"It's really crazy!"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the fighting battle in front.

"I have listened to Xiao Shu to say that the killing between the many ethnic groups in the mainland is abnormally cruel. It is seen today."

The two ethnic groups of the fierce, the strength gap is very large, and the disadvantage is almost no resistance, it is completely easy to slaughter by the other party.

In this slaughter, don't say those martial arts, even if the children are not let go, they can kill, all kill.

"A group of hundreds of thousands of people, this war should be completely covered, people who can escape, it is estimated that there are not a few." The sword was unparalleled.

It is at this time ...

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double look. His eyes have seen their front, and there is a moving firing.

This is a middle-aged man with antenna bronze skin, staying , in the middle-aged man holding a child who looks less than ten years old.

"Father." Children looked at their father, but the face was red, "Mother, Dagob, there are three uncles they ..."

"Dead! They are dead! Our groups are finished!" The middle-aged man is tight and shaking slightly.

Children heard this, the little hand was gripped, but did not send any crying sound, some were the full hatred.

"Chasing, killing them!" After a low drink, it came back.

The middle-aged man has changed, immediately turned to see it, immediately saw himself, there were four people to chase.

The four people are very strong, and they have reached the level of the end of the eternal.

"This death is stared."

The middle-aged man is soaring, immediately speeding up the speed, but he just fled out, not long, pay attention to the long sword in front, wearing a young figure wearing a blood robes.

The four people who chased the middle-aged man also found the existence of swords.

"Haha, there is only a fish, a few brothers, a few, and kill him." A purple man headed is laughed.

The sword is not double-finished, and it is only a way to pass: "I am just a way to pass."

"How to pass the passerby? Who believes?" The purple man smiled, "Today, the people of this day, don't want to run away, do you want to run away, you are not the people of the Tianki, since it appears here, That's never, never let go, kill! "

The purple man is a murderous rain.

Their ethnic groups are in the entire round, although they are not there, but in the surrounding territory, they are definitely standing on the top, in this territory, and actually behave abnormal.

Like this day, they have been destroyed, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is an eternal life in the district. The purple man is not placed in the eyes.

"Ning kicked wrong, didn't you let?" The sword was unparalleled, and saw the purple man four people directly charted him. The eyes were long.

When the purple man killed him, it was not enough to be a long time.


The sword did not send an angry directly, this anger is accompanied by the strength of the strong ancient god.

puff! puff! puff! puff!

That violet man four-person shape is fierce, four people spurt their blood, and the figure is instant to fall back.

"What?" The purple man stood firmly, but immediately looked up with the sword.

"This little child, obviously is only a eternal, it is powerful, it seems to be uniform, at least his sound attack, very good." Zifa man crumped frowned, just an angry, the four people were seriously injured, This strength is obviously not four people can confront.

Next moment, this purple man is a strong message to the ethnic group. "I am a strong enemy, suspected of eternal, even close to the road, may be the strong in the sky."

After sending a message, the purple man is quiet and other three people stand quietly, staring at the sword, no pairs, no leave, and there is no intention to play again.

As for the middle-aged man holding a child, stopped in the distance.

"You, quickly escape, the strong people of the bones, will come immediately." The middle-aged man shouted.

"Bone Magic?" The sword didn't have a double heart, but suddenly looked up, "It's too late, it is already."

The sword is unparalleled, the red robe old in the bear's back is already in front of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled now, it is not only a thousand miles away from the territory of the two people. This red robes have been immediately moving after the news of the purple man, and the blink of work has arrived.

"Not good, it is this old monster." The middle-aged man standing in the distance, holding his child in his arms, but fled a far away.

"Tianjia family, there is a strong?" This suddenly arrived in the old red robe, there is a strange black tip on the left forehead, and the eyes are even more viral around the surroundings.

"The old man is old," that the purple man pointed to the sword and unparalleled: "I have four people who have chased the two Tianjiao. As a result, I just chased this person, he met this person. I sent an angry, and the anger contained the sound attack and directly wounded our four people. "

"Oh, the sound attack?" The red robe old is slightly, "as far as I know, the strong people of the Tianyi family have not good at the sound attack. Who are you?"

"I said, I am just a passman, but you can regard me as an enemy, holding the purpose of never letting go, I want to set up my death, so I can only shoot, give them A lesson. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Roadrie?" The old man is frowned, but it is a cold saying: "Before the 10th, my bones have already released the news. I have to go today to destroy the Tianki family, and all the people around the world have already been I know, I have already retired, and you, if there is no words with the Tianki family, how can I get at this time? "

"Dictionary is lying!"

The sword is unparalleled.

He is just from the void continent to this round of the continent, and it happens to appear in this plain.

It is indeed happening, and he is indeed with the Tianjia family.

"Hey, say, my bones are people, even if there is anything wrong, then I have to teach myself myself, a small man in your district, is there any qualification?" The old man is low.

"The old man doesn't care if you are, since you hurt my bones, you have to pay for the price!" The voice of the red robe is falling, his body shape is immediately rushing, and the strong breath is immediately from him. From rising on the body.


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