Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 981 is accompanying!

Before the sword is unparalleled, I thought that this bitter lord came here. When I was a revenge for revenge, it would be not so much.

"The sword is unparalleled, the palace is invited to invite, this treatment since the creation of the Temple of the Vachase, there is not much person to have, you can consider it, I will be able to take care of the temple of the Temple, you should clear some, like your brother, Also in the temple of my empty, and with your strength, if you join the void temple, the horse is the position of the lord, and how long does it take, maybe it can become the old man of the Hall of the Hall. "

The sword is unparalleled, but did not make an answer immediately.

"You have considered it, if you think about it, you will crush such a controversy, you will know the first time, and will immediately send people to pick you up." The Lord of Zun said, then throw an enormator Give the sword.

"Thank you, I'm going back to tell the empty temple, saying that I will carefully think about it." The sword has no double.

"Well, the seat is not born."

After saying, this bitter look is straight.

The sword has no bumper to leave the owner, and the harmonic is also carefully harvested, and then his gaze is a camp in the top three countries in front.

In the three national camps, a large number of strong people, with the Supreme Supreme, the Emperor, the South Emperor, gathered together.

At this moment, these strong people in the three countries are extremely ugly.

They originally want to let the Lord killed the swords, and they can also make the sword unparalleled in the bottom of the sword. Who once thought that this void Temple 18th lord is one of the suffering people, it can't be a sword Unparalleled to the limit.

Even, there is no threat to the sword.

Yes, there is no threat.

Because the sword is unparalleled, it does not resist it, the suffering owner can't kill him.

"Trouble." The sky is full of gloomy.

And at this time ...

"Three national countries." A magnificent voice has sounded in this world and also passed to the three national camp.

Say this, naturally the sword is unparalleled, at this moment, he stood in the emperor outside the imperial city. He holds his hands, the cold eyes sweep, "I have said to you, limited you in three days. Inside, give me an explanation, now I have passed for two days, you have three big countries, you can think about how to answer me? "

When I heard this, the sky, the Emperor, the South Emperor's three men became unusually uncein, the next moment, his three people were moving, but the sword is unparalleled, it rely above, until walking When the sword is not bored, there is not enough Baizhang, and the party stops.

No one from Baizhangyuan, any of the respects can be spanning instantly.

"This kid, seeing our three people relying on him, he actually moved, and there was no shortage to refund. Is it really a fear?" frightened.

"His defense means, it is called against the sky, and the hardships of the Lord can't hurt him. If there is such a defense, he is of course not afraid, after all, even if we are in the three people, you personally Shoot, in a short time, I am afraid that I can't really kill him. "Hey Di said.

also nodded.


Although he is a strong strong, but if you want to kill the sword that has the anti-defense ability in a short time, it is a luxury.

"If I have not guess, you are three of the three privileges of the three countries, the center of the Tianzun, who wants to come, is the famous day of the famous name." The sword is unparalleled with gentle Smile, this smile is full of confidence.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The sky is open, and his voice is magnificent, with a sense of majesty, he is the atmosphere of the day, and it is instantly in the sword.

"Do you want me to give you three countries?"


"Do you have a thousand years of the battle of Huangcheng for a thousand years old?"

Every word that is said with great preciseness, oppressing in the sword.

"Is it still not enough?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Not enough, of course, not enough!" , "You don't want to be a fool, a thousand two hundred years of strong royal board, you really show an incredible strength, but the strength, but not you, But you have temporarily owned by some special means, and it is estimated that your flesh will directly be bloody because of using the means. "

"The same means, you can use it once, it is already incredible, you want to use it for the second time, it is impossible!"

"In this way, what is the present to explain it!"

What is the words say it is true.

Now Dong Tang Tang has not been able to counter these three countries, and if the sword is unparalleled, it will show a thousand two hundred and the surprise means. The three national countries want to do anything, he also stopped.

Even the sword is unparalleled, you have to admit it.

"You are right, now I, I can't use it again." The sword is unparalleled. "If you do the three national countries, if you don't want to completely eradicate Eastern Tang Dynasty, rely on me It is also unable to stop, but one thing, I have to tell the sky to respect you, and there are three major countries. "

The sword is unparalleled, tight, then the sky, with the chilly voice, there is a long time.

"Three national countries, you can continue to be siege Tang Dynasty, you can continue to surround this emperor, and the 36th government of Eastern Tang Dynasty and many territories, you can all take it away, now East Tang Dynasty, there is nothing Resistance, I only have a dry share. "

"There can be a big array of Ling Dao, you can't attack this emperor, and you can't kill all the many strong people in the Imperial City. The strength of the highest level of Eastern Tang Dynasty, and Introdunt to keep it. "

"And just in your way, I am not double, I will leave directly!"

"I will go alone, go to find many opportunities, I want to improve the strength!"

"Take my talent, I have a thousand years, I have a grasp, breakthrough to Dao Zun, within 10 years, I may even reach Tianzun!"

"Waiting for me to reach Tianzun, or wait for my strength to reach a certain level, I will come back again, when I arrived ... , the emperor, the South Emperor, and there are three big countries, no matter you fleeing Where is it, even if I fleeted to the world of chaotic world, my sword has no pair of swearing, I will find you one by one, I will kill you one by one, hurry! "

"I will also let you three countries, in this world, complete smoke, no cloud, don't leave a trace!"

"I will put the words here today. If you want the fish to die, I am unparalleled, I will accompany the end!"


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