Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 983 Jinshu Search, Master?

In the past, there are also three major countries in the East Tang Dynasty, the sky, the sky, the emperor, the South Emperor has a vow.

About 100,000 years, no matter how it is still in a dark, it will not enter the Tang Dynasty.

"The vows have already set up, the sword is unparalleled, now you should be satisfied?" The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

"Of course, I am satisfied." The sword is a smile. "Since the vow has been, the three people bring you, hurry."

"Hey." , .

"Xiao Em, this time, it is good for you to have the eastern Tang Dynasty, but you will be so good to have this good!"

I drank a little, and I saw a sleepless robe and looked at the two different emperors next to them.

"let's go!"

The Emperor of the Emperor and the South Emperor can only be unable to leave.

But they are just ready to make your body ...

"If you come, let's go, let's go, this day, this is a good thing?" A thick voice was suddenly sounded throughout the world.

The three people who have just turned around, the look is all, the figure is also there.

Just in front of them, in their sight, I don't know when, I actually came out of a golden robe.

This golden robe, a white-haired, looking at the peace, and more attractive, it is that his eyebrows have a scarlet cinnabar, he is so unscrupulous appearance, just awkward Three people can be back to him, and the three people have not been spotted.

"He, he is ..."

When the three people saw this golden robe, the eyes were sharp.

Within the imperial city, the big array of coverage, Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor and cold as frost, they have been standing there, quiet waiting.

When the golden robe appears, they also saw it for the first time.

And I saw the people, Xiao Emily used the eyes of the Yun Emperor, but they were all in an instant, and in their depths of their pupils, an unprecedented ecstasy suddenly came out.

Next moment, Xiao Emily moved immediately with Yunminti.

Their two no longer estimated their injuries. After the first time, the two rushed out of the big array, rushing out of the emperor, ignored the three people, directly came to the old people, then, in everyone Under the eyes of the horror, Xiao Emily went to Yun Emperor, Qi Qi.

"Disciple, welcome the Master!"

"Disciple, welcome the Master!"

With a surprise sound that is difficult to depress, he sent from Xiao Emperor and Yunmi.

I heard this, everyone in the scene, the body shape is a shock.

Even the sword is unparalleled, and it is also shocked. He is full of stereotypes, and the old man is in the past.


Xiao Emperor and Yun Emperor's Master?

Who is their master, the entire green world, no one does not know.

Now Xiao Emperor and Yun Di said before the eyes of this golden robe, the identity of this golden robe, and it is clear.

Tanghuang !!! "

"Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the four great emperors of the Qing Di, Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor !!!"

"I didn't know how many years of Tang emperor, turned out to be back?"


The whole world is completely caught in a crazy.

Especially in the imperial city, the strong people in Eastern Tang Tang, who knows the identity of this golden robe, can't help but come from the heart.

Tang Huang!

The legendary pioneer in the Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty, truly supra.

It is him, pioneered Dong Tang Dynasty, is him, teat four emperors of the famous high-shock circles.

In many years ago, after the Tang Dynasty, he disappeared, and there was no audio, and many people thought that Tanghuang was dead.

Even even Xiao Emperor, the Yun Emperor has doubts, but now, the legendary existence is back.

"Get up." Tang Huang waved, and a force was pulled out, so Xiao Emily and Yun Emperor did not help but stand up.

"You two things, you will say it later."

The old robe, that is, the Tang Huang gave a look at Xiao Emperor, and then it was a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

"The old man leaving for so many years, the change in the green circle can be true, the country is only the country of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, but now there is a four-party country, and the three national kines, it is still connected to it. Hitting the entrance of Dong Tang Huangcheng, this kind of courage, it is not small. "Tang Huang said, and he can't hear an angry.

, Emperor Emperor

For this Tang Emperor, they have an unprecedented jealous, this kind of jealousy is more than the sword. Don't know how many times.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, but his potential, it is all possible things that will happen in the future.

The Tang Dynasty is completely different.

Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor has the strong people in the Emperor Tang Dynasty, but it is a smoking of the three people.

The three countries before, but it is very arrogant.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, it is only threatened by itself, but it does not revenue these three countries, let them pay the price, but the Tang Huang returns, it is completely different.

"A Tianzun, the other two, just the three-turn end of the trip, this strength, actually to cover my Eastern Tang Dynasty?"


Tang Huang smiled, but immediately reached out his fingers, and the three people in the sky.

It seems that it seems to have a horrible power to instantly act on the three people in the sky.

The three people in the sky showed an unprecedented horror, even if the three people were stronger, in the face of this point, there was no room for struggling, and the next three people spurted a big blood. , The body is also a burst of wolf.

When the storm is stabilized again, the top of the three has become paleble and there is no blood color.



"so horrible!"

A piece of exclaimed sound around.

Only one of them, I was seriously injured in the sky, and there were some people present, this is still the reason for the Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, the three people are just in that finger, and they will fly to smoke.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are very strong, the strength is strong, than that of the Yuanzi is strong, the Yuanzi is in front of you in front of you in front of you, it is estimated to have a few Trick. "The voice of the King said in the sword.

"Is it so powerful?" The sword is unparalleled. "

Above the void, Tang Huang's eyes, overlooking the three people.

"You should be fortunate before, fortunately, you have left the old vows for more than 100,000 years, I don't enter the Tang Dynasty, and you are fortunate that you are a green palace. "

Tang Huang's indifferent voice, also resounded in this day.


PS: Brothers, today, still five more! !

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