Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 990 Rotating Back to the Mainland

In the temple, the Tanghuang and Xiao Emperor, the Yun Emperor sat there and is negotiable.

The sword has no double diameter straight into the main hall.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the Tang Dynasty has become very complicated.

"Tang Emperor, Xiao Shu, Yun Emperor." The sword shouted.

"Sword is unparalleled ..." Tang Huang's brow wrinkled, but I didn't know what to say.

"I have already known things, I will not blame it, I know what I will do next." The sword did not have a double.

He is very clear, it's a matter of cold, and the Tang emperor will be clear, and the reason why it will look at him. It is also good for him.

When I heard the sword, the Tang Huang's eyebrows, the heart of the sword was a little higher than the sword.

"I thought that this little guy was crazy because of this, but now it seems that the old man is more, his heart, than the old man thinks, there is still a lot of strong." Tanghuang is dark, followed It is waving, and I have taken out anorge.

"When the cream left, the old man left a mark in his body. Through this entries, you can induce the existence of the mark. Of course, the premise is that the distance is not too far, like now, she has left this. In a world, I have been in a distant place, which can't be induced. "

The sword is unparalleled, and it is held in the hands, "there is a Law Tang Empress."

"There is only these olders to do." Tang Huang helpless.

The sword is unparalleled, and the spin is the eye is the past.

"Xiao Shu, I want to ask you something." The sword is unparalleled solemnly, "about my father."

"Your father?" Xiao Emily moved, followed by slightly, "Your father's drop, I really know some, but his business, say the leader, you sit down, listen to me."

The sword is not a double nod, immediately found a position to sit down.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should know that this is the ancient world, in fact, is it just the world of the whole dramatic chaotic world?" Xiao Emou took over.

"I know this." The sword did not have a pair.

"But you don't know, our world, in fact, there are two mainland." Xiao Emperor suddenly said.

"What?" "Sword is no double," two mainland? "

"Yes, our world, named the fire industry, and the fire industry is indeed in two mainland, this two mainland, called the void continent and round to the mainland." Xiao Emperor said.

"These two continents, although they are in a boundary, but not connected, only through unique space worm holes, can come back and forth between two continents."

"This continent like we are now is one of them, empty continents!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is quite horrified.

He knows today, this green world, there are two mainland.

"Void continent, actually named by the true hegemony of this continent, this internal structure, you should also be clear, but that round is different." Xiao Emperor continued.

"Returning to the mainland, in the area of ​​the territory, than our void continent, there is a big big one, the number of strong people, the number of strong people, more than our mainland, more, and reincarnation, there is no Fang Guisu, all parties, some, only a special ethnic group! "

"Ethnic group?" The sword was unparalleled.

"These special ethnic groups, with a part of the ancient blood, those blood are quite strange, just like you, there is also a unique blood." Xiao Emily said.

"Little guy." Tang Huang saw it at this time, "the old man see, the blood you have, should be the blood of the ancient god of the ancient gods in the vast chaotic world, and your blood level is very high, According to the old man, there is a very strong ethnic group in many ethnic groups in the round of the continent, and there is a certain origin with the ancient gods. "

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, and asked: "What is the name of the ethnic group?"

"The old man just said that there was such a thing in the Qinglu Palace, but did not ask, the name, the old man is not clear." The king shook his head.

Sword is unfortunately.

If he guess is right, you can have the blood of the ancient gods, because of his mother's relationship, and the family of the people in Wangkou, since there is a source of the ancient gods, it may not be with his mother. related.

"Xiao Shu, you will continue to say." The sword has no double.

Xiao Di suddenly said, followed by continuing to tell, "Rewashing the mainland, there are many ethnic groups, these ethnic groups have strong weakness, and each other is fighting, but the truly hegemony of the mainland is not these special ethnic groups, but the Temple of these special ethnic groups!"

"This round of the temple, in the reincarnation of the mainland, in fact, it is the same as the Temple of the Void in our void continent, has always been high, never participate in the battle, but has a great shock, in the reincarnation of the mainland No one dare to provoke. "

"Reincarnation Temple?" The sword was unparalleled.

His void continent, with the void temple, the void temple is high, never involved in the struggle of all parties on the mainland.

Returning to the mainland, is the Temple of Temples.

The nature of the two is almost?

"Returning to the temple, there is a lot of similarities with the void of the temple, but there is a little difference, there is no great binding in the temple of the void, and the power of the void Temple, generally directly on the void continent. Pick those topped, like to invite you, let you join the Hall of Void. "Xiao Emily said.

The sword is unparalleled.

He also knows that his brother is also a Temple of Temple, which is an invitation of the Hall of the Temple.

"It can be used to go back to the temple. In addition to the strong number of people, most of them have been cultivated by their homes," Xiao Emperor continued, "Those who came back to the Temple of Temples, in the outside world There is a special name called a reincarnation! "

"The reincarnation, from the first order to nineth order, it is divided into nine hierarchies, each level, the right to share, the strength is different."

"There are many kinds of these renewers."

"Some itself is some genius strong in the round to the mainland, and some are from our void continent, but most of them are from those who have an endless age."

"Ages?" The sword has no double.

"In short, as long as you have a certain talent, the reincarnation will find you, will invite you to join you with a great benefit. Of course, the opportunity is coexisting with the crisis. Become a reincarnation, you can get a number of resources in the Temple of Temple, But the same is also adventurous, but also the adventure of nine deaths! "


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