Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 991 Removal

"The reincarnation, in fact, a road in the true sense of the survival, nine deaths and can't look back."

"Those who have been selected by the Temple of Temples, from the beginning, the test of the Temple of the Temple, becomes a first-order reincarnation, the next time, they are in the crazy survival of the fittest, every other time, the Temple will be held once. Unsharbbly, this test is not only a dangerous abnormality, but the most important thing is that they can't refuse. "

"Take a first-order reincarnation, in general, will take a test in ten years. If you can pass the test, you can become a second-order reincarnation, but the test failure is alive, it will stay, wait 10 After the year, I continued to accept the second test. Once the test has failed, even if the luck is lucky, he will be turned back to the temple to smudge, there is no hit. "Xiao Emily said.

"If you have lost three tests, it will be smoked?" The sword was unparalleled.

If this test is to apply or choose anything, the key is, the key is that this test will be held once, and each hold, these reincarnations, there is no way to refuse, this is equal to a first order In the reincarnation, it must be a second-order reincarnation within 30 years, otherwise it is a dead road.

So testing, it is indeed cruel.

"Just just from the first-order reincarnation to the second-order reincarnation, it can be followed from the second order to threeth order, from the third order to the fourth order, and then the fiveth order, the sixth order must be regulated. Of course, or you must die! "

"Only after you reach sixth order, you can do not have to be restricted by this test." Xiao Di Road.

"Before the sixth order, it has to accept the test of the dangerous abnormality, and must also pass the test within the specified time." The sword is unparalleled.

"Instead of being cruel, as far as I know, the reincarnation of the Temple is selected, and the average 10,000 people can live in the prescribed time, and the level of the sixth-order reincarnation is not necessarily one." Xiao The emperor said.

"It's because it is too mad, he is terrible, so this road of reincarnation, almost no one dares to go, and only some of the endless people, they know that there are not many people. Only the courage dare to take the way. "

"Like your father, he is walking, it is a turn of the reincarnation, which is almost ten dead!"

When you hear this, the sword is unbolded but it becomes unusually difficult to look.

From Xiao Emperor just said, he has already guess.

At the beginning of the ancient world, the emperor saw the road selected by Jiannan Tian, ​​and even the scenery was shocked, and the sword was unparalleled, the road, even the souvenir will fear, and now he listens Xiao Emperor That way to say.


His father chose, it is indeed a discolored, almost many people dare to choose in the green circle.

The reincarnation of the Temple of Temple will play the best, and the rabbing is the extreme and brutal road.

"The sword is unparalleled, the reincarnation of the Temple of the Temple, almost no one is in the entire green world, almost no one knows that when the beginning of the temple invites your father to become a reincarnator, it is definitely there is a powerful relationship, telling your father. But your father knows that it is very powerful, but I have chosen this road. "Xiao Emily sighed.

The sword is not double-finished, and I can't help but think of the words of Jian Nan Tian and him.

"Even if this road is full of dangerous!"

"Even if this road is, it is a way you don't return!"

"As soon as you can see her again, even if it is just a side, I also argue into the devil, who is dead and why?"


"Father, he knew the road that he walked, there was no endless danger, and it couldn't describe it in nine deaths. But he still chose this way." The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it is Li Sheng Yong. Sway.

He knows that the sword is doing this, the purpose is only one.

"Everything, is it for your mother?" The sword was unimaced.

Deep sucking the tone, the sword was unparalleled, and then he had seen his mood again. "Xiao Shu, how can I know how my father is exactly?"

"The news of the reincarnation, even if it is in the Temple of the Temple, it is also a great confidential. You want to know your father's exact location, only one way, then you can go back to the mainland, find a golden clothes of the Temple of Temple or For a higher job, please help, you should find your father's fall. "Xiao Em said.

"Golden Gold Director?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"The golden clothes of the Temple of the Temple are all served by the seventh-order reincarnation. At that level, the strength of the two-turn end and the three turn to respect, even if it is in the reincarnation, it is not very common, and their permissions are quite big. , Generally seven-order income, they can be found. "Xiao Di Road.

"I can only find the reincarnation message below the seventh order, what is the seven-order?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The reincarnation of the seven-order order is so simple to achieve? Your father has become less than two thousand years. Even if he is in that time the test, he did not encounter hindrance, two thousand years, he Many can also become a six-order reincarnation, and the sixth-order reincarnation, generally have a strong power, it is very good, want to be strong ... "Xiao Emily secretly shook his head.

In his opinion, a little guy from the Avenue of the Avenue is a six-order reincarnation, which is almost quite incredible, and it is more impossible.

After all, no one can go to the sky like a sword.

And Jian Nan Tian, ​​although the talent is good, but in Xiao Em, it should be far worse than the sword.

When I heard Xiao Emperor, I didn't have a pair of swords, but I kept in the dark.

"The sword is unparalleled, see your look, should it be to go to the mainland?" Xiao Emou took over.

"Yes." The sword was unparalleled.

He was separated from his father for nearly two thousand years. So long time, he didn't even know his father's life and death.

Like this time he and the cold as frost marriage, his father can not be by him.

Now, since he already knows his father's drop, it must be looking for.

"Xiao Shu, I don't know how to go back to the mainland?" The sword is unparalleled.

"If you go back to the mainland, I can't help it, but you can go to your brother to help, the empty temple is in the temple, there is a way to reincarn the mainland space." Xiao Emily said.

"I understand." The sword has no double nodding.

"The sword is unparalleled, when are you going to start?" Xiao Emily asked.

"Immediately!" The sword is unhappy.


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