Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 984, Qingdi?

Many strong people present are full of shocking.

And that is seriously injured, but there is no died of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Just just, they still hated swords without double into bones, but now, the bottom is beginning to be grateful to the sword.

After all, if there is no threat of swords, they will never make concessions, and it is more impossible to make such a multi-person face, and there is no vows in the past 100,000 years.

If there is no such oath, they didn't plan to retreat, then this Tang emperor, I am afraid it will not be left.

As for the Qinglu Palace mentioned in Tang Dynasty ... Although there is also a part of the relationship, it is clear that the three people of the emperor, the South Emperor is clear, Tang Huangru is the words of the Tang Ruo, then it will never care about it. Venean.

"You are three, listen carefully."

Tang Yu is a cold, "the old man gives you ten days, within ten days, your three national countries must not only completely withdraw from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and have to accumulate your three countries so many years. Treasure, half of the money as a lifetime. "

"Is there a problem?"

The voice of Tang Huang came, and the strong people of the three countries heard this, and the face became unusually difficult to look.

Ten days withdraw from the Tangdang Dynasty, this is absolutely no problem. Since Tang Huang returned, the three national countries did not dare to continue in the Tangdang Dynasty in Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Can three major countries to accumulate treasures for many years, half a half as a lifetime?

This makes the top three countries in the country.

That is, the accumulation of the three national countries, now I have to hand over half?

, Emperor Emperor, the South Emperor's three people are slightly tremble, although it is very unwilling, but it doesn't have guts and dare to violate Tanghuang.

"Within ten days, we will send people to the treasures." .

"I still don't know how to do it, roll." Tang Huang squad sleeve, the three of the three countries with three countries, I didn't dare to delay, and I left directly.

I saw the strong wolf of the three countries left. In the Huangcheng, I immediately broke out a boy.

The strong people in Eastern Tang Dynasty were surprised.

It is important that they are in this emperor, and they have been more than two hundred years. This thousand two years, the strong people in the three countries have been in front of the emperor, pointed at their nose, they have been angry. At very, it is only too big, there is no way, and they can only hide within the big array of Huangcheng.

But now, the strong people of the three countries have finally left.

And it is still the emperor, the fighter of the wolf is coming.

Tang Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Tanghuang, also personally returned!

Regardless of the previous Eastern Tang Dynasty, there is a huge huge huge, now, since the Tang Huang returns, everything facing the East Tang Dynasty is also solved.

In this green world, no one dares to have any thoughts on the Tang Dynasty.

This is the deterrence of Tanghuang.



Xiao Emily looked at the sword with Yun Emperor.

"Okay, let's go back first." Tang Huang waved, but immediately returned to the emperor with the sword.

The palace, there is a huge temple, wearing the Tang emperor of the golden robe, sitting in the main hall, under the bottom, Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor, sword, cold, frost and other East Tang's highest level Strong, sitting there.

"Master, the passage of things, this is the case, it is the disciple. It has not been able to control the , let her of the East Tang Dynasty, destroy this." Xiao Emperor will have some things in these years. " It is simply sinful to say it, and it is also guilty of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Huang's eyebrows are slightly frowned. , Almost make Eastern Tang Dynasty to fall into the land! "

"Fortunately, finally kill the people of the blood, and the Eastern Tang Dynasty is not completely dissipated."

Tang Huang said, but the deep eyes, but he saw the sword in the direction of the sword.

"Little guy, what is the sword is unparalleled?" Tang Huang is gentle, and the tone is also quite peaceful.

"The sword is unparalleled, see Tang Huang Senior." The sword is unparalleled to respect and honor.

In the face of the legendary characters such as Tanghuang, the sword is unparalleled to maintain the respect.

"It's a long way to say that if the old man doesn't look wrong, you should be a child's pass. If you are divided, you should call me a prime." Tang Huang smiled.

"Teacher? Xiao Qing's pass?" The sword is unparalleled, and it is even more confusion.

"The sword is unparalleled." Xiao Emily looked at the sword, "I have told you before, the door you cultivate, I am from my friend's hand, and actually, my this A friend, it is my division, that is, the strength of the four emperors is in the first ... Qing Di! "

"What?" The sword was shocked.

Big Tiantian, is it from the hands of the Qing Dynasty?

The legendary, almost unreasonable, and the strength, it is also a young emperor who is also righteous with Tang Dynasty?

"You cultivate the skills left by the division, naturally, is a teacher's sister, and now you face the teacher's master, you want your teacher, not." Xiao Emperor smiled.

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled. "

If you say the teacher, the sword is unparalleled, and that is a mysterious one.

Xuan Yi, is that he really smashed his teacher, and he had Mo Dad.

Xuan Yi treats him, such as the father.

But if you are just a pass, he is indeed a person's pass.

As he got the heritage of Luo Zhenwang, although he wasted from 90%, some blood was absorbed by him, and he also had a complete royal god of the ancient gods, calculated, He is naturally called the singer of Luo Zhenwang.

And the big changes in the sky, that is, the reason why he can walk to today's today.

There is no big way to make a day, there is no now.

Big Tiantian Conducting, since the Qing Dynasty is left to him, then he is naturally a young emperor.

This is said that he is Tang Huang's ancestors and it should be.

"The sword is unparalleled, seeing the ancestor." The sword was unwounded.

"Haha ~~~" Tang Emperor is smiling, "Xiao Ying is a very good pass, her reverse repair, but after success, but the little guy, you must act carefully, you must be careful, you must be careful. Don't step into the back of Xiaoqing. "

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