Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 973 returns

Seeing that the scenery fluded from the Imperial City, the bones were very bright, and a killing rising, his body shape was immediately greeted.

"Haha, the emperor, the last time you have been seriously injured, now the injury has not completely recovered, and it dares to come out. When you are looking for death." The silence of the silence made a cool laugh, he is very clear. If he is a peak period, he really kills it, but if the nerm is seriously injured, it will be different.

"Dinn!" The silence of the silence is cold, and the fire is fierce, and the time tatched a big hole.

"Even if you die, I will never let you have a good time." The vision is a crazy.

More than a thousand years, he was in the Huangcheng, heard the ruthless ridicule every day, and more difficult to listen, he couldn't stand it.

Now, he is preferred to die here, and he is not willing to continue to hide in the emperor city.


The two people lived on, the movement of the three countries, the strong people of the three countries, including the strong people in East Tang Dynasty in the Imperial City, have been alarmed.

On the emperor, there are many strong people in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and they have appeared, and the heads of the head are cold as frost.

As for Xiao Emperor with the cold, because the injury is too heavy, these years have been in a closed door.

"It's the emperor, he shot!"

"Xiao Emperor does not have clear orders, let us don't go out, how do he still do it?"

"Hey, every day is hung, replace it into me, can't stand it, let alone the son of the emperor is quite irritating."

"Emperor Jing was seriously injured in the last battle, and it has not been completely recovered yet. The strength of the bone is better than him, and now they have two people, the result ..."

These strong people in Eastern Tang Dynasty are difficult to see.

Suddenly, a dramatic roaring, the fierce, the battlefield spread, only to see the blade in the hand of the emperor has been flying directly, his body has been shocked, and the bones, the long gun is galloping. Out, directly stabbed the head of the vision.

"not good!"

"Fast, go to save him!"

"Save people!"

These strong people in Eastern Tang Dynasty were very shocked, and the first cold as the cream was the first one.

Cold, like a frost, there is a body shape, but it is faster than her speed.

That figure is not from the imperial city, but a voids near the emperor city.

"Haha, emperor, die!"

The osteo is honored, and the rampant laughter, the long gun in the hand has come to the end of the night, and immediately pierced the head of the emperor immediately.

It can be taken here ... a bloody stream light is directly out of the battlefield.

A strong power burst, instantly blocked a shot of the bones, and even shocked the body shape of the bones.


After the silent road respects the new station, it will be angry, and immediately see the past.

There, there is a young body that is wearing a bloody robes, the eyebrows have three four-faced star pattern.

He is carrying a long sword, and it is only the breath of the eternal bits, but it has brought the feelings of the ancient times, and even faint pressure.

"But it is a eternal life, what is going on?" The silent road frightened.

And that is somewhat killed, this is a circle, and the death of death is staring at this figure in front of him.

This figure, he is too familiar.

But this figure, it should have died more than a thousand more than two hundred years ago?

"Sword, Sword ..." The emperor wants to open.

But this figure is already slightly turning, the sound of the voice sounds, "" The seniors of the emperor, you will go back to Imperial City first. "

The emperor is one, and the ecstasy of the heart is strong, but the arrogance is a bit mercy to see the , turn around and want to leave.

"Hey, I want to go!" The silence of the silence is a cold, but it does not have the intention of the discovery.

Joke, he is very difficult to bring the emperor, how can it be so simple to let go of the night?

The silence is motivated. He stepped away, and the distance between dozen miles suddenly spanned. The right hand was smashed, and the long guns in his hands were in front of the front. The gun is easy to make the void burst.

The horrible power, making many many roads to watch this battle could not be discolored.

This gun has no doubt that the bones of the two-turn trip to the top of the two-turn.

This gun is going to the Dynasty, but I haven't come to the body of the nature. The young man who is carrying the long sword has already blocked in front of the silence. I want to put him this shot.

"act recklessly!"

The sound of the silence is cold, and the long guns and power will rise again.

His gun, even Emperor Jing, the two turnover, all resistant, there is a eternal in the district, what block is to stop?

Sure enough, in his sight, this young man wearing a bloody robbery, found to resist this shot, only glanced at him, straight thoroughly above his chest.


It's like a metal impact, all the power, all the breath all calm down.

During the void, the two people were completely fixed.

The slander is still holding a patch of a long gun, and the long gun tip of his hand is still stabbed on the body of the young man.

But the horrible shot of him, don't say that the young man in this blood robes is killed, even even the young man's clothes don't puncture.

The young man stood there immediately, even if this shot showed a great power, he had his body shape, he did not refund.

"How can it be?"

The silence of the silence is full of circle, and it is incredible.

He is a two-turn end road, and the strongest shot of the whole force, piercing on a eternal body, the result ... even the other's clothes can't puncture?

Is this joking?

"He, he ..." The silence of death stared at the young man in front of him, and the bottom of his heart was a possibility.

Obviously it is just a eternal, but the strength is horrible to this, and the long sword is obviously the sword practice.

His identity ... The slander of the silence of the young man is a horror from the beginning, it is already a stereotype.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"You are swords!"

A fierce snoring, the fierce self-silent mouth is issued, so that the whole world is shocked.

I heard this scream, but the young man's mouth in front of him hanged a strange smile.

Next, a cool laughter is rumored in this day.

"Self-introduction ..."

"I, Datang Horse ... sword is unparalleled !!!"


PS: The eighth volume rushing anger!

The ninth volume of the nine turn will return tomorrow!

Brothers, today is still five more! ! Everyone subscribes to force!

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