Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 992 Blood Month

Eastern Tang Dynasty, there is Tang Dynasty to sit in the town, steady such as Taishan, will not have any changes.

And the sword is unparalleled, and immediately prepare it immediately after knowing his father's drops.

Before the departure, the Ling Daozun, but found a sword.

In many years ago, Ling Daozun once received a young emperor, so she didn't refuse when she had a Tang Dynasty, and Xiao Emily invited her to help.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have been to my business, it has been completed." Ling Daozun waved, put a reel, handed to the sword.

"Is it broken?" The sword has no bisector.

The spindle is the original in Zihinia. He killed the Xia Yi two son Xia Wei, which was more precious and unique.

This spool should be a treasure of the swords, which contains extremely horrible swords.

However, when the sword is unparalleled, there is a very good ban on the scroll, so many years, he can't open the ban, and know that the spool is a sword to treasure, and can only do it.

Until a few days ago, he returned to Huangcheng, he saw this Ling Dao Zun, and he took this shaft out, please respected to break the ban on the spool.

Ling Dao is worthy of the first Master of the first array of fire circles. It took only a few days to break the ban on the abnormality.

"The ban on this scroll is quite a lot, even me, I also spend some hands and feet, but this volume is indeed a rare treasure, and it is just that you use it now." Ling Daozun said.

"It's been a predecessor." The sword was unparalleled.

"You don't have to be polite, I also want to know, like you are a peerless genius, how can you grow up in the end." Ling Dao is laughing, "Okay, the crisis of Eastern Tang Tang has been released, I should leave The sword is unparalleled, and it will be. "

After finishing, this Ling Daozun said that the sleeve left.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is immediately to find the roll.

When he knows the mystery of the roll, the sword is unparalleled.

"Good guy, this scroll is in this reset, there is a complete way of nineteen?" The sword is unparalleled.

This volume is a strong powerful, using a great means, and records nine complete swords, recorded within this shaft.

And the record is not just the experience of this nine-nine swords, and even the strong people use this nine-nine swordsman fighting scenes.

This is like, the nine-nine swords, completely showcase in front of the sword.

"Great, great!" The sword is unparalleled.

"I am now the ultimate, the next step is to open up my own way, the achievement of the road, and I have been aware of the most powerful swords, now I have gotten a sword reel that contains nineteen completes, and even fierce pictures. "

"This nineteen swords, although only ten ordinary swords, six Tiandijie Kendo, three cream-level swords, did not contain the strongest swords, but can still have an inevitable role."

"I am in the sword, now I have the strongest sword experience, and the nineteen different levels of Jun Road in this roll axis can be used for reference, how long, I have to grasp the swords that belong to myself. Come, as for opening up the strongest sword, it will never be too far! "

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is full of confidence.

On the same day, swords were unparalleled to find their master's brothers.

A huge spatial worm hole.

"Teacher, you really decided, go back to the mainland now?" Bloody was frowning.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"Well, I have already opened it for you, but this spatial worm hole can only lead to reincarnation, but will appear in the reincarnation of the mainland, I don't know, after all, I turn back to the mainland completely by the Temple of the Temple I can't insert my hand, you have to be careful about it. "Bloody Tiantian.

"Know it." The sword didn't smile, then it was directly within the spatial insect hole in front.

The light flashes, the sword is unparalleled, and it will soon disappear.


This is a quite dim continent.

At this time, the blood month is empty, and it is empty on this ancient earth, and it is also filled with a single killing atmosphere.

Returning to the mainland, the thousands of people are standing, fighting, here, the jungle law of the meat and weak food, the cruelty, more or more than the void continent.

On the empty ground, the void is crafted, followed by a body shape and slap the broken void.

The sword is unparalleled, wearing a bloody, a bloody robbery, carrying the blood peak sword, truly stepping into the ground from the continent.

"Here, is it a reincarnation?" The sword has no double eyed ring.

The place where he is now is on a vast plain, enters the eyes, an empty, can only faintly see the end of the line of sight, there has been a mountain's figure.

"Is it a round of blood month?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the sky, but the corner of the mouth is a smile.

Different continents, the environment is naturally different, this round of the sun is different from the moon with the void continent.

The martial arts cultivation, strength, but it is exactly the same.

"I just arrived back to the mainland. Everything about here is very strange, I don't want to find a gold coat of the temple, and I have no way to look at it, I have to find a place to be able to go." The sword is unparalleled.

Just then, ~~~ A unpackable energy fluctuations self-sword unparalleled voids.

The energy fluctuations out of this energy fluctuate is very far away, if the sword is unbeaten, it is difficult to induce.

"There, is it fierce battle?"

The sword is not a double eyebrow, but the next moment is directly to the place where the energy fluctuates.

The center of the vast plain, the fire rushes, the people are surging, here, it is a fierce battle, and it is still a very tragic battle!

People who participate in the war have hundreds of thousands of people.

"Kill, kill them!"

"Today, the people of Tianjia will die, the people of the Tianjiao, they have to die today! One can't escape!"

"Haha, kill kill !!"

The shout of the sky swayed throughout the sky, the crazy criticism sound was also shocked, and in this killing, he also accompanied by a screaming voice.

Most of these crying came from some children, some women.

When the sword is unparalleled in this battlefield, see a front scene, the brow can't help but frown.

What he saw now, it is actually a battle!


PS: There is still a lot of things to do, so today I will update it, I'm more.

No way, I will be engaged at the 15th number. I have to put the candy in the package this evening. I am ready to do it. Everyone understands.

In short, if there is time, you will try to keep five more, if you are too late, you will be more good, and you will update it.

In addition, the 15th is engaged, and the death will be a red envelope in the group. Whoever is coming, speed plus group, add group, don't miss

Group number: 317601474 Welcome everyone to join!

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