"Who is listening?" Asked blood.

"Holding the Lord." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is him?" Blood Lingtian said: "Teacher, it is all, what do you do?"

"I don't think about it, I killed his brother two days ago, and now he has already killed my face." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is this?" Bloody day sank, solemnly said: "I have heard that this bitter lord has a brother, it seems to be a bones."

"This bone is honored with this bitter, and it is true that their Zongmen is over, they are the only living in the party, and the two machines It's all good, I have become a respect, but I haven't known what I have turned around for so many years ago. I haven't contact it for so many years, so the outside world knows that they are the brothers, not much. "

"But how can you turn your face, after all, is a brother, it is no wonder that this bitter will come to you."

"Teacher, for this, you can be careful."

"This old guy is lonely, and I have always been in my own, although I have a void Temple, I have seen a few times, but I have a little bit of emotion, with his sex, even if you know you It is my brother, and he will not sell me. "

"Moreover, this old guy is not weak, especially close to the killing, is indeed strong, in the 18th owner, can absolutely be in the second place, even if it is me, if it is smashed with him, Quite quite passive, if you have made it with him, you can remember not to make him close. "

"Tearless to kill?" The sword is unpaired, "I understand, thank you brother."

"Your brother, you don't have to polite, I believe that you can resist this old guy, but you still try to be careful." Bloodyoto once again.

"Well." The sword nodded, but then it was interrupted.

"The sword is unparalleled, how is the result?" Xiao Emperor had seen the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a smile, "Let's go, let us go this bitter."

After that, the sword is unparalleled directly to the imperial city, Xiao Emperor, naturally follow it.

From the big array, the sword didn't have a look at the figure of quiet standing in front of the front.

This person, it is just a middle-aged man, and it is even more handsome, but his hair is white, it is like the old man.

The most eye-catching, is his pair of eyes, deep released, just like gems.

"He, is it a bitter lord?" The sword is unparalleled, he can feel the unique temperament of this bitter body.

This temperament, the same temperament, the same temperament, the sword is only in the mystery of his own master, but the mysterious one has a temperament than this bitter, that is, it is supernatural.

Outside everything in the world.

That temperament is that this bitterness can only look up.

"The sword is unparalleled. I have seen the bitterness." The sword is unparalleled, and the voice is also a humble.

"You, is the sword is unparalleled?"

The little scorpion of the Lord is also seen in the sword, and the position of the position in the scorpion is solidified in the sword. It seems that the sword is unparalleled.

"The silence is the brother, although he has done a lot of wrong things, even if it is difficult to redemption, even if you want to kill him, you have to personally do your hand, when you turn to you, you still don't live. Foreign generations of more than two thousand years? "The bitter voice is cold, with a trace of anger.

"The Lord, the silence of the silence is in the three national camps, and I am the Dongdi Tang Dynasty camp. The two camps are enemies. He provokes in front of the Imperial City. I kill him, that is also two major camps. Strive, you have suffered one of the 18th lords of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall. It is not to join in? "The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, this seat is coming, just in person, I have nothing to do with the void temple. This seat doesn't care about the battle of your two camps. Since you kill my brother, then I have to kill you, of course, see it is just one On the small generation, this seat will not be too bullying from you! "

"Semi-column, you only need to support the half-column in the hand without dead, this seat immediately turned and left, and from now on, there was no longer reported the words of the hatred." The Lord is cold.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

He saw that this bitter look and his brothers and sorrows are really not very good. He is just a full of overtaking today, but he is not too much.

Otherwise, I really have to feel deep, I have to kill him to revenge, and I will scrap what identity.

"Semi-column fragrance time, it is determined." The sword has no double smile, "the bitter is the master, please!"

The sword said without a double mouth, but there is a heavy war with a war.

He, just broke through the Samsung ancient gods, and because the relationship between the blood, the relationship between the blood is skyrocketing.

He judge his current power, it should have reached the level of three turnover, but there is no achievement, or in the three turn, there is a level, there is no truth, he can't affirmed .

But now, this bitter looks out.

The strength of this bitter, just qualified as his opponent, let him hurt it, and there is a definite understanding of his strength.

"Come on!" The sword did not have a low mouth, and it was a heavy exciting light.


The bitterness is a cold snoring, and his hands turned over, and the two palms have a war knife.

"Two knives?" The sword was unparalleled.

In the green fire industry, the strong number of soldiers used the war knife countless, like his brother, bloody day, the war knife is a blade.

But at the same time, I used two knives, but very little.

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

A whisper from the mainstay of the hardships, this bitter figure is instantly moving.

call out!

The whole person, the whole person, directized to a war knife, ruthlessly broke the voids in front of the front, and directly appeared in front of the sword, one appeared, the knife knife was at the same time.

"So fast!"

The sword is unparalleled.

The speed of this bitter is really too fast. In the three turnover, it is estimated that only a very small number of strong stations can be better than.

The two knives are simultaneously waving, and the power is also a strong amazing.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peaks have already appeared in his hand, and the power of the ancient gods is constantly incorporated into the palm.

Hey! Hey!

The two low-spirited sounds sounded, and the two knives were hit by the sword, the sword, the sword, the sword, the terrible power broke out, so the sword was unparalleled, couldn't help but sink. ****** S: Brothers, today is still five more, the sales list is lost, everyone's subscription is not awesome! !

Come on, come crazy, subscribe!

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