been killed, and the strong people with the three countries are dead.

"I have been embarrassed for so long, but you have no dare to come out, haha, it is true." The big laughter continued to ring.

"Bastard! I can't help!"

A low drunk sound, I saw the imperial city, and a body shape was scattered, and he scattered a fierce breath. At the same time, it also took crazy, it was the dynasty!

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