"Self-introduction ..."

"I, Datang Horse ... sword is unparalleled !!!"

The cheerful voice sounded in this world, but it is like an unprecedented storm, so that the sky is instantified.

Whether it is the three nationals, it is still a lot of strong people within the Imperial City, heard this, a bit of eyes is immediately rolled.

Sword is unparalleled?

More than a thousand years, in the battle of the Imperial City, show the thrilling strength and terrorist talents, but also to save the pertiance of the Eastern Tang Dynasty with a powerful force?

He, isn't it dead?

"how come?"

"How can you still live?"

The silent road is also dead, staring at the sword, his heart is also trembling, but his eyes will become scarlet.

"Hey, even if you are a sword, a parallel? It is nothing in the district. You must use some unbelievable base cards for more than a thousand years ago. And that kind of means, you must never show the second time! "

The silence of the silence is cold, and his face is also slowly distorted.

He is unparalleled with swords. This is full of jealousy.

Now, since I have seen the sword unparalleled, his heart is not rumored to rise, beat the face, defeat or sword unparalleled, famous vibration.

"This is not believed, an eternal, really can I turn over?"

With a crazy whisper, from the mouth of the , this bone is once again moved.

His handle in his hand shouted a burst of lounge, which was very eye-catching, and his eyes also had a slime.

"Nine-day poisonous dragon!"

The slander is like a smashing, which releases a championship, and directly stab.

The power of the two-turn top of the two-turn, which is more perfect at this moment.

This shot, he used some bottom cards, than him just to show the shot, but just a shot just pierced on the sword unparalleled body, but this shot is straight to the sword. The eyebrows.

Seeing this momentum of the sky, the sword is unparalleled, still there is no intention of dodge, but the blood robes wearing him are immediately turned to the blood tattoo to extend the sword unparalleled head completely cover.


It is also a metal impact sound, and the faint is also flashing with a flaming. The sword is still not refunded.


The silent road is honored to make a crazy pulverity, and it is incredible in unprecedented.

Before that shot, just stabbed in the sword unparalleled body, or the sword was unparalleled, it was able to have no damage, which was barely within his acceptance.

But now, he is exhausted, even a shot of his own brand, bursting a more powerful power, the front of the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is still not damaged.

This defense ability, what is terrible?

In the three national camps, there were also those strong people who were watching in the Huangcheng saw this scene, and one was also brainned.

A full blow of a two-turn end, the head hits the skull, and it doesn't matter if it is? This means can have a few people can have it in the entire green world?

He didn't know, the sword was unparalleled, and there was a bloody to weaken the five-year-old five-year-old.

"I have let you show two shots. Are you, should you pick me up?" The sword reveals a smile on the face.

"Not good." The slander is a big change.

The sword is unparalleled, it has not given him a chance, then it has reached the power of the Samsung level, and in his right hand instantly, and completely gathered on his right hand's index finger, an old breath spread.

"The ancient god, the broken world!"

The sword is unparalleled to achieve the ultimate index finger and pointed out directly to the front of the bones.

Booming ~~~ The space was immediately broken, there was a huge hole, the sky and the earth, and a huge golden giant finger, as if he arrived in ancient times, from the cave, it shot, and did not stop. Directly bombarded the body of the silence.

The silent road is respectful for the two-turn end, and it has been engaged in this life and death. He will stand all the cards you can save. He is desperately roaring. If you want to struggle, you can struggle, in the old golden giant In front of me, it is fragile.

There is no room for a struggle. When the golden giant fingers completely fall, the body shape of the osteology is already crushing, and death can not die.

"Next, you are three."

The sword is unparalleled with a bit of cold, and the three roads next to the battlefield have seen the past.

These three roads have come here with the silence of the silence, and they are ridiculous to Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor, and the sword will not let them.



The three roads showed nothing, and the first time was crazy and fled.

"Hey." The sword has no doubles, and the mood secrets are directly displayed.

Magic mood secrets, the original is an ancient mystery, with the improvement of swords without a double ancient god, this heavy secret power will naturally increase significantly.

Sudden consciousness attack, directly falling on the three roads, the three roads, just just a turn, it is impossible to resist, the three sense is one of them, and the body is not paused.

At this time, a beautiful sword is bright.

Just like the snow falling in winter, with a hint of cold, the next moment has passed from the neck of their three people, and immediately smashed the life of their body.

The three bodies, unable to fall down.

The sword is unpaired, and the mouth is ringing, but the mouth is brought, "With my current strength, there is a secret mystery, I have to kill these turn-level roads, and it is relaxed."

Dao Zun is strong, the one is extraordinary, and the life is not bad.

It is difficult to die in the weekdays.

However, the current sword is unparalleled, and there is a mortal mood of the mortality, the auxiliary attack, killing a general turn or the second turn, is indeed very simple.

After all the four respects of the future, the swords were not looked up, and they saw the past.

There, there have been more than ten strong people to gather together, and there are three people.

These people have just seen the silence of the silence, which was originally rushing to rescue, and the speed of the sword is unparalleled. It is only too fast. Only one instant, there is still the three respects of the bones, Make them all come true.

"The sword is unparalleled."

Three major countries, those strong, standing there, one by one with a very complicated expression, the sword is unparalpted.

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