Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 988 comes out! ! !

Outside the Imperial City, a mountain in the mountains.

Tanghuang, Xiao Em, Yun Emperor, bloody sky, even two good brothers, including swords, unparalleled brothers, stay here, stay here, quiet waiting.

Not long after, a shaped shade of the snow will slowly from the distance sky, falling down.

At this moment, the frost, the face is pale, and her face has not carried whit feelings, as she is as indifferent.

"Frost." Xiao Emily looked up at his daughter, and his body shape was shaking, but his eyes were abnormal.

"Hey, it is blamed!" Xiao Emperor was still lie in.

"Father." Cold as frost looked at Xiao Emperor, "The thing has come here, saying more no need, you don't need to blame your mother, let her stay in That Leiser world, peace of mind is a lifetime. "

Xiao Emily is still full.

"Shantou, come over." Tang Huangcha is like a frost slightly.

"Shi Zu." Cold as Frost came to Tang Emperor.

Tang Huang waved his hand, leaving a mark on the cold.

"Teacher, this is?" Cold as frost doubts.

"All our people, hidden swords, promote your husband and wife with him, afterwards, he will definitely go crazy, even the imbalance, affecting his future growth, so I will leave a mark on you, this imprint For him, it is equivalent to the last hope. "

"That little guys are good, only with this hopes, he will never give up, this will become the power of inspiring his motivation, and it is good for you, or for him." Tang Huangdao.

"I understand." Cold as a frost slightly, but her body shape is a shock, a horrible ice is awkward from her body.

"There is no time." Cold as frost faces the pain of pain, there is a low-margin sound in the mouth, "Father, the teacher, goodbye!"

"All, goodbye!"

"The sword is unparalleled ... you me, come and see you again!"

With the last voice from the cold as the frost, the next moment is cold, but it is completely calm.

The world is also completely calm.

The temple of the mountains, Tanghuang, Xiao Emily, and Yun Emperor have become extremely difficult to look at the face, and the eyes are all cold in front of the body.

Cold as frost is quietly standing there, the horrible ice is around her weigh.

Suddenly, cold, the low head fierce, lifted the moment, the horrible ice-cold breath immediately rose to the ultimate, full of heavens and the earth.

The big world, completely caught in a cold, time and space, as if it is completely solidified.

It's a beautiful face that is cold at this moment, but it slows down. The eyes are not just cold, more is still a crazy, an evil.

"Haha !!!" Almost crazy laughter, from the mouth of cold as frost, the sound echoes in the horizon.


"It was sealed for so many years, it was finally coming out!"

"This is the body, I finally hit it completely, haha ​​~~~"

The Tanghuang, Xiao Em, who heard the emperor, and Xiao Emperor, heard the mad smile, and Xiao Emily cleared his hands.

He is very clear. For so many years, he has been tortured, and it is the 'thing in front of him.


The laughter of 'cold as frost' is stood, and the scorpion of the crazy and evil is straight to the Tang Emperor and others. The corner of his mouth also has a strange smile, "Hey, Tanghuang, old things, You still still leave a mark on this body? Why, do you really want the sword to come to me? "

"Why can't you?" Tanghuang voice also took a cold.

"Snow, how do you dare to disrespect your teacher?" Xiao Emily looked low.

"To shut up!"

'Cold as frost' Pleving Xiao Emperor, a horrible cold breath is directly swept, Xiao Emperor is a burst of body, and the body has a sprinkle, and the mouth is immediately overflowing a hint.

"Snow, is it your call?"

'Cold as frost' sound is cold, "For so many years, if it is not blinded by you, I will put it out of a pitiful, put it into a child, I will call your father? Rid!"

Xiao Emperor is mixed with water.

"But I said, I have to thank the sword. If it is not because of him, this stupid woman will never let go of the seal in their own body, I also want to release it so quickly, oh, but for a man, I didn't care if I lived, I was really stupid. "Cold as frost is cold.

"Shut up!" Xiao Emperor angry.

"Hey!" Tang Huang also immediately walked, "You, you have already fully controlled this body, the purpose has been reached, you can go, if there is any thoughts, I also said that the old man will be accompanying "

", ?" Cold as frost exudes a cold look, but it is grinning. "You have a good strength, I have just mastered this body, power. It can't reach the most perfect, and there is no absolute grasp to you, so, still is free. "

"Rest assured, the stupid woman has also made some conditions with me, although the conditions raised very ridiculous, but I also promised her for so many years, I also promised her, this world is too small. I am not interested in staying here, I don't have to accompany! "

"Haha ~~~"

With a soft and crazy smile, the shape of the frost is fluttering, the next moment is a sway, disappearing in this world.

On the mountains, I saw the cold as frost, Tanghuang and others were all helpless.

"Damn!" Xiao Emily slammed into the ground below, so that the ground had a huge pothole, his body shaking, a green gluten, a gluten, and the eyes are also scarlets, obviously It is extremely unllowed.

"Master, even if you don't have a way?" Xiao Emily looked at the Tang Emperor, and he wanted.

Tang Huang also secretly shouted.

"Congenital big sin?"

"Every innate sin is a tragedy, and it is also a disaster. If it is possible, the old man is really wanting to stay here completely, even if so, even the fever, the girl is also dead, also Don't hesitate. "

"Unfortunately, she has grown to this step now, even if the old husband, I didn't grasp it completely."

"Fortunately, she didn't choose to stay, but left this world, the ancient chaotic world, the strong, I hope someone can take her in front of her to bring her disaster."

The Tang Emperor is full of helplessness, sighs tone, Tang Huan looked around Xiao Emily and others behind him.

"Now, we still think about how to explain with swords and unparalleled little guys."


PS: Brothers, today is more.

This plot is too difficult to write, but the impact on the future is very very big. Everyone will leave a heart, don't mention cold as frost, everyone forgot.

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