"Strust Lord?" The Emperor of the Emperor is a good one, but the next moment is very happy.

I have heard that they have heard that, it is one of the 18th lords of the Temple of the Hall of the Hall of the Temple of the Palace.

Can become the honor of the Void Temple, the strength is naturally weak, maybe than the blood Ling Tianzai is almost three turn to the top of the top three, at most, then the three turn, still the strong people in the three turn .

Argument, the time that the bitterness is famous, far more than the bloody day.

"Haha, it is really a helping me." The sky is laughing, "We don't know the bottom of the sword, I don't know if he can also have a thousand two hundred years ago. It will appear. "

"This hardship is also a three-turn, there is he shot, it will inevitably, you can force the sword unparalleled, and we will decide whether it is war or retreat according to the original sign of him."

"Good idea." The Emperor of the Emperor is bright and the South Emperor is bright.

"The Lord of the Suizun has already started, although he is still very far away from this East Tang Datang, can pass the ability to void the temple, the top two days, he can come over, we are waiting for the next two days." Say.

The Emperor of the Emperor is also neither with the South Emperor.

The next time, whether it is the three nationals or Eastern Tang Dynasty, it will calm down.

Eastern Tang Dynasty is waiting for the exchange of three countries, and the three national kines is waiting for the suffering of the Lord.


An unmanned territory.

Here, it is the most edge of the fire industry. In front of this land, it is the boundless darkness. No one knows what is the boundless darkness, but anyone who broke into the boundless darkness, no matter It is ordinary military, or the road is, no one can live again.

At this moment, there is the end of the boundless, a goldpack, slowly stepped.

Every step is slow, but it is easy to cross the far away, and every step, the dark void below his feet will immediately spread the invisible ripple.

Obviously, there is still the end of the darkness, and after the steps, this golden robe has appeared on the most edge of the fire industry.

The feet stepped on this land, this golden robe slowdated slowly, but it was exposed a pair of intellectual faces.

This is a white-haired old man who looks quite a quite good, and the old eyebrows still have a scarlet cinnabar.

This white-haired old man looked up at the sky above, breathing around the air, but the face was revealing a mild smile.

"came back!"

"It's been won't for so long, I finally returned to my hometown."

"It's still a feeling of hometown, sniffing comforting."

The old man stretched a lazy waist, muttered, and the next moment is shaking, but it has disappeared.


Two days, it quickly passed.

As I expected, the little lord, only for two days, I rushed to the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

However, after the arrival of the Lord, there is no entanglement with those who have three countries, but the voids outside the imperial city.

"The sword is unparalleled, come out to die!"

The magnificent sound rises through the sky, and it also sounds within the entire emperor.

There are many strong people in the Imperial Tang Dynasty, and they have never been absolutely and even desperate. I will know that the sword is unparalleled, and after it comes back, I have become unusually spiritual, in their heart, sword Warriors' prestige, even more than Xiao Emperor.

Now, I heard the voice of the Lord, these strong people in the Huangcheng, they couldn't help but angry.

"Who? Who doesn't know how to live, I dare to provoke the sword?"

"Hey, even if the three national countries are the strongest sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred people, there is no difference between the sword."

"Life is waiting, wait, see how the sword is unparalleled, how to pack him."

At all corners of Huangcheng, a burst of sound was quickly.

In the palace, the sword who has been waiting quietly to wait for the three nationals, and there is Xiao Emperor and others, hear this angry, but it is frowned.

"This sound is not the three people of the three countries. Who is it?" Xiao Emperor was confused, but only a moment, he received a message.

"The Lord, is it he?" Xiao Emperor became a little hard to look.

"Holding the Lord?" The sword is unparalleled.

In the green world, can be honored as the lord, seemed only the 18th respect of the void temple?

His brother is bloody, which is one of the 18th lords.

"The sword is unparalleled, we have trouble." Xiao Emily sank, "I just got the news, now provoke your person in the Huangcheng, is the bitter victory of the 18th lord of the void, this bitter Although the respected land is more than your brother's blood blade, the name is very large, the means is also extremely good, and in the three turn to respect the road, it is also extremely strong. "

"This bitter loyal is a person who is void, it is impossible to participate in the battle between the three countries and the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and I don't know this with this bitter, what do he find me?" Sword is unparalleled Tao.

"It's not a lot of people." Xiao Emily smiled: "I just learned that the bones of the bones you were killed in two days ago were the brother of this bitter."

"What? Is it so clever?" The sword was unparalleled.

He didn't expect that there is such a brother.

"I just just learned this, but I didn't know how to make it." Xiao Emperor smiled. "In fact, about this bitter, you can ask you brother, your brother is talking to him with him. One of the 18th lord, understanding him, thanks we should thank you. "

"It is also right." The sword nodded, but then immediately took out the message to the message, and sent it to his brother.

"Master, can you be good?" The sword said hello.

Only a moment, the bloody days have responded.

"Haha, Xiaochi, for more than a thousand years, finally heard your voice, when the battle of Huangcheng, I thought you were really dead, and then I still tell me, say you are still alive. "Bloody Tian is very happy.

The news of the sword is unparalleled, Xiao Emperor and others have not announced, and the people in the outside world do not know.

But the bloody day is a brother of the sword, but it is still from Xuan Yi.

When you know that the sword is unparalleled, blood is easy to tone.

"Master, I want to inquire about you." The sword is unbalanced direct opening.

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