Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 989 waiting for me!

"The sword is unparalleled, goodbye!"

"If there is any words, I will still choose when your wife!"

"You and me ... you will see you again!"

If you are cold, you are still surrounded by a sword.

"Do not!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the consciousness is awake, but it is already seven days.

"The sword is unparalleled, you wake up." The voice of the King was in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to stand up, but the completion is extremely unceumered, "" cold as frost? "

"She is gone." is indifferent.

"Get?" The sword has not been trembled, but asked, "Dai Wang, do you know that she wants to go?"

"Well, guess it." King did not deny it.

The sword has no doubles sucking tone, holding hands, low departure: "Let's talk, what is going on?"

"This matter, I have to come from the origin of the congenital sin." The king immediately started to tell, "in the vast chaotic world, there is a big sin, like a lot of poor and evil generations, those people like blood For your own interests, I don't hesitate to cultivate hundreds of millions of people. They are too vicious too evil, and more and more sins are more and more, gradually become a big sin. "

"This is a big sin, in the world of chaotic world, will generally be crowded, even have some powerful, and it will be a big chasing these big sins."

"However, this kind of big sin is because the day after the day, and slowly transforming, it is formed after tomorrow, but there is a big sin, the sin of the other, is like your little girlfriend The congenital sin! They are more special! "

"The innate sin is from the previous generation of genetics!"

"The last generation has a big sin. Under normal circumstances, it will bear the consequences of himself. It can also have a very low chance, which will put this big sin, inherited to the next generation, which caused the next generation to have just gave birth, Obviously, I have not done anything, but it is already a big sin. "

"Congenital sin, no matter how her own behalf, as long as it slowly passed, the sin of her sin will slowly transform his character, so that she has become extremely viral, evil, even more than those sins There have been too uncomfortable. "

"What?" The sword did not have a double color.

The most sinful congenital sin, will the character will be abnormally poisonous?

Cold as cold, as a congenital sin, act only just cold, but it is not evil?

"Your little girlfriend, as a congenital sin, normal situation, she lives to now, it should be swallowed by the sins of the body, it is a big devil, maybe her mother is for her. There is still some feelings, so don't have a heavy seal in her body. "

"This seal is quite strange, and it should be the existence of the Yuanzi, which is the existence of this heavy seal. The sin of your little girlfriend is not completely broke out, but the sin of the congenital sin, What is strong, the seal of the sun can't seal it too long, and the sin is in your small girlfriend, but also has formed an independent consciousness. "Said the king said.

"Independence?" The sword is unparalleled, "Do you say that there is two consciousness in the body of frost?"

"Yes." Kings nodded, "these two consciousness, one is your little girlfriend's own consciousness, and there is one, it is the strength of the sin."

The sword is unparalleled, and he is suddenly moving.

"Cold as snow?"

"Is it cold as snow?"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Two awareness, the same is within a body, this is equivalent to the mountains, the two will inevitably divide a winner, and there is a seal existence. Your little girlfriend occupies the absolute upper wind, and her body is absolutely controlled. However, it is different after the seal is unwaped. "

"In the past few days you returned to Huangcheng, I secretly observed your little girlfriend, the sin, I have covered her body, she has no room for struggling, and no one can save her. Her body will be aware of the consciousness of the sin, and her own consciousness will be completely pressed. In the future, I am afraid that there is no chance to turn over, life ... dark! " King said.

"What?" The sword has no doubles.

Consciousness is suppressed, and there is no chance to turn over?

Life, dark day?

This is the price of what you want to bear when it is cold as a frost to unwind the seal.

"The sword is unparalleled, before you want me to stop her ..." The king sighed, "It is useless, after her consciousness is pressed, the body will control the consciousness of the sin of the sin, congenital The horror of sin will be completely broke out. "

"Her strength will be overshadowed, and her destruction ability is beyond your imagination!"

"If she stays, it is a disaster!"

"She also knows this, so she will choose to leave you, and even leave this world."

The sword is not boundless.

"The sword is unparalleled, the innate sin, the book is sad, it is also very poor, but there is no way, you can do it now, you want to improve the strength, wait for you to become a real power in the future, becoming the West The top power of the founder, Luo Zhen Wang, so, you can resist her, then I want to go to save her. "Zhen Wang Zheng said.

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled, but the mood is gradually slow down.

King said yes.

He is now just a small eternal, single in this green world, there is a lot more than him, but also don't say that the vast ancient chaotic world.

And the congenital sin, in the vast chaotic world, is also a horrified horror.

He now, there is no qualification change, or helps cold as frost.

The only thing he can do now is to improve the strength step by step, step by step, and go to the peak.

When you have absolute strength, he can resist it, change it all.

"The road of strong people, full of difficulties, want to reach the peak, but also a luxury, but I must go step by step."

"No matter how long it takes!"

"Ten thousand years, 100,000 years, or even one million years !!!"

"One day, my sword will have to go to the peak, when I arrive, I have the ability to change this!"

"Frost, waiting for me!"

The sword is unbentered in the sword, and his hands are also holding tight. The fingertips are lying into the meat, and blood slowly drops, producing a painful pain.

But at this moment, the sword is unparalleled, but the heart is a piece.

He has already had a road to the peak, this road, no one can hinder him!


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