Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 980 is invincible

"It is a conscious attack?" The sword was unparalleled.

Consciousness attack, he will also, and he has just regard him.

The sense of attack is a conscious attack, and the attack move is an attack, which is completely different.

Now, the smart is the knife, which is actually awareness attack in the knife.

Consciousness attack, with the knife method, is actually integrated?

Seeing the moment of the knife, the consciousness attacked the sword without double, although the sword was unparalleled, it was unparalleled, and the consciousness was still a meal, and the suffering of the Lord was also true. It's too fast, so that the sword is unparalleled, it is not as good as the sword to resist, and I can only look at the knife, and I will hit him.

"not good!"

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Xiao Emperor in Huangcheng and others, seeing this scene, all shocked.

"Do you want to die?" The three national people, showed the color of the ecstasy.

Especially the sky, the emperor, the South Emperor, but they can't sword, the sword is in the old hand.

The knife is coming, the sword is unparalleled, and this knife is directly smashed directly on the sword where the sword is unparalleled.


The metal impacters sounded, splashing with sparks.

"Well?" I have a shock of the main body.

"What?" Three major countries, the strong people are shocked.

I saw the battlefield void, the power of the main battle knife is next to the sword unparalleled body, the horrible power has completely burst out, but the knife can not break the samnothies on the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to stand there, the face is light, and the breath is not weakened.

"How can it be?"

Those strong people in the three countries are completely shocked.

Despite the few days ago, the sword was unparalleled with the osteo, the silent road was full of fire, and he couldn't puncture the sword without double clothes. The resulted war is, but now, it is, but the suffering of the 18th Lord of the Hall of the Temple of Vacancy.

And the suffering of the Lord is the strongest knife, the power of this knife, the peripherals can feel, almost three-turn top level.

Results, such a strong horizontal knife, the front is smashed in the sword, and the sword is unparalleled.

Defense ability, so anti-day?

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a strong surprise. His body shape is also shaking slightly, the bottom is even more crazy, "Sure enough, I really have me."

"I have a Samsung's ancient god, the flesh is strong, plus the bloody will directly weaken the five-year-old power, even if it is not resistant, the three turn is a respect, and only standing in the most A few people at the top can hurt me! "

"And this bitter, although the strength is very good, he just had a knife, the speed of terror, it is still very strange, in the three turn to respect, it is estimated that there are not a few people can have time to block, the knife method is terrible But attacking the power, but just close to the top of the three-turn, this is the power ... Can't hurt me !!! "

"I can't do it, I can't do it, and I want to kill me, it is a luxury!"

On the battlefield, the bitterness of the opposite is crunchy, he also seen it.

"This kid, obviously just a eternal border, but the body is terrible, and the blood robes wear on him are not small, I have a big knife, I can't hurt him." The Lord thought of this, could not help but secretly Shook his head.

"Holding the Lord, your strongest knife has already been displayed, then you will receive the strongest strokes you have also received." The sword was unparalleled.

The pain of the painting is sinking, and immediately looked up in the sword.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, the eyes are cold, and the three four-four four-faced star patterns are even more dazzling, the vast ancient gods, such as the tide of the trend, and flock his right handfall.

"The second finger of the ancient god, the broken star!"

The sword is unparalleled in the sword, and the screams, the hand has already accomplished the ultimate index finger, and instantly pointed out.


Immediately in the void, a dramatic pothole, the center of the pothole, a high ancient gods appeared slowly, this ancient god imaginary shadow, just half a sea, and the volume is not too huge, Only a hundred feet is high, but when this vain pointed out that the horrible gentleness is swept, but it is still a lot of strong people in the field.

The ancient god three fingers, this is the second point!

One thousand two hundred years ago, the crime of the Crown City, the sword is unparalleled, and he is the blood of the swallowing Luo Zhenwang, and the extremely horrible war can be perfectly reflected in this point. come out.

Now, he has reached the Samsung ancient god level, this second point, he just barely can show.

Although it is very reluctant, it is still much stronger than the first point.

The horrible finger, feeling this referring to the heinous power of the heil, and the main face is also sinking, and a cold snort is issued from his mouth. He will take a knife in his own mouth, and the powerful power is burst, it A knife, destroyed and pulling the waves.


A great ring.

The horrible power has formed a storm, and the surrounding void, there is also a crushing of the ground, this storm is still spreading with amazing speed.


A ghost figure, it is the pain of the storm, it is the bitterness, but the bitterness of this moment, his face is a little pale, his mouth also has a blood, obviously in that shock, he It is not well received.

As for the sword, it is still in the core of the big storm. When the storm is completely scattered, his body has gradually revealed.

"The sword is unparalleled, you won, from now on, this seat will never mention the words of the hatred in front of you." The Lord of the Lord opened, the sound took a harder.

He is indeed helpless.

In fact, it is really important to be strength, and he is more than the sword.

When you are killing, the sword is unparalleled by him, and his strongest knife, the sword is unparalleled.

But why, the sword is unparalleled, it is too counter-sky!

He didn't hurt the sword without a double slightest.

Under this circumstance, even if the sword is unparalleled, it is not returned, let him attack, he can't kill the sword.

Such a reverse ability of the sky, so that the sword has no double, which is already in an invincible place.

"The Lord, the Lord, and the." The sword is unparalleled is to show a cool smile.

"The sword is unparalleled, I came today, I also brought a word of the people of the temple. The palace wanted to ask you, is there an interested to join the void Temple?" The Lord suddenly came.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled.

The void palace invited him to join the void temple?

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