Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 985 Reverse Rehabilitation

"Don't go back to the young emperor?"

The sword is unparalleled, but the face is extremely quirky, the spin is immediately asked: "The teacher, Xiao Shu, the elderly senior, how is it falling?"

This problem, the sword is unparalleled, and this issue should also be a mystery of the fire community.

Why will you fall?

Tips, the strength of the Qing Di, can be comparable to Tanghuang. In this hot circle, it is invincible unless it is from the strong people from the fire world, otherwise no one can kill her.

You can die.

The four great emperors of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the Qing Di is the first fallen.

And because the Qing Dynasty fallen, the Tangsheng Tang Dynasty will only disintegrate, and there will be a series of changes.

"The martial arts is not to be killed, but there are other reasons." Xiao Emperor seriously.

"Is it because the reason is because of the reason?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Calculate it." Xiao Emily nodded.

The Tanghuang is the opening: "That skills, it was originally the old man's chance, and the old man looked at the practice method, unique, called the world, and the old man wanted to try Dressing, but very quickly, the old man found that the skills must be a step-by-step growth to completely play it out. "

"So this skill can only be cultivated from the little guys who have just contacted spiritual power, and they can't be people in the ancient world."

"After all, the great cultivation conditions are very good, the spiritual power is abundant, one person can only cultivate with heart, it can not be easily reached in Lingxiao for decades, and even reach the gods, so that this practice is just starting to finish the US root base. In those steps, I can't achieve the effect. "

The sword is unparalleled and secretly nodded.

Big Tiantian, the beginning is the gods of the gods, the expiration of the sea, the construction of the golden Dan, the Yin Jingyang, ask Dingzi, straight to the nine!

Here, there are six steps.

Every step has a major role, it can be said that every step is the key to the full root base.

If it is in the ancient world, it is good to cultivate the conditions. If the talent is good, it can be used to connect to the great level for a few years. It is not able to reach these six steps. Full of Meigeni.

"So, the old man can go to the numerous anecdotes, and choose the genius suitable for cultivating this practice method, and the old man will choose four little guys at the same time. These four little guys are the old husband. The four pro-disciples. "

"After the old husband got four for the disciple, he taught the skills one by one, but it was a pity that cultivated the skills, not just need talent, and many other factors, the old man, the four disciples, On the same conditions, as for other three people, just cultivate the sea level or the goldenan level, it is stagnant, the old man helpless, and finally can only let them practice other skills, so They can grow slowly. "Tang Huang said.

And the sword is unhappy, but the heart is a movement.

When he had practiced a big days before, he did not feel other other constraints. He was very smooth, and did not encounter any obstacles, so he didn't know, cultivate this practice, and there are many other conditions. .

"The sword is unparalleled, I have also heard of the practice of retrieving the practice." The voice of the king is in the sword. "The formation of reversal is not only a counter-war, but the requirements for reverse repair itself. Also very harsh, according to what I know, have conditions, qualified to become reversible, even if there is a few people in one million, and you, it is clear that it is this hot world, a few have a few People in cultivating conditions. "

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

A green circle, there are not a few people with the condition of going against the sky?

And he is one of these few people. This chance is really low.

"When the master is fly, she divided the practice of the practice of the practice into two parts, which is the two gray stone beads you know." Xiao Emperor said, "The two gray stone beads, she will I gave me, and another one with her residual consciousness, through the space channel, entered the elderly, and looking for those who had conditions to be reversed, she found a full-length time, and finally, she found about you!"

"I think you have always been very strange before, why is the gray stone beads, do not appear in the body of others, it is necessary to appear in your body, that is because you are this world, the only few have a reverse repair One of the conditions of the condition, but just that you have not really exposed to the spirit. "

"I understand, I finally understood." The sword is unanimous.

He now figured out the origin of the gray stone beads of his own fate, and also know why the Qing emperor chooses him to become a pass.

It turned out to be because he met the cultivation conditions that became rebellious!

"Little guy." Tang Huang Dynasty sword watched it, said: "The Kung Fu, not with the same general, reverse repair, even if it is the whole of the ancient chaotic world, it is also a special existence, in addition, reverse repair, intention Between the sky, it will definitely be a heaven and earth, so your future path is not smooth, as for what will encounter, wait for you to break through the road, you will understand it. "

"I understand, thank you for your ancestors." The sword did not have the heart, and the heart also left a heart.

Even the Qing Di is all fallen on the road of reversal, and the sword is unparalleled.

So he will be more cautious!

"Right, the old man just heard from my disciples, have you have a non-mutual teacher?" Tang Huang suddenly asked.

The sword is unparalleled.

Just said that Xiao Emily told the Tang Dynasty, the things happened in these years, and naturally mentioned the conference of the appearance, also mentioned the Swordless's hiring of the Swordless General.

If you have a good fortune, you can have this big hand, and the Tang Huang naturally can see the sword unparalleled master.

"I have a master." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Can teach blood blade, there is a disciple like you, and take out that kind of hiring, your master, even the old man is quite curious, just, you will be married immediately with the old man. Can you ask him, give you a master married? "Tang Huang smiled.

"Married?" The sword was unparalleled, but it was a cold as the frost sitting next to the side.

Cold as frost, the sword, no double, then with the cold face, but it has a shame.

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